
Gets a property on an HTML element.


Handles normalized getting of properties on DOM nodes.

Since Dojo 1.7, dojo.getProp is exposed via the get method of the dojo/dom-prop module. An alias is kept in dojo/_base/html for backward-compatibility.


// Dojo 1.7+ (AMD)
require(["dojo/dom-prop"], function(domProp){
  domProp.get(node, name);

// Dojo < 1.7
dojo.getProp(node, name);
id or reference to the element to get the property on
the name of the property to get.


Dojo 1.7+ (AMD)

When using AMD format in a fully baseless application, get is accessed from the dojo/dom-prop module.

require(["dojo/dom-prop", "dojo/dom"], function(domProp, dom){
    // get the current value of the "foo" property on a node
    domProp.get(dom.byId("nodeId"), "foo");

    // or we can just pass the id:
    domProp.get("nodeId", "foo");

Alternatively, you can load dojo base in AMD style and continue using dojo.getProp in the define or require callback:

require(["dojo"], function(dojo){
    // get the current value of the "foo" property on a node
    dojo.getProp(dojo.byId("nodeId"), "foo");

    // or we can just pass the id:
    dojo.getProp("nodeId", "foo");

Dojo < 1.7

// get the current value of the "foo" property on a node
dojo.getProp(dojo.byId("nodeId"), "foo");

// or we can just pass the id:
dojo.getProp("nodeId", "foo");
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