DojoX historically was an area for development of additional Dojo functionality. Over the years, many of the sub- packages and modules have taken dramatically different paths. With some packages becoming very mature, some still being highly experimental and some being essentially abandoned.
In the future (Dojo 2.0), the DojoX package and namespace will removed. Sub-Packages and modules will be either
integrated into the Dojo Core, Dijit or separated as their own stand-alone package. For the 1.X code stream though,
in order to ensure backwards compatibility, all these packages are contained within the dojox
namespace and
There are several different statuses for sub-packages and modules:
- Mature - This package or module is considered mature and is being actively developed and maintained by committers within the Dojo Toolkit. It is expected that it will persist into the foreseeable future.
- Experimental - This package or module is experimental, while it is being actively developed and maintained, the API may change in the future and developers should be cautious about depending on the API remaining unchanged or the code continuing to persist in the future.
- Maintained - This code is being actively maintained, but may or may not persist into Dojo 2.0.
- Deprecated - This code is being actively maintained for backwards compatibility purposes, but a decision has been made that this package will not persist into Dojo 2.0.
- Abandoned - This code is not being actively maintained anymore. End developers may have difficulty using this code in current and future versions of the Dojo Toolkit. Patches are usually welcome for bug fixes, but it is highly unlikely new features or enhancements will be considered.
The following tables provides an overview of the sub-packages and modules in DojoX. It is important to note though,
that the definitive status of each part of the code is contained in the source codes README
file within the
sub-package’s directory.
Website/WebApp Infrastructure¶
Package/Module | Status | Description |
dojox/analytics | Experimental | Analytics and client monitoring system. Including the base analytics system and any number of plugins enables logging of different system data back to the server. |
dojox/app | Experimental | A small application framework providing a set of classes to manage the the life-cycle and behavior of a single page application delivered to a mobile or desktop platform. |
dojox/collections | Mature | Modules used to provide more functionality around common types of collections. |
dojox/dnd | Experimental | Extending and augmenting dojo/dnd . |
dojox/dtl | Experimental | The Dojo implementation of the Django Template Language |
dojox/gesture | Experimental | Platform neutral gesture support. |
dojox/mdnd | Experimental | An alternative Drag and Drop solution that does not use avatars when dragging items. |
dojox/mvc | Experimental | Abstraction classes to utilize a Method View Controller framework with Dojo. |
dojox/storage | Abandoned | Provides persistent storage in the browser. |
dojox/wire | Abandoned | A framework for wiring visual objects to data. |
dojox/wire/ml | Abandoned | A markup language for wiring the objects to the data. |
Package/Module | Status | Description |
dojox/mobile | Mature | A mobile framework built on top of Dojo and Dijit |
dojox/mobile/app | Deprecated | Use dojox/app instead. |
Package/Module | Status | Description |
dojox/lang | Maintained | Various language extensions. |
dojox/lang/aspect | Maintained | More full featured aspect based programming not covered in
dojo/aspect . |
dojox/lang/async | Maintained | Helpers for event driven programming |
dojox/lang/functional | Maintained | Provides lambda functions and common functional operations |
dojox/lang/observable | Deprecated | Covered by dojo/Stateful |
dojox/lang/oo | Maintained | Provides mixers to support traits and mixins for object- oriented programming. |
dojox/rails | Abandoned | This is a dojo plugin for Rails 3.x UJS support. |
Graphics and Effects¶
Package/Module | Status | Description |
dojox/av | Experimental | Audio and video capabilities to the Open Web. Wraps common media types (Flash and Quicktime) and provides easy to use objects to accomplish basic A/V tasks. |
dojox/drawing | Experimental | A package that builds on top of dojox/gfx to be able to
create and save vector based drawings. |
dojox/flash | Experimental | Infrastructure for high-performance Flash/JavaScript communication |
dojox/fx/easing | Deprecated | Use dojo/fx/easing instead. |
dojox/fx/ext-dojo/complex | Maintained | Extends dojo/_base/fx::animateProperty() to be able to
handle more complex property adjustments, specifically those
related to CSS3. |
dojox/fx/ext-dojo/NodeList-style | Maintained | Extends NodeList with the features of dojox/fx/style . |
dojox/fx/ext-dojo/NodeList | Maintained | Extends NodeList with the features of the rest of
dojox/fx |
dojox/fx/ext-dojo/reverse | Maintained | Extends dojo/_base/fx::Animation with the ability to
easily reverse an animation. |
dojox/fx/flip | Experimental | Animate a node flipping following a specific direction. |
dojox/fx/scroll | Experimental | Returns an animation that will smooth-scroll to a node. |
dojox/fx/Shadow | Experimental | Adds a drop-shadow to a node. |
dojox/fx/split | Maintained | Various animations that take a node, split it and animated it. |
dojox/fx/style | Experimental | Allows for animations based on normalized CSS definitions. |
dojox/fx/text | Maintained | A set of animations used for animating text blocks. |
dojox/fx/Timeline | Maintained | Allow for a complex animations based on an array of “keyframes”. |
dojox/gfx | Mature | The platform independent Dojo graphics libraries. |
dojox/gfx3d | Experimental | A simple portable 3D graphics library. |
dojox/image | Maintained | Provides a common API for images |
dojox/image/Badge | Experimental | A simple grid of Images that loops through thumbnails |
dojox/image/FlickrBadge | Maintained | A simple grid of Images that loops through thumbnails from a Flickr account |
dojox/image/Gallery | Abandoned | A gallery widget |
dojox/image/LightBox | Experimental | A dojo-based Lightbox implementation. |
dojox/image/LightBoxNano | Experimental | A simple “nano” version of the lightbox. |
dojox/image/Magnifier | Maintained | Adds magnification on a portion of an image element, using
dojox/gfx |
dojox/image/MaginfierLite | Experimental | Adds magnification on a portion of an image element |
dojox/image/SlideShow | Abandoned | A Slideshow Widget |
dojox/image/TumbnailPicker | Abandoned | A scrolling Thumbnail Picker widget |
dojox/sketch | Experimental | A cross-browser drawing editor based on dojox/gfx |
Data Visualization¶
Package/Module | Status | Description |
dojox/charting | Mature | Charting capabilities built on top of dojox/gfx . |
dojox/dgauges | Mature | Gauges widget framework, deprecates dojox/gauges . |
dojox/gantt | Maintained | A gantt type charting widget. |
dojox/gauges | Deprecated | Replaced by dojox/dgauges . |
dojox/geo/charting | Experimental | Map based dojox/charting type widgets. |
dojox/geo/openlayers | Experimental | Modules for using OpenLayers mapping APIs. |
dojox/treemap | Experimental | A data visualization widget. |
Package/Module | Status | Description |
dojox/data | Deprecated | The dojo/data API which all the dojox/data modules are
based off of is deprecated. If these stores persist they will
be rewritten to work off of the dojo/store API. |
dojox/data/AndOrReadStore | Deprecated | Extends ItemFileReadStore to provide AND/OR query formats |
dojox/data/AndOrWriteStore | Deprecated | Extends ItemFileWriteStore to provide AND/OR query formats |
dojox/data/AppStore | Deprecated | A datastore that implements full read, write and identify APIs for working with ATOM documents. The store uses the full APP protocol. |
dojox/data/AtomReadStore | Deprecated | Reads Atom XML documents. |
dojox/data/CdfStore | Abandoned | Used for interfacing with Tibo GI and requires Tibco’s JSX3 JavaScript Library |
dojox/data/ClientFilter | Deprecated | This is an abstract data store module for adding updatable result set functionality to an existing data store class. |
dojox/data/CouchDBRestStore | Deprecated | Builds on JsonRestStore to provide connectivity to CouchDB |
dojox/data/CssClassStore | Deprecated | Allows the searching/querying over CSS classes defined in a page in a browser. |
dojox/data/CssRuleStore | Deprecated | Allows the searching/querying over CSS rules loaded in a page in a browser. |
dojox/data/CsvStore | Deprecated | Comma-Separated text datastore implementation. |
dojox/data/FileStore | Deprecated | A specific implementation providing a lazy-loading store of file system type objects. |
dojox/data/FlickrRestStore | Deprecated | |
dojox/data/FlickrStore | Deprecated | Data store driven by public API. |
dojox/data/GoogleFeedStore | Deprecated | |
dojox/data/GoogleSearchStore | Deprecated | Datastore that interfaces to Google’s AJAX search services |
dojox/data/HtmlStore | Deprecated | Reads arbitrary HTML to be used as a datastore, including
tables, ordered and un-ordered lists and lists of <div>
elements. |
dojox/data/HtmlTableStore | Deprecated | Datastore specifically designed for reading HTML tables. |
dojox/data/ItemExplorer | Abandoned | |
dojox/data/JsonQueryRestStore | Deprecated | |
dojox/data/JsonRestStore | Deprecated | A store that interfaces with JSON RESTful services. This been superseded by data/store/JsonRest |
dojox/data/KeyValueStore | Deprecated | A datastore that mimics a key/value property file format. |
dojox/data/OpenSearchStore | Deprecated | A datastore that implements OpenSearch provider search capability. |
dojox/data/OpmlStore | Deprecated | Datastore for reading OMPL formatted data. |
dojox/data/PersevereStore | Deprecated | Builds on JsonRestStore to provide connectivity to Persevere |
dojox/data/PicasaStore | Deprecated | A datastore interface to one of the basic services of the Picasa service, the public photo feed. |
dojox/data/QueryReadStore | Deprecated | |
dojox/data/RailsStore | Deprecated | A datastore for interacting with RESTful Rails controllers |
dojox/data/S3Store | Deprecated | Builds on JsonRestStore to provide connectivity to Amazon S3 |
dojox/data/ServiceStore | Deprecated | A read only datastore that provides an interface to an RPC service. |
dojox/data/SnapLogicStore | Deprecated | Datastore that interfaces to SnapLogic data services. |
dojox/data/StoreExplorer | Abandoned | |
dojox/data/WikipediaStore | Deprecated | A datastore interface to Wikipedia, using the Wikipedia SMD
spec from dojox/rpc . |
dojox/data/XmlStore | Deprecated | Datastore for handling XML based services or documents. |
dojox/data/util/JsonQuery | Deprecated | Mixin that converts object attribute queries to JSONQuery/ JSONPath syntax to be sent to the server. |
Package/Module | Status | Description |
dojox/atom | Experimental | An implementation of the ATOM document format in a JavaScript model and a full Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) IO library for working with ATOM feeds. |
dojox/io/httpParse | Maintained | Parses an HTTP stream for a message. |
dojox/io/OAuth | Maintained | Helper singleton for signing any kind of Ajax request using the OAuth 1.0 protocol. |
dojox/io/scriptFrame | Deprecated | Replaced with dojo/request |
dojox/io/windowName | Deprecated | Replaced with dojo/request |
dojox/io/xhrMultiPart | Deprecated | Replaced with dojo/request |
dojox/io/xhrPlugins | Deprecated | Functionality now covered in dojo/request/registry |
dojox/io/proxy/xip | Maintained | XHR IFrame Proxy |
dojox/rpc | Maintained | Extra utilities for dojo/rpc |
dojox/socket/Reconnect | Abandoned | Provides a WebSocket with fallback to HTTP long-polling |
dojox/xmpp | Abandoned | An XMPP (Jabber/GTalk) implementation. |
Widgets and Forms¶
Package/Module | Status | Description |
dojox/calc | Maintained | Graphing calculator project. |
dojox/calendar | Mature | A complex calendaring widget the provides the ability to create and manage events. |
dojox/editor/plugins | Various | Several Plugins for the dojox/editor/Editor |
dojox/form/BusyButton | Maintained | A button the provides visual feedback when it is activated. |
dojox/form/CheckedMultiSelect | Maintained | Allows options in a MultiSelect to be selected by a checkbox. |
dojox/form/DateTextBox | Experimental | A validating, serializable, range-bound date text box with a popup calendar. |
dojox/form/DayTextBox | Experimental | A validating, serializable, range-bound date text box with a popup calendar that contains just months. |
dojox/form/DropDownSelect | Deprecated | Use dijit/form/Select instead. |
dojox/form/DropDownStack | Maintained | Used for “selectable” multiforms. |
dojox/form/FileInput | Experimental | An <input type="file"> form widget, with a button for
uploading to be styled via CSS, a cancel button to clear
selection. |
dojox/form/FileInputAuto | Experimental | An extension on FileInput providing background upload progress |
dojox/form/FileInputBlind | Deprecated | Use dojox/form/FileInputAuto instead. |
dojox/form/FilePickerTextBox | Maintained | A validating text box tied to a file picker popup |
dojox/form/FileUploader | Deprecated | Use dojox/form/Uploader instead. |
dojox/form/ListInput | Experimental | An automatic list maker. |
dojox/form/Manager | Maintained | The widget to orchestrate dynamic forms. |
dojox/form/MonthTextBox | Experimental | A validating, serializable, range-bound date text box with a popup calendar that contains only months. |
dojox/form/MultiComboBox | Experimental | A ComboBox that accepts multiple inputs on a single line. |
dojox/form/PasswordValidator | Maintained | A password validation widget that simplifies the “old/new/verify” style of requesting passwords. |
dojox/form/RadioStack | Maintained | A radio-based select stack. |
dojox/form/RangeSlider | Maintained | A form widget that allows one to select a range with two draggable images. |
dojox/form/Rating | Maintained | A widget for rating using stars. |
dojox/form/TimeSpinner | Maintained | This widget is the same as a normal NumberSpinner, but for the time component of a date object instead. |
dojox/form/TriStateCheckBox | Maintained | Checkbox with three states. |
dojox/form/Uploader | Experimental | A widget that creates a stylable file-input button, with optional multi-file selection, using only HTML elements. |
dojox/form/YearTextBox | Experimental | A validating, serializable, range-bound date text box with a popup calendar that contains only years. |
dojox/grid | Deprecated | A grid widget package. Replaced by dgrid . |
dojox/layout/BorderContainer | Deprecated | Covered by dijit/layout/BorderContainer |
dojox/layout/ContentPane | Maintained | An extended version of dijit/layout/ContentPane that
supports running infile JavaScript. |
dojox/layout/Dock | Experimental | A widget that attaches to a node and keeps track of incoming / outgoing FloatingPanes and handles layout |
dojox/layout/dnd | Abandoned | Enhancements to dojo/dnd . |
dojox/layout/DragPane | Maintained | Makes a pane’s content draggable by/within it’s surface |
dojox/layout/ExpandoPane | Experimental | An experimental collapsing-pane for
dijit/layout/BorderContainer |
dojox/layout/ext-dijit/layout | Abandoned | This core functionality is now available in Dijit. |
dojox/layout/FloatingPane | Maintained | A non-modal Floating window. |
dojox/layout/GridContainer | Maintained | A grid containing any kind of object and acting like a web portals. |
dojox/layout/GridContainerLite | Maintained | The GridContainerLite is a container of child elements that are placed in a kind of grid. |
dojox/layout/RadioGroup | Experimental | An enhancement to the dijit/layout/StackContainer |
dojox/layout/ResizeHandle | Experimental | A draggable handle used to resize an attached node. |
dojox/layout/RotatorContainer | Maintained | An enhanced StackContainer that automatically transitions between its ContentPanes. |
dojox/layout/ScrollPane | Experimental | A pane that “scrolls” its content based on the mouse position inside. |
dojox/layout/TableContainer | Experimental | A container that lays out its child widgets in a table layout. |
dojox/layout/ToggleSplitter | Experimental | A draggable and clickable spacer between two items in a
dijit.layout.BorderContainer . |
dojox/widget | Maintained | [desc] |
dojox/widget/AnalogGauge | Abandoned | Replaced with dojox/dgauges |
dojox/widget/AutoRotator | Maintained | A rotator that automatically transitions between child nodes. |
dojox/widget/BarGauge | Abandoned | Replaced with dojox/dgauges |
dojox/widget/Calendar | Maintained | The standard Calendar. It includes day and month/year views. |
dojox/widget/Calendar2Pane | Maintained | A Calendar with two panes, the second one containing both month and year. |
dojox/widget/Calendar3Pane | Maintained | A Calendar with three panes, includes day, month, and year views. |
dojox/widget/CalendarFisheye | Maintained | The standard Calendar. It includes day, month and year views. FisheyeLite effects are included. |
dojox/widget/CalendarFx | Maintained | The visual effects extensions for dojox/widget/Calendar . |
dojox/widget/ColorPicker | Experimental | A HSV color picker |
dojox/widget/DailyCalendar | Maintained | A calendar with only a daily view. |
dojox/widget/DataPresentation | Abandoned | A widget that connects to a data store in a simple manner and visualizes data. |
dojox/widget/Dialog | Maintained | An enhanced version of dijit/Dialog . |
dojox/widget/DialogSimple | Maintained | An simple enhancements of dijit/Dialog . |
dojox/widget/DocTester | Abandoned | A widget to run DocTests inside an HTML page. |
dojox/widget/DynamicTooltip | Abandoned | Extension of dijit/Tooltip providing content set via XHR
request via href param. |
dojox/widget/FeedPortlet | Abandoned | A Portlet that loads a XML feed. |
dojox/widget/FilePicker | Abandoned | A pane to display the information for the currently-selected file |
dojox/widget/FisheyeList | Maintained | Menu similar to the fish eye menu on the Mac OS. |
dojox/widget/FisheyeListItem | Maintained | Menu item inside of a FisheyeList. |
dojox/widget/FisheyeLite | Experimental | A Light-weight Fisheye Component, or an enhanced version of
dojo/fx/Toggler . |
dojox/widget/Iterator | Abandoned | A widget that iterates the contents of a datastore. |
dojox/widget/Loader | Abandoned | A configurable global XHR-listener to display a loading message during running XHRs or to simply provide base-level topic to subscribe to for custom loading messages. |
dojox/widget/MonthAndYearlyCalendar | Maintained | A calendar with only a daily view. |
dojox/widget/MonthlyCalendar | Maintained | A calendar with only a month view. |
dojox/widget/MultiSelectCalendar | Experimental | A simple GUI for choosing several dates in the context of a monthly calendar. |
dojox/widget/Pager | Experimental | A Pager, displaying a list of sized nodes |
dojox/widget/PlaceholderMenuItem | Experimental | A menu item that can be used as a placeholder. |
dojox/widget/Portlet | Maintained | A container widget that is designed to be contained in a
dojox/layout/GridContainer . |
dojox/widget/PortletDialogSettings | Maintained | A settings widget to be used with a dojox/widget/Portlet . |
dojox/widget/PortletSettings | Maintained | A settings widget to be used with a dojox/widget/Portlet . |
dojox/widget/Roller | Maintained | A simple widget to take an unordered-list of Text and roll through them. |
dojox/widget/RollingList | Abandoned | A rolling list that can be tied to a data store with children. |
dojox/widget/Rotator | Abandoned | A widget for rotating through child nodes using transitions. |
dojox/widget/Selection | Maintained | Base class for widgets that manage a list of selected data items. |
dojox/widget/SortList | Abandoned | A sortable unordered-list with a fixed header. |
dojox/widget/Standby | Experimental | A widget designed to act as a Standby/Busy/Disable/Blocking widget to indicate a particular DOM node is processing and cannot be clicked on at this time. |
dojox/widget/TitleGroup | Maintained | A container which controls a series of dijit/TitlePane ,
allowing one to be visible and hiding siblings. |
dojox/widget/Toaster | Maintained | Message that slides in from the corner of the screen, used for notifications like “new email”. |
dojox/widget/UpgradeBar | Experimental | Shows a bar at the top of the screen when the user is to be notified that they should upgrade their browser or a plugin. |
dojox/widget/Wizard | Maintained | A set of panels that display sequentially, typically notating a step-by-step procedure like an install. |
dojox/widget/YearlyCalendar | Maintained | A calendar with only a year view. |
Utility Modules¶
Package/Module | Status | Description |
dojox/color | Maintained | Enhancements to dojo/color . |
dojox/css3 | Experimental | Wrappers for common CSS3 animations. |
dojox/date/buddhist | Mature | Provides support for Buddhist dates. |
dojox/date/hebrew | Mature | Provides support for Hebrew dates. |
dojox/date/islamic | Mature | Provides support for Islamic dates. |
dojox/date/php | Experimental | Utilities for handling PHP styled dates. |
dojox/date/posix | Experimental | Utilities for handling POSIX strftime formatted dates. |
dojox/date/relative | Experimental | Utilities for handling relative dates. |
dojox/date/timezone | Experimental | Dojo port of fleegix date plugin. |
dojox/embed | Experimental | Wrappers for handling <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags |
dojox/encoding | Experimental | Modules routines for common encoding algorithms. |
dojox/help | Abandoned | Console extensions to allow access to available help resources |
dojox/highlight | Maintained | Syntax highlighting library. |
dojox/html | Maintained | Less frequently used HTML functions and features. |
dojox/jq | Abandoned | A JQuery API compatibility layer. |
dojox/json/query | Maintained | A comprehensive object data query tool. |
dojox/json/ref | Maintained | JSON Referencing capable serializer and deserializer. |
dojox/json/schema | Maintained | An object validation tool based on JSON Schema. |
dojox/jsonPath | Abandoned | A query system similar in idea to xpath, for for JavaScript objects. |
dojox/math | Maintained | Various math handling routines |
dojox/NodeList/delegate | Maintained | Extends the NodeList with a delegate() feature. |
dojox/robot/recorder | Experimental | Semi-automates the creation of DOH robot test scripts. |
dojox/secure | Abandoned | A collection of utilities for working with untrusted data and code. |
dojox/sql | Abandoned | Code to interface with the Google Gears-specific SQL engine. |
dojox/string | Maintained | Various modules/routines for enhanced string handling. |
dojox/testing/DocTest | Maintained | A port of Python’s DocTests module. |
dojox/timing | Experimental | A framework to deal with advanced timing constructs. |
dojox/uuid | Maintained | A library capable of generating UUIDs. |
dojox/validate | Maintained | Various validation functions that can be used for form validation. |
dojox/xml | Maintained | Various XML utilities. |