The Dojo Loader

Author:Rawld Gill
Editors:Colin Snover, Kenneth G. Franqueiro
Project owner:Rawld Gill


The Dojo loader includes two APIs:

  • The Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) API (“AMD API”)
  • The legacy dojo API which consists of dojo.require(), dojo.provide(), dojo.requireIf(), dojo.requireAfterIf(), dojo.platformRequire(), and dojo.requireLocalization() (“legacy loader API”)

The AMD API is new for Dojo 1.7. It is the same API implemented by RequireJS, curl, and bdLoad (the dojo implementation is an adoption of bdLoad). This exciting new standard for writing and loading modules dramatically improves code portability and interoperability. Equally important, it allows modules to be loaded asynchronously, which provides two key benefits versus the old synchronous API:

  • Modules can be downloaded asynchronously and concurrently, thereby decreasing page load times up to 10x.
  • Hacks such as debugAtAllCosts are no longer needed in order to provide informative debugging (e.g. stack traces) in all browsers.

While each loader offers a different set of extra features, the core API of all of these loaders is compatible and most of the tutorial material for any one loader is applicable to the others.

In addition to the core loader APIs, the new Dojo loader includes several other useful features:

  • Multiple platform support: By default, the Dojo loader includes configurations for the browser, node.js, and Rhino. Environment-specific configuration files are typically less than 100 lines of code and can be easily written to extend Dojo support to other JavaScript environments (see Non-browser Environments).
  • has.js API: The Dojo loader implements the has.js API, and uses that API to bracket several loader features. In conjunction with the Dojo build system, this allows for loader code to be reduced to about 3K (minimized and gzipped). This makes the Dojo loader the smallest fully-compatible AMD loader currently available.
  • Configuration API: The loader includes a configuration API that may be leveraged by client applications, allowing program designs that have exactly one entry vector for user configuration.


Prior to v1.7, dojo.js caused both the Dojo loader and the Dojo library bootstrap to be defined. This design has been improved so that dojo.js now holds the loader and nothing else. In fact, it is now possible to use Dojo’s loader without any of the Dojo library. For backwards-compatibility, the loader starts up in synchronous mode by default, which loads the Dojo base API automatically:

<script src="path/to/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
  // the dojo base API is available here

To put the loader in the AMD mode, set the async configuration variable to truthy:

<script data-dojo-config="async:1" src="path/to/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
  // ATTENTION: nothing but the AMD API is available here

Note that you can only set the async flag before dojo.js is loaded, and that in AMD mode, neither Dojo nor any other library is automatically loaded - it is entirely up to the application to decide which modules/libraries to load.

Configuration/Feature Detection


There are three ways to pass configuration data to the loader:

  1. Before the loader is defined, via the global dojoConfig object (See also dojo/config)
  2. On the <script> element for the loader, via the data-dojo-config attribute
  3. After the loader is defined, via the global require function

Configuration data is always provided as a standard JavaScript object. When the object is passed as a data-dojo-config attribute, the opening and closing curly-brackets should be omitted from the object expression (just as with data-dojo-props). Using data-dojo-config looks like this:

  data-dojo-config="async:true, cacheBust:new Date(), waitSeconds:5"

Using dojoConfig looks like this:

  var dojoConfig = {
    cacheBust:new Date(),
<script src="path/to/dojo/dojo.js"></script>

Using the require function looks like this:

  cacheBust:new Date(),

Note that the async flag and any has.js tests that are defined or required by the loader at startup cannot be set using the require function, and must go in a dojoConfig or data-dojo-config object.

For backwards compatibility, the deprecated variable djConfig can be used instead of dojoConfig. Note, however, that if both dojoConfig and djConfig are defined, djConfig is ignored. Also note that if either dojoConfig or djConfig exist and the data-dojo-config attribute is defined, both dojoConfig and data-dojo-config are consumed, with values in data-dojo-config taking precedence over those in dojoConfig.

The configuration object can also be used to set arbitrary, application-specific configuration data. All properties of a configuration object are shallow copied to require.rawConfig; values that the loader recognizes are also added to require.config. Because these are shallow copies, if you need to mix-in properties of a sub-object instead of having that object replaced completely, the loader includes a “config” event that is signaled via the micro event API whenever configuration data is received.

The “config” event passes two arguments to any listeners:

  • config: the configuration object passed to the loader that triggered the “config” event
  • rawConfig: the value of require.rawConfig

The various configuration variables that apply to the loader are discussed in detail in their relevant sections. The section Configuration Reference includes a list of all reserved configuration variables.

Feature Detection

has.js is a standard API that allows feature detection to be separated from feature-dependent code branching and enables the build system to create platform-optimized versions of applications.

Here’s an example of adding a test, and then later using that test:

has.add("dom-addeventlistener", !!document.addEventListener);

  node.addEventListener("click", handler);
  node.attachEvent("onclick", handler);

At build time, with an appropriate build profile, this code is transformed to:

0 && has.add("dom-addeventlistener", !!document.addEventListener);

  node.addEventListener("click", handler);
  node.attachEvent("onclick", handler);

When transformed code is then passed to a minifier with dead code removal, the final output becomes:

node.addEventListener("click", handler);

When these techniques are applied to heavily branched code, very large space savings are possible. These savings are particularly important in mobile environments where bandwidth and cache size are more limited.

There are two features Dojo’s implementation of has.js has that the standard has.js code does not:

  • the cache of tests is publicly exposed at has.cache
  • the function has.add includes an optional fourth parameter, force, that can be used to overwrite an existing test. (Normally, the first defined value is always used, like a constant.)

The Dojo loader initializes the has cache with several tests (see Default Configuration for a list of these tests). dojoConfig and data-dojo-config can override any of these, and any configuration object can add more tests by specifying a has configuration property. For example:

  var dojoConfig = {
    has: {

A test can also be defined as a function, which will be executed the first time the value of the feature is requested via a has call:

  var dojoConfig = {
    has: {
        return !!document.addEventListener;

Since has tests can be used very much like configuration variables, the loader’s configuration API applies has.add to all configuration variables it receives, prefixing the configuration variable name with “config-”. For example:

<script data-dojo-config="tlmSiblingOfDojo:0" src="path/to/dojo/dojo.js"></script>

This code will result in a has test named “config-tlmSiblingOfDojo” with a value of 0.


The following table provides a list of options that are leveraged within the loader. The first column is the Option/Feature as defined within the loader, the second options is whether this is a detected feature (via has.add()) or if it is just an option and its default value. With “unbuilt” source, all the features and options are available. If the loader has been built, then some of these features may have been set as staticHasFeatures and not be configurable anymore.

Feature Default Value Description
dojo-trace-api True  
dojo-sync-loader True  
dojo-config-api True  
dojo-cdn False  
dojo-requirejs-api False  
dojo-test-sniff True  
dojo-combo-api False  
dojo-undef-api False  
config-tlmSiblingOfDojo True  
config-dojo-loader-catches True  
dojo-inject-api True  
config-stripStrict False  
dojo-timeout-api True  
dojo-log-api True  
dojo-amd-factory-scan True  
dojo-publish-privates True  
dojo-built False  
dojo-loader True  
host-node Detected Environment is running on the the NodeJS platform
host-rhino Detected Environment is running on the Rhino platform
dojo-xhr-factory Detected  
dojo-force-activex-xhr Detected Force XHR provider to use ActiveX API (MSXMLHTTP).
native-xhr Detected Browser has native XHR API, XMLHttpRequest.
dojo-gettext-api Detected Dojo provides API for retrieving text resource contents from a URL.
dojo-loader-eval-hint-url Detected Module location should be used as source hint during eval rather than module identifier.
ie-event-behavior Detected Browser supports legacy IE event behaviour API (attachEvent versus attachEventListener).


The AMD API is the preferred loader API and is exposed through two global functions, require and define. Both functions are normally asynchronous. When running in legacy loader API mode, however, they may operate synchronously in order to allow AMD modules to be accessed by legacy code.

require is used to configure the loader and load AMD modules. It has the following signature:

  configuration, // (optional; object) configuration object
  dependencies,  // (optional; array of strings) list of module identifiers to load before calling callback
  callback       // (optional; function) function to call when dependencies are loaded
) -> undefined

If a configuration object is provided, it is passed to the configuration API as described in Configuration. Next, the dependencies listed in dependencies (if any) are resolved. Finally, callback (if any) is executed with the resolved dependencies passed in as arguments.

Normal use of require looks like this:

require([ "my/app", "dojo" ], function(app, dojo){
  // do something with app and dojo...

There is also an alternative require syntax. It has the following signature:

  moduleId // (string) a module identifier
) -> any

This alternative require syntax can be used if you are certain the module referenced by moduleId has already been defined and loaded. It will return the requested module. If the module is not loaded, it will throw an Error. This syntax is not recommended because it can lead to confusing dependency chains.

define is very similar to require and is used to define AMD modules. It has the following signature:

  moduleId,      // (optional; string) an explicit module identifier naming the module being defined
  dependencies,  // (optional; array of strings) list of module identifiers to load before calling factory
  factory        // (function or value) the value of the module, or a function that returns the value of the module

If factory is a function, the defined module value is the return value of the function; otherwise, the module value is factory. Regardless of whether or not factory is a function, dependencies are always fully resolved before the module is defined.

If only the factory parameter is given and it is a function, special semantics are implied; these are covered in CommonJS require, exports, and module.

moduleId should not be provided. This parameter is largely a historical artifact of early AMD loaders. So long as there is exactly one module defined by any particular resource, the loader will automatically derive the correct module identifier from the one given in the dependency list that caused it to be loaded. For example, when calling require(["mathLib/arithmetic"]), the loader knows that the loaded module has a moduleId of “mathLib/arithmetic”.

It is also possible to load a script as a dependency with no define calls at all, in which case the resolved value will be undefined. See Generic Script Injection for more information.

define has two additional important characteristics that may not be immediately obvious:

  • Module creation is lazy and asynchronous, and does not occur immediately when define is called. This means that factory is not executed, and any dependencies of the module will not be resolved, until some running code actually requires the module.
  • Once a module value has been entered into the module namespace, it is not recomputed each time it is demanded. On a practical level, this means that factory is only invoked once, and the returned value is cached and shared among all code that uses a given module. (Note: the dojo loader includes the nonstandard function require.undef, which undefines a module value.)

The dependencies and callback parameters in the require function work exactly like the dependencies and factory parameters in the define function. For example:

  ["dijit/layout/TabContainer", "bd/widgets/stateButton"],
  function(TabContainer, stateButton){
    // do something with TabContainer and stateButton...


  ["dijit/layout/TabContainer", "bd/widgets/stateButton"],
  function(TabContainer, stateButton){
    // do something with TabContainer and stateButton...
    return definedValue;

...both gain access to the values of the dijit/layout/TabContainer and bd/widgets/stateButton modules. The difference between these two calls is that the latter is expected to also provide a value of its own, whereas the former simply loads modules.

Module Identifiers

Module identifiers look like file system paths (for example, “dijit/form/Button”). These identifiers are normalized to absolute URLs (in browsers) or file paths (in server-side environments) in order to find and load the source code that defines the module.

The following Configuration variables control how module identifiers are mapped to URLs:

  • baseUrl: (string) a path to prepend to a computed path if the computed path is relative as described by the process below. If defined, the has feature config-tlmSiblingOfDojo is false; otherwise, it is true.
  • paths: (object) a map from a module identifier fragment to a path fragment. Module fragments are always matched starting from the beginning of a module identifier. When matching paths, the most specific match wins. For example, “a/b/c” is more specific than “a” or “a/b”.
  • aliases: (object) a globally applied map from a module identifier to another module identifier. See Alias Modules for more information.
  • map: (object) module mapping with the ability to be applied only to specific modules. See Map Config for more information.
  • the has feature config-tlmSiblingOfDojo: if truthy, then non-package top-level modules not mentioned in paths are assumed to be siblings of the dojo package; otherwise, they are assumed to be relative to baseUrl.
  • packages: (array of package objects) A list of explicitly defined packages. dojo and dijit are both examples of packages. A package object contains four properties:
    • name: (string) the name of the package (e.g. “myApp”)
    • location: (string) the path to the directory where the package resides (e.g. “path/to/myApp”)
    • main: (optional; string) the module identifier implied when a module identifier that is equivalent to just the package name is given; defaults to “main”. (e.g. “dojo” => “dojo/main”)
    • packageMap: (optional; object) a map that allows package names to be aliased to other locations for this particular package only. See Relocating Module Namespaces for more information. (Note: this feature is currently exclusive to the Dojo loader.)

Relative Module Identifiers

Module identifiers in the dependencies array of a module definition can also be relative to the current module. For example:

// this is "myPackage/myModule/mySubmodule"
  ["myPackage/utils", "myPackage/myModule/mySubmodule2"],
  function(utils, submodule){
    // do something spectacular

Could be rewritten as:

// this is "myPackage/myModule/mySubmodule"
  ["../utils", "./mySubmodule2"],
  function(utils, submodule){
  // do something spectacular

”.” can be thought of as referring to the “directory” of the current module, and ”..” as referring to the “parent directory” of the current module.

Note that relative module identifiers can only be used to refer to modules within a single package. That is, ”../” cannot be used to ascend to the top level in the module identifier. So in the above example, ”../../someOtherPackage/otherModule” would not be valid.

It is highly recommended that relative module IDs be used by all packages to refer to their own modules, since otherwise it is impossible to load two different packages with the same name (or two different versions of the same package). This is explored further in Relocating Module Namespaces.

Context-sensitive require

Let’s finish up one last detail about reference modules. Suppose we have a function that, depending on program flow, needs to conditionally require and execute some code. For example:

// this is "myApp/topLevelHandlers"
define(["dojo"], function(dojo){
  dojo.connect(dojo.byId("debugButton"), "click", function(){
    require(["myApp/perspectives/debug"], function(perspective){;

This code is perfectly legal, but it can be better. Since this code is in the “myApp/topLevelHandlers” module, we should be able to write ”./perspectives/debug” instead of “myApp/perspectives/debug”. Unfortunately, the global require function doesn’t know anything about reference modules, so if we try just changing the identifier string, it will fail. What we need is a way to remember the reference module for later use. This is possible by specifying the module identifier “require” in the dependency vector:

// this is "myApp/topLevelHandlers"
define(["dojo", "require"], function(dojo, require){
  dojo.connect(dojo.byId("debugButton"), "click", function(){
    require(["./perspectives/debug"], function(perspective){;

The require call is now executed on a local require function instead of the global one. The loader arranges for the local require to resolve module identifiers with respect to the reference module that defines it. This local require function is called a “context-sensitive require”.

Generic Script Injection

An explicit path or URL to a script can be passed as a module identifier. In this case, the script is simply evaluated and the return value of that “module” is undefined. For example:

require([""], function(){
  // etc.

The loader interprets any of the following as a generic script identifier:

  • a string that starts with a protocol (e.g. “http:” or “https:”)
  • a string that starts with a slash (e.g., “/”)
  • a string that ends in ”.js”

Alias Modules

It is possible to create an alias from one module to another. An example of when module aliasing might be needed is the common text plugin, which loads a text resource through the plugin API (see Plugins). RequireJS defined this module early on, and several libraries depend on the module as defined by RequireJS. Dojo’s implementation, while 100% compatible with RequireJS’s implementation, is smaller and contains more features. It is possible to simply alias Dojo’s text module like this:

    ["text", "dojo/text"]

Now, when the module identifier “text” is demanded, the loader will normalize that module identifier to “dojo/text”. In other words, given the configuration above, all of the following statements result in exactly the same module value being returned:

require(["text"], function(text){ //...
require(["dojo/text"], function(text){ //...
define(["text"], function(text){ //...
define(["dojo/text"], function(text){ //...

There is one particular scenario where using aliases is not the optimal solution. Two different absolute module identifiers as calculated after Step 6 of the Normalizing Module Identifiers process will always result in two different modules being instantiated - even if they normalize to the same path. This means you can’t solve this problem using paths. For example, assuming baseUrl points to the dojo directory, you can’t alias “text” to “dojo/text” like this:


In this case, assuming no reference module, “text” is normalized to (“text”, “path/to/dojo/text.js”). Although “path/to/dojo/text.js” has the same path as the module given by “dojo/text”, the loader will create two separate instances of that module, which is probably not what you want. The only way to get two different module identifiers to resolve to the same module value is to either write a module definition with an explicit module ID (not recommended) or provide an aliases configuration.

Map Config

The map loader configuration option is similar to the alias option in that it allows you to alias module identifiers but with more flexibility in terms of context and matching capabilities. The value of the map option is an object whose keys define the context of the mapping and the values are the aliases. For example:

 map: {
   "app/ModuleA": {
     "app/Widget": "app/Widget_NEW"

In this example, the request for app/Widget would load app/Widget_NEW from within app/ModuleA only. Requests made for app/Widget from within any other module would continue to load app/Widget. This allows for more complex loading scenarios in which you might have multiple concurrent versions of the same module that you need to use in different parts of your application.

If you want to add a mapping that applies to all modules, you just use “*” for the module value like this:

map: {
  "*": {
    "app/Widget": "app/WidgetB"

In this example all requests for app/Widget would load app/WidgetB regardless of which module the request originated from. The “*” option can be used in conjunction with other mappings remembering that the most specific mappings take precedence.

In most cases, the map option in combination with packages is a better solution than alias because of its flexibility. For more information on the map option, including it’s partial matching capabilities, you can check out this SitePen blog post.

Normalizing Module Identifiers

The following steps outline the loader’s internal normalization process. This process involves a module ID (moduleId) and, in the case of context-sensitive require, a reference module (referenceModule), and yields a resulting path or URL (result).

1. If moduleId begins with a protocol (for example, “http:”) or a forward-slash, or ends with a ”.js” suffix, assume the request is for an arbitrary chunk of JavaScript, not a module. In this case the rest of these steps are effectively skipped.

2. If moduleId is relative (i.e. its first character is ”.”) and no referenceModule is given, throw an Error: moduleId is not resolvable.

3. If moduleId is relative and referenceModule is given, set moduleId to the module identifier given by referenceModule + "/../" + moduleId and collapse any relative segments. At this point, moduleId should contain no relative fragments; if it does, throw an Error: moduleId is not resolvable.

4. If referenceModule is given, and it is a member of a package defined in the packages configuration variable, and that package also has an entry in the packageMap configuration variable, replace the leftmost segment of moduleId (the package name) with the value given in packageMap.

5. Look up the moduleId computed in Step 3 in the aliases configuration variable. If moduleId is aliased, restart the process at Step 3 with the new moduleId from aliases. Note that this means aliases is referenced after packageMap has taken effect.

6. If the moduleId is only one segment long, and this segment is identical to a package name in the packages configuration variable, append “/” and the value of the main configuration variable for the package to moduleId. (For example, “dojo” would be resolved to “dojo/main”.)

At this point, moduleId has been fully normalized to an absolute module identifier known to the loader (that is, the reference module has no further influence on the absolute module identifier).

7. Find the longest module identifier fragment in paths that matches from the start of moduleId. If a match is found, let result be equal to moduleId with the matched section replaced with the corresponding value from paths.

8. If no matching paths were found in Step 7 and moduleId references a module in a package, let result be equal to moduleId with its first segment (the package name) replaced with the location property from the relevant package.

9. If neither Step 7 nor 8 were applied and has(“config-tlmSiblingOfDojo”) is truthy, then let result be equal to "../" + moduleId.

  1. If result is not absolute, prefix it with the value of the configuration variable baseUrl.
  2. Append the suffix ”.js” to result.

Normalization Examples

In these examples, assume that the default configuration is in use.


dojo ⇒ dojo/main (Step 6)
dojo/main ⇒ ./main (Step 8)
./main ⇒ path/to/dojo/ + ./main ⇒ path/to/dojo/main (Step 10)
path/to/dojo/main.js (Step 11)


dojo/store/api/Store ⇒ ./store/api/Store (Step 8)
./store/api/Store ⇒ path/to/dojo/ + ./store/api/Store ⇒ path/to/dojo/store/api/Store (Step 10)
path/to/dojo/store/api/Store.js (Step 11)

../../_base/Deferred with reference module dojo/store/util/QueryResults

../../_base/Deferred ⇒ dojo/store/util/QueryResults + /../ + ../../_base/Deferred ⇒
dojo/store/util/QueryResults/../../../_base/Deferred ⇒ dojo/_base/Deferred (Step 3)
dojo/_base/Deferred ⇒ ./_base/Deferred (Step 8)
./_base/Deferred ⇒ path/to/dojo/ + ./_base/Deferred ⇒ path/to/dojo/_base/Deferred (Step 10)
path/to/dojo/_base/Deferred.js (Step 11)


myApp ⇒ ../myApp (Step 9)
../myApp ⇒ path/to/dtk + ../myApp ⇒ path/to/myApp (Step 10)
path/to/myApp.js (Step 11)


myApp/someSubmodule ⇒ ../myApp/someSubmodule (Step 9)
../myApp/someSubmodule ⇒ path/to + ../myApp/someSubmodule ⇒ path/to/myApp/someSubmodule (Step 10)
path/to/myApp/someSubmodule.js (Step 11)

Notice how, assuming baseUrl points to the dojo tree as per the default, the top-level module identifier "myApp" is now a sibling of the dojo tree - just like tlmSiblingOfDojo suggests. This is how the dojo v1.x line has always treated top-level modules (absent a paths mapping).

If the myApp tree were to reside at "/other/path/to/myApp", this could be achieved by providing a paths configuration like this:

var dojoConfig = {

Since "/other/path/to/my/App" is absolute, Step 10 does not add baseUrl to the mix:


myApp ⇒ /other/path/to/myApp (Step 7)
/other/path/to/myApp.js (Step 11)


myApp/someSubmodule ⇒ /other/path/to/myApp/someSubmodule (Step 7)
/other/path/to/myApp/someSubmodule.js (Step 11)

paths can also map to path segments that are relative. For example, assume you have the following tree of modules:


In this case, myApp is not a sibling of dojo, but is still reachable from the automatically-computed baseUrl that points to script/dtk/dojo. A paths entry that gives the path for myApp relative to baseUrl will work:

var dojoConfig = {

Resulting in...


myApp ⇒ ../../myApp (Step 7)
../../myApp ⇒ path/to/dtk/dojo/ + ../../myApp ⇒ path/to/myApp (Step 10)
path/to/myApp ⇒ path/to/myApp.js (Step 11)


myApp ⇒ ../../myApp/someSubmodule (Step 7)
../../myApp/someSubmodule ⇒ path/to/dtk/dojo/ + ../../myApp ⇒ path/to/myApp/someSubmodule (Step 10)
path/to/myApp/someSubmodule ⇒ path/to/myApp/someSubmodule.js (Step 11)

This is one way to override the behavior of tlmSiblingOfDojo. Another way is to set tlmSiblingOfDojo to falsy or explicitly set baseUrl. Assuming the same tree of modules given above, consider this configuration:

var dojoConfig = {

Notice that this time there is no paths mapping; we don't need one, because setting baseUrl sets tlmSiblingOfDojo to false, which means identifiers are now simply relative to baseUrl:


myApp ⇒ scripts/ + myApp ⇒ script/myApp (Step 10)
scripts/myApp ⇒ scripts/myApp.js (Step 11)


myApp ⇒ scripts/ + myApp/someSubmodule ⇒ script/myApp/someSubmodule (Step 10)
scripts/myApp/someSubmodule ⇒ scripts/myApp/someSubmodule.js (Step 11)


dojo ⇒ dojo/main (Step 4)
dojo/main ⇒ dtk/dojo/main (Step 8)
dtk/dojo/main ⇒ scripts/dtk/dojo/ + ./main ⇒ scripts/dtk/dojo/main (Step 10)
scripts/dtk/dojo/main.js (Step 11)


dojo/behavior ⇒ dtk/dojo/behavior (Step 8)
dtk/dojo/behavior ⇒ scripts/dtk/dojo/ + ./behavior ⇒ scripts/dtk/dojo/behavior (Step 10)
scripts/dojo/behavior.js (Step 11)

If we make myApp a proper package, the resolution of "myApp" will change:

var dojoConfig = {

"myApp/someSubmodule" maps the same, but "myApp" does not:


myApp ⇒ myApp/main (Step 4)
myApp/main ⇒ myApp/main (Step 8)
myApp/main ⇒ scripts/ + myApp/main ⇒ scripts/myApp/main (Step 10)
scripts/myApp/main.js (Step 11)

Configuring packages is usually a much better idea than cluttering the scripts directory with a bunch of top-level modules.

Usually, you can map a module identifier anywhere. For example, maybe you are experimenting with a new module that replaces dojo/cookie. In this case, you want all dojo modules to map as usual, but you want dojo/cookie to map to scripts/experimental/dojo/cookie. All that's needed to achieve this is add an entry into paths:

var dojoConfig = {

Now, Step 7 will treat dojo/cookie differently than any other module identifier and map it to scripts/experimental/dojo/cookie.

Finally, consider what happens when the module identifier you want to map is the parent segment of a tree of modules. For example, consider this tree:


On one hand, "myApp/myApi" is a module, but it's also a parent segment for the module identifiers "myApp/myApi/helper1" and "myApp/myApi/helper2". This means that the paths entry "myApp/myApi":"path/to/another/myApi" will remap the two helper modules as well. More often than not, this is exactly what you'll want, but if it isn't, you can simply add more path entries for the original helpers. Here's what that would look like:

var dojoConfig = {

That's pretty verbose and not very convenient, but this is also a highly unusual configuration that you'll rarely, if ever, need.

Relocating Module Namespaces

If you want to use two packages with the same name at the same time, as long as the package authors followed best practices and did not use an explicit moduleId in their define calls, you can simply install the two packages to two different directories and then define each package with a unique name in the packages array. For example:

var dojoConfig = {
  baseUrl: "./",
  packages: [{
      name: "util1",
      location: "packages/util1"
    }, {
      name: "util2",
      location: "packages/util2"

You can then access these packages normally through require or define:

define(["util1", "util2"], function(util1, util2){
  // well that was easy.

It is also possible to remap packages that are required by another package. For example:

var dojoConfig = {
  packages: [{
    name: "util1",
    location: "packages/util1",
    packageMap: {dojox:"dojox1"}
  }, {
    name: "util2",
    location: "packages/util2",
    packageMap: {dojox:"dojox2"}
  }, {
    name: "dojox1",
    location: "packages/dojox-version-1-6"
  }, {
    name: "dojox2",
    location: "packages/dojox-version-1-4"

This code will ensure that all explicit references to the "dojox" package in "util1" are redirected to "dojox1", and all references to the "dojox" package in "util2" are redirected to "dojox2".

This design replaces the so-called "multi-version" design in dojo v1.6- and eliminates the need for contexts as implemented in RequireJS. Notice that, unlike the multi-version design, no build is required to deploy a relocated package. It's all a matter of simple configuration. This is a very powerful feature and only dojo has it.

Utility Functions

Dojo's AMD API includes a few utility functions:

require.toUrl converts a name that is prefixed by a module identifier to a URL by replacing the module identifier prefix with the path resolved by the normalization process.

  id // (string) a resource identifier that is prefixed by a module identifier
) -> string

For example, let's say you've defined a configuration that will cause the module identifier "myApp/widgets/button" to point to the resource In such a case, require.toUrl("myApp/widgets/templates/button.html") would return

This also works with relative IDs when require is a context-sensitive require. For example:

define(["require", ...], function(require, ...){
     ... require.toUrl("./images/foo.jpg") ...

Note how the URL begins with "./".

require.toAbsMid converts the given module ID to an absolute module ID. This function is only useful when used in conjunction with a context-sensitive require.

  moduleId // (string) a module identifier
) -> string

require.undef removes a module from the module namespace. require.undef is primarily useful for test frameworks that need to load and unload modules without having to reload the entire application.

  moduleId // (string) a module identifier
) -> undefined

require.log is an alias to the current environment's console.log equivalent. Each passed argument is logged to a separate line.

  // ( one or more messages to log
) -> undefined

require.toAbsMid and require.undef are Dojo-specific extensions to the AMD specification.

CommonJS require, exports, and module

The AMD specification defines three special module identifiers: require, exports, and module.

The require module works as described in Context-sensitive require.

The module module returns an object that contains the following properties:

  • id: a unique module identifier string that, when passed to require, returns the module's value
  • uri: the fully-qualified URI from which the module resource was loaded (this may not always be available)
  • exports: described below

The exports module and module.exports provide an alternative method for defining a module value. Instead of returning the value explicitly by a return statement in the factory function, exports provides a JavaScript object onto which properties can be attached. For example, the following two module definitions are identical:

define([], function(){
  return {

define(["exports"], function(exports){
  exports.someProperty = "hello";
  exports.someOtherProperty = "world";

Attaching properties to the exports object is the only way to ensure modules are properly defined when they are in a circular dependency.

The module.exports object can also be replaced entirely if desired:

define(["module"], function(module){
  module.exports = dojo.declare(/*...*/);

Finally, the AMD specification states that when define is provided only a factory function, the loader must act as though a dependencies array was passed with the value ["require", "exports", "module"]. In other words, the following two define calls are equivalent:

define(["require", "exports", "module"], function(require, exports, module){
  // define a module

define(function(require, exports, module){
  // define a module

In the latter case, calls within the function of the form require("foo") will be scanned for and resolved as though they were given as dependencies.

All of this functionality is provided primarily for compatibility with other CommonJS modules. You should not use it unless you are writing modules specifically for e.g. node.js and do not want to require users to load a fully-compliant AMD loader, or in the case of exports, if you need to resolve a circular dependency.


Plugins can be used to extend the loader to support loading resources other than AMD modules (for example, templates or i18n bundles). Dojo v1.7 includes several plugins of its own:

  • dojo/domReady: defers execution of the module's factory function until the DOM is ready.
  • dojo/text: loads text resources; it is a superset of RequireJS's text plugin, and subsumes dojo.cache.
  • dojo/i18n: loads i18n bundles either in legacy or AMD format. It includes the v1.6- i18n API and is a superset of RequireJS's i18n plugin.
  • dojo/has: allows has.js expressions to be used to conditionally load modules.
  • dojo/require: downloads a legacy module without loading it. This allows the legacy code path to be guaranteed.
  • dojo/loadInit: causes dojo.loadInit callbacks then other legacy API functions to be executed--in particular dojo.require[After]If--that are associated with a module

When a module identifier passed to require or define contains an "!", the loader splits the string in two at the exclamation point. The string to the left of "!" is treated like a normal module ID and is used as the identifier for the desired plugin; the string to the right of "!" is passed to the plugin for processing.

Like all other AMD modules, the plugin module is loaded only once; unlike normal modules, it must return an object containing a function named "load" with this signature:

  id,        // the string to the right of the !
  require,   // AMD require; usually a context-sensitive require bound to the module making the plugin request
  callback   // the function the plugin should call with the return value once it is done
) -> undefined

Here is an example of loading some raw text with a "text" plugin:

// this is "myApp/myModule"
define(["text!./templates/myModule.html"], function(template){
  // template is a string loaded from the resource implied by myApp/templates/myModule.html

And a simple "text" plugin implementation:

define(["dojo/_base/xhr"], function(xhr){
  return {
    load: function(id, require, callback){
        url: require.toUrl(id),
        load: function(text){

Unlike the value returned by regular modules, the loader does not cache the value passed by a plugin to callback. A plugin can maintain its own internal cache, if desired:

define(["dojo"], function(dojo){
  var cache = {};
  return {
    load: function(id, require, callback){
      var url = require.toUrl(id);
      if(url in cache){
          url: url,
          load: function(text){
            callback(cache[url] = text);

Window Load Detection

The Dojo loader connects to the window.onload event and sets document.readyState to "complete" if it's not already set. This allows a normal AMD module to rely on document.readyState, even in browsers that do not properly support this property.

The Micro Event API

The loader defines a micro event API that it uses to report errors, configuration changes, tracing, and idle state. The API consists of two functions:

require.on = function(
  eventName, // (string) the event name to connect to
  listener   // (function) called upon event

require.signal = function(
  eventName, // (string) the event name to signal
  args       // (array) the arguments to apply to each listener

The loader itself uses require.signal to signal its own events. Clients may listen for loader events by passing a listener function to require.on. For example, a client could connect to the "config" event to watch for configuration changes like this:

var handle = require.on("config", function(config, rawConfig){
        // do something

Notice that the "config" event provides both a config and a rawConfig argument; this is described in more detail in the Configuration section.

require.on returns an opaque handle object that can be used to stop listening by calling handle.remove().

The loader reserves the event names "error", "config", "idle", and "trace". Client applications that wish to use the micro event API with custom events are free to use any other event names.

Error Reporting

When things go wrong, the loader raises an "error" event through the micro event API. To monitor loader errors, simply connect via require.on like this:

function handleError(error){

require.on("error", handleError);

The first argument sent to the listener is a loader error object that contains the property src, which is currently always set to "dojoLoader", and the property id, which gives a string identifier indicating the particular error. The loader defines the following error identifiers:

A module factory function threw an Error.
An XHR failed to retrieve a module resource. Typically, this indicates an HTTP 404 error, and is often caused by a configuration problem with paths, aliases, packages, and/or baseUrl.
AMD define was called referencing a module that has already been defined. The most common cause of this problem is loading modules via <script> elements in the HTML document. Use the loader; don't use <script> elements. The second most common cause is passing explicit module identifiers to define; don't do this either.
waitSeconds has elapsed since the last module was requested, yet all modules have not arrived. Typically, this indicates an HTTP 404 error, and is often caused by a configuration problem with paths, aliases, packages, and/or baseUrl.
An anonymous define call occurred in an Internet Explorer environment but it was impossible to determine the implied module identifier. defineIe errors are usually caused by the same kinds of problems that cause multipleDefine errors.

Loader errors are often impossible to recover from. If your application demands a module that does not exist, there's nothing the loader can do to fix that situation. However, this API can be used to attempt other strategies (like loading from a backup server) or to provide error messages to improve user experience.


Debugging highly asynchronous processes like loading a tree of AMD modules can be tricky. Here are a few pointers to make this task manageable:

  • The most common error for programmers used to the legacy loader API is to express a module identifier using dots instead of slashes.
  • A common syntax error that's not well reported in some browsers is to miss a comma in a dependencies argument.
  • A common programming error is to accidentally mismatch module identifiers in the dependencies array with their corresponding parameters in the callback/factory function. This will often show up as "object is not a constructor" or "method does not exist" or similar.
  • In some browsers, in some circumstances, inserting breakpoints will change the asynchronous flow and cause an application to fail only when breakpoints are inserted. This generally indicates the program is depending on modules being defined in a certain order; well-designed AMD applications will have no such requirement.

The Dojo loader also exposes its internal state for inspection during debugging on the require object. These are:

A boolean indicating whether or not the asynchronous loader is in use.
A string describing the legacy mode of the loader (if async is false).
The baseUrl configuration variable
The paths configuration variable
The package configuration. This is a combination of all passed package configurations.
A list of modules the loader has requested that have not yet arrived. If the loader seems to stall, look here second; look in your debugger's network panel for 404 errors first.
The queue of modules that is scheduled to execute. If this queue seems stalled, then there is almost certainly another problem, probably 404 errors, syntax errors, or naming errors elsewhere.

The module namespace. Each entry holds all information about each module known to the loader:

  • result holds the module value
  • injected holds the loaded state (one of 0, "requested", "arrived")
  • executed holds the executed state of a factory (one of 0, "executing", "executed")
  • pid holds the owning package (if any)
  • url holds the address the loader has computed for the resource that defines the module
  • def holds the factory

Warning: these internal definitions are exposed and discussed here to help with debugging only. Do not use them in your own code. These structures may change!


Owing to the asynchronous nature of the loader, sometimes the best technique to solve a loading problem is to let the loader proceed normally without any breakpoints and analyze the order of certain loader events like injecting, defining, or executing a module. The source version of the loader contains a tracing API to facilitate this debugging technique. The tracing API can also be used with your own code if desired.

The tracing API has the following signatures:

require.trace = function(
  groupId, // (string) the tracing group identifier to which this trace message belongs
  args     // (array of any) additional data to send with trace
) -> undefined

  groupId, // (string) a tracing group identifier
  enable   // (boolean) enable or disable tracing of messages from groupId
) -> undefined

  groupMap  // (object:groupId --> boolean) a map from trace group identifier to on/off value
) -> undefined

require.trace.on // (boolean) enable/disable all tracing // (object) a map from trace group id to boolean

To emit trace messages, call require.trace with a groupId and an array of information to be sent as part of the trace.

When require.trace(groupId, args) is called, the following process takes place:

  1. If trace.on is falsy, then do nothing and return.
  2. If[groupId] is falsy, then do nothing and return.
  3. Signal the trace event via the micro event API with the argument [groupId, args].
  4. Concatenate groupId and the string value of each item in args into a comma-separated list and apply require.log to the resulting string.
  5. Apply require.log to each item in args.

Tracing can be turned on or off for one or more trace groups by providing a configuration variable trace. For example:

    "loader-inject":1, // turn the loader-inject group on
    "loader-define":0 // turn the loader-define group off

Alternatively, require.trace.set can be called directly; there are two forms:

  "loader-inject":1, // turn the loader-inject group on
  "loader-define":0 // turn the loader-define group off

...or, equivalently...

require.trace.set("loader-inject", 1);
require.trace.set("loader-define", 0);

All tracing can be suspended by setting require.trace.on to false; setting require.trace.on to true only enables the groups that have been individually set to true as described above.

The loader defines the following trace groups:

Emitted when a module is injected into the application. args[0] will be "cache" if the module was in the loader cache, "xhr" if the module was injected via an XHR transaction, and "script" if the module was script-injected. Args[1] is the module identifier; args[2] is the URL/filename; if args[0] is "xhr", args[3] will be true if asynchronous XHR was used.
Emitted when define is called. args[0] is the module identifier. args[1] is the dependencies array. Notice that args give the decoded values of these parameters, not the actual values at arguments[0] and arguments[1]. Often the loader does not actually process the define call until the script that contains the define call has been fully processed; processing of the define call is traced with by "loader-define-module" (see below).
Emitted when the loader attempts or fails to run a module's factory by first tracing the module's dependency tree and running all dependent module factories. Notice that success is not guaranteed: if a dependent module can not be resolved (perhaps it has not arrived yet), then the attempt is aborted and reattempted later. args[0] is "exec" on attempt, "abort" on failure; args[1] is the module identifier.
Emitted when the loader is about to call a module's factory function after all dependencies have been satisfied. args[0] is the module identifier.
Emitted when the loader is executing final cleanup after having successfully run a module's factory. This includes passing all queued plugin requests to newly instantiated plugin modules and updating module values for legacy modules. Args[0] is the module identifier.
Emitted when the loader is about to process a previous define call. See loader-define, above. args[0] is the module identifier.
Emitted when the loader detects a circular dependency, which may or may not indicate a programming error.

Non-browser Environments

As of v1.7, the Dojo loader supports Rhino and node.js out of the box. Loading the Dojo loader from the command-line with node.js looks like this:

node dojo/dojo.js load=config load=main

And like this with Rhino:

XXX TODOC command-line arguments, etc.

The Legacy API

In order to maintain backwards compatibility with v1.6-, the v1.7 loader includes the complete synchronous loader API (dojo.provide, dojo.require, dojo.requireLocalization, dojo.requireIf, dojo.requireAfterIf, dojo.platformRequire, and dojo.loadInit), and should work exactly the same as earlier loaders, with one exception:

Owing to the way dojo.eval is defined in v1.6- and the way some browsers' eval functions work, sometimes a module's code would be evaluated in the global scope and sometimes it would be evaluated in a function scope. Consider the module text:

var someVariable = anAwesomeCalculation();

If the code above is evaluated in the global scope, then someVariable is entered into the global namespace; however, if it's evaluated in a function scope, then someVariable is a local variable and disappears when the function returns.

In version 1.7+, all code that is downloaded as text and evaluated with eval is evaluated in a function scope. If you've got code like the above and expect someVariable be defined in the global space, it will not work in v1.7 (it only worked sometimes anyway, even if you didn't know it). To define global variables, assign them as properties of

dojo.provide(""); = anAwesomeCalculation();

Modes of Operation

The v1.7 loader is able to load both legacy modules and AMD modules in the same application. This allows client applications written using the legacy API to use dojo, dijit, and other libraries that have already been rewritten with the AMD API. In such cases, the loader must operate synchronously, since modules written with the legacy API cannot be loaded asynchronously.

There are two sub-modes to the legacy mode of the v1.7 loader: synchronous and cross-domain.

Legacy Synchronous Mode

In this mode, the only difference between the v1.7 loader and previous Dojo loaders is how the loader treats the module value. Unlike in normal AMD API operation, legacy synchronous mode will cause all dependencies to be immediately resolved and factory functions executed, even if the related module has not been used yet.

The loader will also assign the return value of an AMD module required by dojo.require to the object name given in dojo.require so long as that object is undefined at the time dojo.require is called. This behavior can be suppressed completely by setting the has feature config-publishRequireResult to false.

Legacy Cross Domain Mode

The moment the loader enters cross-domain mode, even legacy modules start executing asynchronously. This means that if the loader happens to be in the middle of tracing a dependency tree generated by several interdependent legacy modules, any future dojo.require calls will return immediately without first executing the module. v1.6- also exhibited this behavior.

Configuration Reference

Configuration Variables

async (true, false/"sync", "legacyAsync")
If a truthy value other than "sync" or "legacyAsync", puts the loader in AMD mode. If falsy or "sync", puts the loader in legacy synchronous mode. "legacyAsync" puts the loader permanently in legacy cross-domain mode. Defaults to false.
baseUrl (string)
The base URL prepended to a module identifier when converting it to a path or URL. Defaults to the path to dojo.js in browser environments, and the current working directory in non-browser environments.
packages (array of package configuration objects)
Defined in Module Identifiers. Default is shown in the Default Configuration section. Note: other properties provided by a package object will be copied (via the JavaScript = operator) to the package configuration variable maintained by the loader at require.packs[<name>]. Client applications may specify and use such additional properties as required.
packagePaths (object)
This is a shorthand notation that can be used to specify package configuration for several packages that have the same root location. A particular package's location configuration variable is computed by concatenating the map key at which the particular package configuration object resides and the package name. The package configuration object may be specified as a string, thereby indicating the package name and default values for main and packageMap. For example:

Is equivalent to:

aliases (array of pairs (arrays of 2 elements))
Defined in Module Identifiers. The first element may either be a regular expression, indicating a set of module identifiers to alias, or a string, indicating a single module identifier to alias. The second element in the pair is always a string, giving the target, absolute module identifier.
hasCache: (map:has feature name --> (any, typically boolean or function) has feature test or value)
Provides a set of has feature values. Default is shown in the Default Configuration section.
waitSeconds (number)
Indicates the number of seconds the loader will wait for all requested modules to arrive before signaling a timeout error. The timer is restarted after any module is requested. Defaults to 0 (wait forever).
cacheBust (boolean)
Applicable to the browser environment only. If truthy, this value is appended to each module URL as a query string parameter to break browser caching. Defaults to false.
deps (array of module identifier strings) / callback (function)
These configuration variables are only applicable before the loader has been loaded. When provided, they cause the loader to execute require(deps, callback) once it has finished loading.
stripStrict (boolean)
This flag will strip the "use strict" strict directive out of modules. This can be enabled if you need to access the call stack through arguments.callee.caller, but generally it should be disabled (it is disabled by default). This feature only works in sync mode.

Default Configuration

At the time this document was written, this was the default configuration for the Dojo loader. Please consult dojo.js for the latest and greatest.

    // the default configuration for a browser; this will be modified by other environments
        // note: like v1.6-, this bootstrap computes baseUrl to be the dojo directory
        // these are listed so it's simple to turn them on/off while debugging loading
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