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dojo.withGlobal provides a mechanism by which a function can have its and dojo.doc scope temporarily changed. This allows complete scope changes without affecting other items in the current dojo applications.


This function provides a quick way to alter both the scope and the dojo.doc document scope with a single call. You pass in a global scope (window object) and if it contains a “document” property, it is used in place of the default dojo.doc for the life of the function call. This call makes it possible for widgets that are and dojo.doc scope-control away to have their scopes changed temporarily without affecting the rest of the page.


Use this function to replace the globals for a callback. Only during the callback execution, and dojo.doc will be assigned to the values you specify.

Dojo 1.7 (AMD)

require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/_base/window"], function(dom, win){
  var ifr = dom.byId("someIframe");
  var newGlobal = ifr.contentWindow; // get the global scope object from the frame

  // Call a callback with different 'global' values and context.
  win.withGlobal(newGlobal,  function(){
    console.log("The current is: ",;
    console.log("The current dojo.doc is: ", win.doc);
    console.log("The current scope is: ", this);
  }, this);

Dojo < 1.7

var ifr = dojo.byId("someIframe");
var newGlobal = ifr.contentWindow; // get the global scope object from the frame

// Call a callback with different 'global' values and context.
dojo.withGlobal(newGlobal,  function(){
  console.log("The current is: ",;
  console.log("The current dojo.doc is: ", dojo.doc);
  console.log("The current scope is: ", this);
}, this);
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