
authors:Bryan Forbes

dojo/request/registry is a module that provides the ability to register providers to handle requests based on criteria such as the URL of the request.


dojo/request/registry allows for the registration of providers against a URL pattern or other criteria, which is then matched when a request is made. This allows using the same API call across an application while using multiple providers. An example of this would be using dojo/request/xhr for same domain requests and dojo/request/script for cross domain requests, but only ever calling dojo/request.


To use the registry, you need to require it, register providers, and make your requests:

require(["dojo/request/registry", "dojo/request/xhr", "dojo/request/script"], function(request, xhr, script){
  // Register with a regex
  request.register(/^foo/, xhr);

  // Register with a string
  request.register("bar", script);

  // Register with a function and add to the beginning
  // of the list of providers using a truthy third argument
  request.register(function(url, options){
    // Return a truthy value if this provider should be matched, otherwise
    // return a falsey value
    return !!options.useXHR;
  }, xhr, true);

  // Will match the first registration
    // Do something with the response

  // Will match the second registration
    // Do something with the response

  // Will match the third registration because
  // it was added to the beginning of the provider
  // list and will match before the first registration
  request.get("foo.html", {
    useXHR: true
    // Do something with the response

  // Will use the fallback provider (the platform default unless explicitly set)
    // Do something with the response

As providers are registered, they are pushed onto the registry stack, whereby the first positive match encountered is used. There is an optional third argument to register() which, if truthy, will put the provider being registered at the top of the stack. If there are no matches, the registry will fallback to the platform default provider.

The base function of the module conforms to the Request API and will use the default HTTP method of the matching provider.


This registers a provider. It takes up to three arguments:

Argument Type Description
url String|RegExp|Function

The criteria the registry should use to determine if provider should be used to make a request. If this is a function, it should take two arguments and return a truthy value if the provider should handle the request:

  • url - The URL being requested
  • options - The options being set on the request
provider Function The provider that should handle the request if matched.
first Boolean? Optional If truthy, the provider will be added to the beginning of the list of providers, possibly overriding previously registered providers.

register() returns a handle that can be used to remove the matcher from the stack:

require(["dojo/request/registry", "dojo/request/xhr"], function(request, xhr){
  var handle = request.register("foobar", xhr);

  // ...



Calls the mapped provider with a method of GET.


Calls the mapped provider with a method of POST. Note that the you need to ensure that any matched provider supports this method.


Calls the mapped provider with a method of PUT. Note that the you need to ensure that any matched provider supports this method.


Calls the mapped provider with a method of DELETE. Note that the you need to ensure that any matched provider supports this method.


This example will register a regular expression that will route anything that ends in .jsonp.js to the dojo/request/script provider; all other requests will go through the platform default provider (in the case of the browser, dojo/request/xhr).

require(["dojo/request/registry", "dojo/request/script", "dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/on",
function(request, script, dom, domConst, on){
  // Registers anything that ends in ".jsonp.js" be sent to the script provider
  request.register(/\.jsonp\.js$/i, script);

  on(dom.byId("startButton"), "click", function(){"<p>request: 'helloworld.jsonp.js'</p>", "output");
    request.get("helloworld.jsonp.js", {
      jsonp: "callback"
    }).then(function(data){"<p>script data: <code>" + JSON.stringify(data) + "</code></p>", "output");
    });"<p>request: 'helloworld.json'</p>", "output");
    request.get("helloworld.json", {
      handleAs: "json"
    }).then(function(data){"<p>xhr data: <code>" + JSON.stringify(data) + "</code></p>", "output");
<div id="output"></div>
<button type="button" id="startButton">Start</button>

See also

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