

dojo._base.loader is a bootstrap module which contains all of the package loading methods.

As with all dojo._base components, these functions are included within Dojo Base. You get this functionality by just including dojo.js in your page.


  • dojoConfig

    Configuring Dojo with dojoConfig

  • dojo.ready

    Call functions after the DOM has finished loading and widgets declared in markup have been instantiated

  • dojo.addOnUnload

    Call functions when the page unloads

  • dojo.addOnWindowUnload

    Call functions when window.onunload fires

  • dojo.deprecated

    Log a debug message to indicate that a behavior has been deprecated

  • dojo.exists

    Determine if an object supports a given method

  • dojo.getObject

    Get a property from a dot-separated string, such as “A.B.C”


    Alias for the global scope

  • dojo.isBrowser

    Returns true if the client is a web-browser

  • dojo.isChrome (new in V1.3)

    Returns the version number of the browser, if the client is a Chrome-Browser, otherwise undefined

  • dojo.isFF

    Returns the version number of the browser, if the client is a Mozilla FireFox-Browser, otherwise undefined

  • dojo.isIE

    Returns the version number of the browser, if the client is a MS Internet Explorer-Browser, otherwise undefined

  • dojo.isKhtml

    Returns the version number of the browser, if the client is a KHTML browser, otherwise undefined

  • dojo.isMozilla

    Returns the version number of the browser, if the client is a Mozilla-based browser (Firefox, SeaMonkey), otherwise undefined

  • dojo.isOpera

    Returns the version number of the browser, if the client is a Opera-Browser, otherwise undefined

  • dojo.isSafari

    Returns the version number of the browser, if the client is is Safari or iPhone, otherwise undefined

  • dojo.isWebKit (new in V1.3)

    Returns the version number of the browser, if the client is a WebKit-derived browser (Konqueror, Safari, Chrome, etc.), otherwise undefined

  • dojo.mixin

    Multiple inheritance

  • dojo.registerModulePath

    Maps module name to a path

  • dojo.require

    Loads a Javascript module from the appropriate URI

  • dojo.setObject

    Set a property from a dot-separated string, such as “A.B.C”

  • dojo.version

    The current version number of Dojo

  • dojo.windowUnloaded

    Signal fired by impending window destruction

Table of Contents

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