
authors:Bryan Forbes

dojo/request/node is a provider that uses Node.js‘s http or https modules to perform an asynchronous request. It is the default provider for node based platforms.


dojo/request/node provides a consistent API interface for making requests within a node environment, which can make it easier to manage your code on both the client side and the server side. Once you have bootstrapped Dojo within node, you can easily require dojo/request to return this module to handle your requests, or you can require it in directly.


Usage follows the client side API:

require(["dojo/request/node"], function(nodeRequest){
  nodeRequest("http://localhost/example.json", {
    handleAs: "json"
    // Do something with the handled data
  }, function(err){
    // Handle the error condition
  }, function(evt){
    // Handle a progress event from the request

But it is preferred to require the dojo/request module like the following, also specifying the method you intend to use:

require(["dojo/request"], function(request){
  request.get("http://localhost/example.json", {
    handleAs: "json"
    // Do something with the handled data
  }, function(err){
    // Handle the error condition
  }, function(evt){
    // Handle a progress event from the request

The progress event will contain any chunks of data (as a string) that have been returned as they are returned to the request.

dojo/request/node takes two arguments:

Argument Type Description
url String The URL that the request should be made to.
options Object? Optional A hash of options.

The options argument supports the following:

Property Type Default Description
data String|Object null Data, if any, that should be sent with the request.
query String|Object null The query string, if any, that should be sent with the request.
preventCache Boolean false If true will send an extra query parameter to ensure the browser and the server won’t supply cached values.
method String GET The HTTP method that should be used to send the request.
timeout Integer null The number of milliseconds to wait for the response. If this time passes the request is canceled and the promise rejected.
handleAs String text The content handler to process the response payload with.
headers Object   A hash of the custom headers to be sent with the request. Defaults to none.

The provider defaults to GET but the method option can be used to expressly set the method. Also there are helper functions for common methods:


Same as the base function, but the method is set to GET.


Same as the base function, but the method is set to POST.


Same as the base function, but the method is set to PUT.


Same as the base function, but the method is set to DELETE.


Because node.js is a server side technology, it is not possible to provide working codeglass examples for this module. Here is a basic example of creating a server and then making a request of that server to retrieve some JSON:

require(['require', 'dojo/request'], function(require, request){
  var http = require.nodeRequire('http'),

  var server = http.createServer(function(request, response){
    var body = '{ "foo": "bar" }';
    response.writeHead(200, {
      'Content-Length': body.length,
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'

  server.on('close', function(){
    if(timeout){ clearTimeout(timeout); }

  server.on('listening', function(){
    request.get('http://localhost:8124', {
      handleAs: 'json',
      headers: { 'Range': '1-2' },
      timeout: 1000
    }, function(err){


See also

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