Hints about Migrating from 1.x to 1.7¶
This guide aims to serve as the quick-and-dirty/all-you-need-to-know about getting up to speed with Dojo’s new AMD-ready module loader and all the goodness that comes along with it.
TODOC: dojo/i18n!, AMD nls bundles
Backwards Compatibility¶
First and foremost, all the changes in Dojo 1.7 should be backwards compatible. If you have an existing codebase utilizing Dojo 1.x everything should “JustWork”. This guide is not for covering any regressions found, but rather aims to help a developer convert his/her codebase to the new AMD goodness.
This guide also assumes you have a basic working knowledge of the Dojo Toolkit, package system, and JavaScript.
You may see several examples and tutorials using a variety of syntax. Hopefully this guide will empower you to recognize the difference between major versions. For example:
Is a snippet of code from Dojo 0.4. If you ever see an asterisk in a module name know that you are likely reading an outdated tutorial (with the exception of this guide or any other guides trying to show the difference). Likewise, many Dojo documentation tutorials read like:
While this is still valid and will work with the “legacy synchronous loader”, the goal here is to teach about the new asynchronous/anonymous loader.
Basic Patterns, Changed¶
A lot of little syntax changes have occurred, as well as a number of fundamental paradigm shifts in how you access modules. Again, everything should be backwards compatible, and this guide is meant to teach adoption of the new available patterns (which will likely be adopted for Dojo 2.0 ... so there’s that)
Loading Dojo¶
Nothing has changed. For browser environments, point your web browser’s script
element at a dojo.js
Additionally, there is no longer a special dojo.xd.js
file provided on the CDN. The AMD conversion makes every module cross-domain-loadable. In fact, the AMD loader is essentially a stripped down version of the cross-domain loader Dojo has shipped for several years. If you are familiar with, and perhaps already using, Dojo from a cross-domain CDN these new patterns won’t seem so new.
Previously, one would dojo.require()
modules into a page. Take this basic example:
alert("modules and DOM ready!");
has been replaced simply with require()
. This is provided by loading dojo.js
, as always. The same example redone with Dojo 1.7 would look like:
require(["dojo/cookie", "my/Thinger"], function(cookie, Thinger){
alert("wait! DOM might not be ready yet?!")
The require()
call follows the requirejs API. It does lots of amazing things. That is beyond the scope of this document, currently.
Take notice of the difference in the two examples:
takes a dot-separated module name,require()
takes a forward-slash separated module namerequire()
takes a function parameter, acting as a callback.- the alert in the
callback says DOM isn’t ready? huh? - the
callback is passed arguments. I named them cookie and Thinger
The module name conversion should be self-explanatory. Both point to some resource on disk. In this case dojo/cookie.js
and my/Thinger.js
. Both loaders will load the two files (and any dependencies) and execute the code following.
The require()
callback function is important. In the former example, we alert()
within a dojo.addOnLoad
function. In Dojo < 1.7, dojo.addOnLoad meant “modules and DOM ready”. With require()
, the callback simply means “the modules you asked for are ready”, leaving the DOM the be a separate concern. This is easily achieved with the dojo/domReady
require(["dojo/cookie", "my/Thinger", "dojo/domReady!"], function(cookie, Thinger){
alert("okay, NOW the modules I wanted AND DOM are ready! phew.");
So to summarize: instead of calling dojo.require() N times, call require() once, passing an array of module names you want. If you need DOMReady, use "dojo/domReady!"
. Note the !
following the module name. That puts the dojo/domReady
module into “plugin” mode.
The special Thinger
and cookie
variables created for our require()
callback are whatever the return values from dojo/cookie.js
and my/Thinger.js
were, respectively. We will discuss the return value of my/Thinger
while we deprecate dojo.provide in the next section.
Previously, and building on the dojo.require breakdown, one would define a module on disk using dojo.provide
dojo.declare("my.Thinger", dijit._Widget, {
// ...
With Dojo 1.7+, this becomes define()
. Easier to show in code than words:
define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dijit/_Widget"], function(declare, _Widget){
return declare(_Widget, {
// ...
Ok, so this is where it gets cool. First, define()
looks like a require()
call: array of dependencies, and a callback function with those dependencies passed, in order. We could “name” our module in the define()
call, but that takes the “A” out of “AMD”. Instead, we define some anonymous module that requires Dojo’s declare() module, and the base Dijit mixin dijit._Widget.
The return value of dojo/_base/declare
is the old dojo.declare
function we know and love. It is available to us as a local variable declare
, within the define
callback, as is the old dijit._Widget
base class we love to inherit from.
would expand the passed module name into an object in the global space. eg:
Would create an object structure like:
{ a: { b: { c: { d: { e: { f: { g: {} }}}}}}}
Part of the motivation for AMD is to avoid global pollution. You are no longer a.b.c.d.e.f.g
: you are whatever you return from your module. Above, we are returning the return value of our dojo/_base/declare
call, which turns out to be whatever it is we declare'd
. Like magic, a completely nameless/global-less “Class”, available to anyone. When someone calls:
require(["my/Thinger"], function(Thinger){
new Thinger(); //
They are creating a new instance of whatever it is you returned.
Most commonly used with dijit._Templated
, dojo.cache reads local resources from a tree and makes them available to your JavaScript in a variable.
dojo.declare("a.b.C", null, {
templateString: dojo.cache("a.b", "templates/C.html")
The resource at a/b/templates/C.html
would be loaded immediately, and used to populate the templateString
variable. In Dojo 1.7+ this is done with the dojo/text!
plugin. Pass the module name as the parameter to the plugin, and the return value is transferred to the variable in the callback. Here is it template
define(["dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/text!a/b/templates/C.html"], function(declare, template){
return declare("a.b.C", null, {
templateString: template
As seen in the dojo.require section, dojo.ready
(an alias to dojo.addOnLoad
) no longer considers DOM-readiness. Or rather: The require()
callback is not synonymous with document.ready
. The require()
callback only considers modules and plugins. To accomplish “modules and DOM ready” you have a couple of options:
require(["a/b/C", "dojo/domReady!"], function(C){
new C().placeAt(document.body)
Above the module a/b/C.js is loaded, and the new
call is deferred until document.ready
. Next, we’ll look at the dojo/ready
module (not a plugin):
require(["a/b/C", "dojo/ready", "dojo/_base/declare"], function(C, ready, declare){
var D = declare(C, {
newProp: 10
// DOM nao!
In this example we loaded the declare
, a/b/C.js
and dojo/ready
modules. When all the module dependencies are loaded our require()
callback fires. Then, we register another function by calling ready()
(the return value from dojo/ready
, in the second position)
The Hands off Approach¶
It may be possible for you to convert much of your codebase into AMD-compatible goodness in a mostly automated fashion. Or rather: the method described in the coming sections will modify much of your existing code, making it passable as AMD-ready, though the devil is in the details, and some guidance is needed.
The secret is to run a build. Running a build over a legacy application codebase will create output wrapped in AMD (somewhat poorly, but backwards compatible). This is the first step into having a truly anonymous/granular source tree.
Running a build¶
Let’s take a simple module, and build it. (Again, this guide assumes you have a build plan in place and have existing code using 1.6 we want to convert)
Our sample module looks like this:
dojo.declare("my.HotApplication", my.HotController, {
templateString: dojo.cache("my", "templates/HotApplication.html")
It is conveniently located in a my/
folder with dojo/
and dijit/
siblings. First step is to run a build, but remember to turn off all optimizations:
$ ./build.sh profile=myprofile cssOptimize=0 optimize=0 layerOptimize=0 copyTests=1 mini=0 version=...
It might be a good idea to turn stripConsole
off as well. Running this build will result in a new file tree including your newly AMD'ified my/
folder. Looking at the new HotApplication.js
file we see:
define("my/HotApplication", [
"dojo", "dijit", "dojox", "dojo/require!my/HotController", "dijit/_Widget",
], function(dojo, dijit, dojox){
dojo.declare("my.HotApplication", my.HotController, {
templateString: dojo.cache("my", "templates/HotApplication.html")
See what has happened? First, our module is no longer anonymous: given the name my/HotApplication
... Next, the first three dependencies listed are simply dojo
, dijit
and dojox
... This is a backwards-compatibility require which populates the global dojo
and dijit
objects, so you can continue to use calls like dojo.declare <dojo/declale> and dojo.byId <dojo/byId> without having to know which base module to pick from.
We also see a special plugin dojo.require!
used to load "all the rest of the modules you required previously". This is a comma separated list of modules to load, all in a single string.
Manual Conversion¶
First, let's remove the //>>built
pragmas, as we are essentially un-building our newly converted module. Then remove the define() name, "my/HotApplication", returning the module to be anonymous, and capable of moving around on disk without modification.
define(["dojo", "dijit", "dojox", "dojo/require!........"], function(dojo, dijix, dojox){
Now, unless we're using the object we create by calling dojo.provide
we can remove that as well. If we need to continue populating the global space, you can continue to use provide
, or take the shortcut of using dojo.getObject
define(["dojo"], function(dojo){
// FIXME: actually look up this call
var obj = dojo.getObject("HotApplication", true, "my")
return obj;
There is no need to duplicate modules in a dojo.require()
call versus a dojo/require!
plugin, so remove the former. Additionally, if you'd like to eliminate the dojo.require!
plugin all together simply remove it, expanding out the items into new define
"dojo", "dijit", "dojox", "my/HotController", "dijit/_Widget", "dojo/text!my/templates/HotApplication.html"
], function(dojo, dijit, dojox, Controller, _Widget, template){
return dojo.declare("my.HotApplication", Controller, {
templateString: template
Now we need to goto my/HotController.js
and ensure it is properly using a define()
call, and returning the class previously living at my.HotController
(now referenced locally as Controller
To move to the more modern AMD and Dojo approach, we then want to upgrade to using the smallest modules possible, rather than all of dojo, dijit, and dojox. We also want to remove any global identifiers. The above example would then become:
"dojo/_base/declare", "my/HotController", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "dojo/text!my/templates/HotApplication.html"
], function(declareController, _WidgetBase, template){
return declare(Controller, {
templateString: template
The dojo-amd-converter may help you automate some or most of the conversion of your Dojo application from pre-AMD to AMD syntax.