

dojo.addOnWindowUnload registers a function to be triggered when window.onunload fires.


When a user exits the page to visit another page, the page is unloaded and a window.onunload event handler is fired. During this phase of page loading, it is not recommended that you try to modify the DOM or access JavaScript properties since they may not be available. You should consider using dojo.addOnUnload if you need to modify the DOM or do heavy JavaScript work since it triggers functions during the window.onbeforeunload.


Dojo 1.7 (AMD)

require(['dojo/_base/unload'], function(baseUnload){
  // declare a function to do the unload work
  var unLoad = function(){
    // do some unload stuff
  // pass a function pointer

  // call a method of an object
  baseUnload.addOnWindowUnload(window, "unLoad");

  // pass an object and an anonymous function
  baseUnload.addOnWindowUnload(window, function(){ alert("we're out of here!"); });

Dojo < 1.7

// declare a function to do the unload work
var unLoad = function(){
  // do some unload stuff
// pass a function pointer

// call a method of an object
dojo.addOnWindowUnload(window, "unLoad");

// pass an object and an anonymous function
dojo.addOnWindowUnload(window, function(){ alert("we're out of here!"); });
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