Authors:Yoshiroh Kamiyama
Developers:Yoshiroh Kamiyama


ValuePickerSlot is a slot that is placed in the ValuePicker widget.


Use this widget as child widgets of the widget.

Constructor Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
items Array [] An array of array of key-label paris. (e.g. [[0,”Jan”],[1,”Feb”],...] ) If key values for each label are not necessary, labels can be used instead.
labels Array [] An array of labels to be displayed on the slot. (e.g. [“Jan”,”Feb”,...] ) This is a simplified version of the items property.
labelFrom Number 0 The start value of display values of the slot. This parameter is especially useful when slot has serial values.
labelTo Number 0 The end value of display values of the slot.
zeroPad Number 0 Length of zero padding numbers. Ex. zeroPad=2 -> “00”, “01”, ... Ex. zeroPad=3 -> “000”, “001”, ...
value String “” The initial value of the slot.
step Number 1 The steps between labelFrom and labelTo.
readOnly Boolean false A flag used to indicate if the input field is readonly or not.
tabIndex String “0” Tabindex setting for this widget so users can hit the tab key to focus on it.


See the widget for various examples.

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