since: | V? |
Returns the body element of the document.
This is a shorthand method
for accessing the <body> element within the document. Not only is it shorter, it returns the current body of the current context. It also allows Dojo to use the call in non-browser environments by overloading the function to return an appropriate element.
dojo.body is a very simple function with one purpose:
The most important item to remember is dojo.body is a function, and needs to be executed to get the value:
[ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]
require(["dojo/_base/window"], function(win){
console.log( win.body() );
[ Dojo < 1.7 ]
console.log( dojo.body() );
This is an example, which is shorter, safer to write than:
var b = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
Actually using the <body> element is an exercise left to the developer. There are several utility functions in Dojo to do common tasks on DomNodes, and <body> is just another:
[ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]
require(["dojo/_base/window", "dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom-construct"], function(win, style, ctr){
// set the background color:
style.set(win.body(), "backgroundColor", "green");
// place a node with id="foo" as the last-child of body:"foo", win.body());
// place id="foo" as a first-child of body:"foo", win.body(), "first");
[ Dojo < 1.7 ]
// set the background color:, "backgroundColor", "green");
// place a node with id="foo" as the last-child of body:"foo", dojo.body());
// place id="foo" as a first-child of body:"foo", dojo.body(), "first");