Category Archives: Events

Dojo Winter and Spring 2015 events

There are a number of Dojo events this winter and spring. Some of these events are still tentative, so we’ll add links once they are confirmed. We hope to meet you at one of these events. Let us know if there’s an event you would like to host in your area.

Dojo Community Day

A Dojo community day is planned, but the details are not yet available.


Conferences we’re planning to attend and/or deliver talks.


  • Hong Kong, March 31st
  • Atlanta, TBD
  • Stockholm, May 21st
  • Stuttgart, TBD
  • Copenhagen, TBD
  • Dublin, TBD
  • London, May 18th
  • Ottawa, June 3rd

Training Workshops

Let us know if you’re speaking at an event, and we’ll add you to our listings!

Autumn 2014 Dojo events

There are a number of Dojo events this autumn. We hope to meet you at one of these events:

Dojo Community Day


  • Intern 2. October 9, Nick Nisi, SitePen. London, UK. Free registration required.
  • Intern 2. October 16, Dylan Schiemann, SitePen. Boston, MA. Free registration required


  • EdgeConf. September 20, Dylan Schiemann, SitePen. San Francisco. Paid registration required.
  • FullStack. October 23-24, Dylan Schiemann, SitePen. London, UK. Paid registration required

Training Workshops

Let us know if you’re speaking at an event, and we’ll add you to our listings!

Summer 2014 Dojo events

There are a number of Dojo events this summer. We hope to meet you at one of these events:

Dojo Community Day

  • Dojo Community Day. July 5th, Brugg, Switzerland. Free registration required.
  • Dojo Community Day. September 27, Ottawa, ON. Free registration required. Registration details will be announced in July.

Training Workshops

Let us know if you’re speaking at an event, and we’ll add you to our listings!

Dojo community day: July 5 near Zurich

It’s been far too long since we’ve had a Dojo community day or dojo/beer event in Europe. As such, we have planned one for Saturday, July 5th, in Brugg, Switzerland (near Zurich).

The event is free to attend. The schedule and details are available on the registration page.

The format will be a talk, an open Q&A session, time to hack and contribute to Dojo, and at some point we’ll break for lunch.

This event follows the SitePen Dojo Workshops which occur June 30 – July 4. We hope you’ll join us for the week and learn about Dojo, and then on Saturday work to help make Dojo better. Or if you cannot make the workshops, we at least hope you’ll join us for a fun Saturday event!

Winter 2014 Dojo Events

There are a number of Dojo events this winter. We hope to meet you at one of these events:


  • Phoenix JavaScript. Dylan Schiemann. March 19, 2014. Phoenix. Free registration required.

Training Workshops

Let us know if you’re speaking at an event, and we’ll add you to our listings!

Autumn 2013 Dojo events

There are a number of Dojo events this autumn. We hope to meet you at one of these events:


  • London Ajax. Dylan Schiemann and Kitson Kelly. October 14. London. Free registration required.
  • Desert Code Camp. Dylan Schiemann. November 9. Chandler, AZ. Free registration required.

Training Workshops

Let us know if you’re speaking at an event, and we’ll add you to our listings!

Spring and Summer 2013 Dojo Events

There are a number of Dojo events this spring and summer. We hope to meet you at one of these events:



  • JSConf. Dojo Committers Peter Higgins, Brian Arnold, Nikolai Onken, and Luis Montes are all giving talks this year, as are Dojo community members Rebecca Murphey, Blaine Bublitz, Brian Cavalier, and Scott Andrews. May 28 – June 1. Amelia Island, Florida. Paid registration required.
  • Dutch Mobile Conference. Dojo Committer Eric Durocher is speaking. June 6-8. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Paid registration required.
  • Web-5Dojo Committer Christophe Jolif is speaking, as is Dojo community member Tom Dye. June 14-15. Béziers, France. Paid registration required.
  • Early plans are underway for a Dojo conference this October!

Training Workshops

Let us know if you’re speaking at an event, and we’ll add you to our listings!

Autumn Dojo Events

There are a number of Dojo events coming up this autumn. We hope to meet you at one of these events:



Training Workshops

  • Dojo Skills. SitePen. October 9-10. Ottawa, ON. Paid registration required.
  • Dojo Skills. SitePen. October 11-12. Toronto, ON. Paid registration required.
  • jUMP into Dojo. SitePen. October 16. Boston, MA. Paid registration required.
  • Dojo Skills. SitePen. October 17-18. Boston, MA. Paid registration required.
  • jUMP into Dojo. SitePen. November 12. Denver, CO. Paid registration required.
  • Dojo Skills. SitePen. November 13-14. Denver, CO. Paid registration required.

Looking for DojoConf in Europe? Try Web-5 in April!

The very successful and inspiring DojoConf in DC last September has led many to ask us when there will be a DojoConf EU?

While we have no immediate plans, active Dojo user “PEM” of the Web-5 Association is organizing Web-5 in Béziers, France in early April. In addition to 6 excellent Dojo talks, the conference will also include more general talks on HTML5, Mobile Web, Node.js, WebGL, performance, and general JavaScript and web application development topics.

Early registration is now open with a 33% discount available for the first batch of sign-ups. We hope to see you in beautiful Béziers, to talk about Dojo and web development: