
authors:Bryan Forbes

dojo/request/notify is a module that provides an interface for listening for global events emitted by the Request API.


As part of the Request API, providers will emit events during certain operations. dojo/request/notify is an interface for listening for these events.


An example of listening for provider events:

require(["dojo/request", "dojo/request/notify"], function(request, notify){
  notify("start", function(){
    // Do something when the request queue has started
    // This event won't fire again until "stop" has fired
  notify("send", function(response, cancel){
    // Do something before a request has been sent
    // Calling cancel() will prevent the request from
    // being sent
  notify("load", function(response){
    // Do something when a request has succeeded
  notify("error", function(error){
    // Do something when a request has failed
  notify("done", function(responseOrError){
    // Do something whether a request has succeeded or failed
    if(responseOrError instanceof Error){
      // Do something when a request has failed
      // Do something when a request has succeeded
  notify("stop", function(){
    // Do something when all in-flight requests have finished


dojo/request/notify() takes two arguments:

Argument Type Description
event String The event to be notified of.
listener Function A function to be called when the event is emitted.

The events supported are:

Event Arguments Description
start None In-flight requests have started
send Response, Cancel function Emitted prior to a provider sending data; calling cancel prevents the request from being sent
load Response A request successfully completed
error Response A request failed
done Response A request has finished (regardless of success or failure)
stop None All in-flight requests have finished

dojo/request/notify() returns an object with a remove() method. When remove() is called, the listener will no longer be called when the event it was registered for is emitted.


This example listens to all the events supported and then makes a request to retrieve some JSON and displays the results.

require(["dojo/request/xhr", "dojo/request/notify", "dojo/on", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-construct",
    "dojo/json", "dojo/domReady!"],
function(xhr, notify, on, dom, domConst, JSON){
  notify("start", function(){"<p>start</p>", "output");
  notify("send", function(response, cancel){
    // cancel() can be called to prevent the request from
    // being sent"<p>send: <code>" + JSON.stringify(response) + "</code></p>", "output");
  notify("load", function(response){"<p>load: <code>" + JSON.stringify(response) + "</code></p>", "output");
  notify("error", function(response){"<p>error: <code>" + JSON.stringify(response) + "</code></p>", "output");
  notify("done", function(response){"<p>done: <code>" + JSON.stringify(response) + "</code></p>", "output");
  notify("stop", function(){"<p>stop</p>", "output");

  on(dom.byId("startButton"), "click", function(){
    xhr.get("helloworld.json", {
      handleAs: "json"
    }).then(function(data){"<p>request data: <code>" + JSON.stringify(data) + "</code></p>", "output");
<div id="output"></div>
<button type="button" id="startButton">Start</button>

See also

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