

This is a simple alias to ‘’document.getElementById’‘, which not only is shorter to write, but fortunately works in all browsers. It turns a domNode reference to some Node byId, or the same node reference if passed a domNode.

Since dojo 1.7, dojo.byId is defined in the dojo/dom module. An alias is kept in dojo/_base/html for backward-compatibility.


Dojo 1.7 (AMD)

When using AMD in a fully baseless application, byId is accessed from the dojo/dom module.

require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom){
    // fetch a node by id="someNode"
    var node = dom.byId("someNode");

Alternatively, you can load dojo base in AMD style and continue using dojo.byId in the define or require callback:

require(["dojo"], function(dojo){
    // fetch a node by id="someNode"
    var node = dojo.byId("someNode");

Dojo < 1.7

// fetch a node by id="someNode"
var node = dojo.byId("someNode");

The node variable is just a native domNode, with properties you can manipulate. The most common, ‘’innerHTML’‘:

// set some node to say "Hello World"
// dojo 1.7 (AMD)
require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom){
    dom.byId("someNode").innerHTML = "Hello World";

// dojo < 1.7
dojo.byId("someNode").innerHTML = "Hello World";

If you pass byId a domNode reference, the same node is returned:

// dojo 1.7 (AMD)
require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom){
    var node = dom.byId("someNode");
    var other = dom.byId(node);
    console.log(node == other);

// dojo < 1.7
var node = dojo.byId("someNode");
var other = dojo.byId(node);
console.log(node == other);

// output
>>> true

If you pass dojo.byId a string, and no domNode is found to match, ‘’undefined’’ or the null object is returned (depending on the browser), which is adequate truthiness to use conditionally:

// dojo 1.7 (AMD)
require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom){
  var node = dom.byId("fooBar");
    node.innerHTML = "I was found!";
    console.log("no node with id='fooBar' found!");

// dojo < 1.7
var node = dojo.byId("fooBar");
  node.innerHTML = "I was found!";
  console.log("no node with id='fooBar' found!");

Most (if not all) functions in Dojo accept either a string or DomNode as a parameter. If passed a string, the function typically calls dojo.byId(), ensuring a domNode is always the object. For instance:

// dojo 1.7 (AMD)
require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/dom-style"], function(dom, domStyle){
  domStyle.set(dom.byId("foo"), "opacity", 0.5);
  // is identical to:
  domStyle.set("foo", "opacity", 0.5);

// dojo < 1.7"foo"), "opacity", 0.5);
// is identical to:"foo", "opacity", 0.5);

The latter is preferred, as the call to dojo.byId is made in both cases. The passing of a string ID is consistent throughout the Dojo Toolkit.

JavaScript has a fun convention for conditionals inline. Imagine wanting a domNode reference, and if not present, default to some other node:

var othernode = dojo.byId("fallbackNode");
var node = dojo.byId("missingNode") || othernode;
node.innerHTML = "Which one?";

Above, if the node id=”missingNode” is in fact missing, the logical OR will continue, and use othernode as the value of node.


Fade-out a node

The following example lets a node by id disappear from the screen


  var node = dojo.byId("findMe");
  dojo.connect(dijit.byId("buttonOne"), "onClick", function(){
    dojo.fadeOut({node: node, duration: 300}).play();
  dojo.connect(dijit.byId("buttonTwo"), "onClick", function(){
    dojo.fadeIn({node: node, duration: 300}).play();
<button data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button" id="buttonOne">Hide Me!</button> <button data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button" id="buttonTwo">Show Me!</button>
<div id="findMe">Hiya!</div>
#findMe {
  width: 200px;
  height: 100px;
  background: #f3f3f3;
  border: 1px dotted #ccc;
  color: #444;
  padding: 10px;
  margin: 10px;

See Also


  • DOM - Official documentation on the Document Object Model.
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