Authors:Doug Hays
Developers:Doug Hays

TextBox is a very simple INPUT widget.

Constructor Parameters

Parameter Type Default Description
baseClass String mblTextBox Default CSS class name used to render the textbox.
class String   Additional CSS class names to add to baseClass.
maxLength Number (no limit) Maximum number of characters that can be entered in the INPUT box.
placeHolder String   Prompt text to display inside the INPUT when it would otherwise be empty (requires browser support).
onChange Function   An event handler used for INPUT change notifications.
trim Boolean false Remove leading and trailing spaces.
uppercase Boolean false Convert text to uppercase.
lowercase Boolean false Convert text to lowercase.
propercase Boolean false Convert text to propercase (Leading Uppercase).


Simple TextBox

<input data-dojo-type="" placeHolder="Enter LAST name" />

onChange handler in HTML5 format

<input data-dojo-type="" style="background-color:lightgray;"
      data-dojo-props='maxLength:10, value:"some data", onChange:function(newValue){ alert("value changed to " + newValue); }' />
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