Authors:Yoshiroh Kamiyama
Developers:Yoshiroh Kamiyama


ContentPane is a very simple and lightweight content pane to embed an HTML fragment. It can be regarded as a <div> element, but has ability to embed an HTML fragment and run the parser. The onLoad() handler is called when parsing is done and the content is ready. Compared with dijit.layout.ContentPane, this widget provides only basic fuctionality, but it is much smaller than dijit.layout.ContentPane.

Parameter Type Default Description
href String “” A URL of an HTML fragment to load.
lazy Boolean false If true, external content specified with the href property is not loaded at startup time. It can be loaded by calling load().
content String “” An HTML fragment content to load.
parseOnLoad Boolean true If true, runs the parser to parse the content.
prog Boolean true If true, shows a progress indicator while loading an HTML fragment specified by href.
executeScripts Boolean true If true, executes scripts that is found in the content.


Declarative example

<h2 data-dojo-type="">Pane1</h2>
<div data-dojo-type=""
     data-dojo-props="content:'&lt;div data-dojo-type=&quot;; data-dojo-props=&quot;shadow:true&quot;&gt;Thank you!&lt;/div&gt;'"></div>

<h2 data-dojo-type="">Pane2</h2>
<div data-dojo-type=""

The content of fragment1.html is as follows:

<div data-dojo-type="" data-dojo-props='shadow:true'>
  HTML fragment example

See examples of also.

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