

dojo._base.lang contains functions for supporting Polymorphism.

As with all dojo._base components, these functions are included within Dojo Base. You get this functionality by just including dojo.js in your page.


  • dojo.hitch

    Function that generates a wrapper function that ensures a function that will only ever execute in a defined scope.

  • dojo.partial

    Function that generates a wrapper function that ensures a function will only ever execute globally.

  • dojo.clone

    Clones objects (including DOM nodes) and all children.

  • dojo.delegate

    Returns a new object which “looks” to obj for properties which it does not have a value for.

  • dojo.isString

    Checks if the parameter is a String

  • dojo.isArray

    Checks if the parameter is an Array

  • dojo.isFunction

    Checks if the parameter is a Function

  • dojo.isObject

    Checks if the parameter is a Object

  • dojo.isArrayLike

    Checks if the parameter is like an Array

  • dojo.isAlien

    Checks if the parameter is a built-in function

  • dojo.trim

    Trim whitespace from a String

  • dojo.replace

    Simple templates with parameterized substitutions.

  • dojo.mixin

    Mixes one object into another. Can be used as a shallow copy

  • dojo.extend

  • dojo.getObject

    Get a property from a dot-separated string, such as “A.B.C”

  • dojo.setObject

    Set a property from a dot-separated string, such as “A.B.C”

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