
Project owner:Evan Huang


This module provides an unified set of touch events - “press | move | release | cancel”, which can run well across a wide range of devices(including desktops).

The rationale is very simple - “press | move | release | cancel” are mapped to:

  • “touchstart | touchmove | touchend | touchcancel” on touch devices(W3C Touch Events Specification)
  • “mousedown | mousemove | mouseup | mouseleave” on desktops.

So by using dojo/touch, we don’t need to worry about appropriate native events when switching running platforms.


dojo/touch is based on dojo/on and provides “press | move | release | cancel” 4 event handles. Following below are detail usages:

  1. Used with dojo/on
define(["dojo/on", "dojo/touch"], function(on, touch){
  on(node,, function(e){});
  on(node, touch.move, function(e){});
  on(node, touch.release, function(e){});
  on(node, touch.cancel, function(e){});
  1. Used with dojo/touch directly
define(["dojo/touch"], function(touch){, function(e){});
  touch.move(node, function(e){});
  touch.release(node, function(e){});
  touch.cancel(node, function(e){});
  1. Or used with the traditional dojo/connect
dojo.connect(node,, function(e){});
dojo.connect(node, dojo.touch.move, function(e){});
dojo.connect(node, dojo.touch.release, function(e){});
dojo.connect(node, dojo.touch.cancel, function(e){});

Relationship with dojo/gesture

dojo/touch is the underneath basis for dojox/gesture

Known Issues

If a device (like blackberry phones or some high end desktop computers) has both mouse and touch, dojo.touch will only monitor touch events, ideally it should be monitoring both. Please also See #13048.

Error in the documentation? Can’t find what you are looking for? Let us know!