

The Controller module provides a base Class to control the application by binding events on application’s root domNode. Several controllers required by the framework are implemented in dojox/app/controllers package:

  • dojox/app/controllers/Load controller: load view templates and view definitions
  • dojox/app/controllers/Transition controller: respond to “startTransition” event and do transition between views
  • dojox/app/controllers/Layout controller: perform views layout
  • dojox/app/controllers/History controller: maintain application’s history. This is based on HTML5 history APIs and will not work on platforms that do not support it like IE, Android 3 & 4, iOS4, etc.
  • dojox/app/controllers/HistoryHash controller: maintain application’s history. This is based on URL hash and has limitation if refresh the browser and back to an URL which out of current application’s history stack.

If the noAutoLoadControllers configuration option is set to false (or not set) the first three controllers are automatically loaded by the dojox/app/main module. If the noAutoLoadControllers configuration option is set to true, a Load, Transition, and Layout controller should be listed in the controllers section of the configuration file to be loaded. Any other controllers would always need to be listed in the controllers section of the configuration file to be loaded.

A developer using the dojox/app framework can define additional custom controller by extending the base class (dojox/app/Controller) and specifying them in the application configuration file. The events binding to application’s root domNode is done by default. A developer can use Controller’s bind() method to bind event to document, window or dojo/Evented object if needed.

define(["dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/declare"], function(lang, declare){

      return declare("myApp.myController", Controller, {

              constructor: function(app, events){
                      // summary:
                      //              bind "myEvent1" and "myEvent2" events on application's root domNode.
                      //              bind "resize" event on window
                      // app:
                      //     application instance.
                      // events:
                      //              {event : handler}
             = {
                              "myEvent1": this.myEvent1,
                              "myEvent2": this.myEvent2

                      // bind "resize" event on window
                      this.bind(window, "resize", this.onResize);

              myEvent1: function(){
                      // add your code here

              myEvent2: function(){
                      // add your code here

              onResize: function(){
                      // add your code here

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