Project owner: | Eugene Lazutkin |
since: | V1.7 |
This module defines the core dojo DOM geometry API. The convention for the return variable for this module is
AMD Features¶
Returns object with special values specifically useful for node fitting.
Returns an object with properties useful for noting the border dimensions.
Returns object with properties useful for box fitting with regards to padding.
Returns object with properties useful for box fitting with regards to box margins (i.e., the outer-box).
Returns an object that encodes the width, height, left and top positions of the node’s margin box.
Sets the size of the node’s margin box and placement (left/top), irrespective of box model. Think of it as a passthrough to setBox that handles box-model vagaries for you.
Returns an object that encodes the width, height, left and top positions of the node’s content box, irrespective of the current box model.
Sets the size of the node’s margin box and placement (left/top), irrespective of box model. Think of it as a passthrough to setBox that handles box-model vagaries for you.
Sets the size of the node’s contents, irrespective of margins, padding, or borders.
Returns true if the current language is left-to-right, and false otherwise.
Returns an object with {node, x, y} with corresponding offsets.
In RTL direction, scrollLeft should be a negative value, but IE returns a positive one. All codes using documentElement.scrollLeft must call this function to fix this error, otherwise the position will offset to right when there is a horizontal scrollbar.
Gets the position and size of the passed element relative to the viewport (if includeScroll==false), or relative to the document root (if includeScroll==true).
returns an object that encodes the width and height of the node’s margin box
Normalizes the geometry of a DOM event, normalizing the pageX, pageY, offsetX, offsetY, layerX, and layerX properties
Supported legacy features are set in dojo/_base/html.
The following example would return the margin box for a node:
require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-geometry", "dojo/dom-style"], function(dom, domGeom, domStyle){
var myNode = dom.byId("myNode");
var computedStyle = domStyle.getComputedStyle(myNode);
var marginBox = domGeom.getMarginBox(node, computedStyle);
See also¶
API Reference: dojo.dom-geometry