
author:Peter Higgins


Provides a simple Data abstraction API to dojo.NodeList, which is the result of calling dojo.query. This allows you to bind data items to individual nodes, knowing you will be able to retrieve the data later if you get a reference to that node.

The public APIs for the module are exposed on dojo.NodeList as data and removeData. The data method acts as a setter getter, and removeData does as it’s name suggests: remove all or some data from this node reference.

For Dojo 1.6 and earlier, the include the data APIs in your environment issue an appropriate dojo.require call:


Since Dojo 1.7, you need to use ‘require()’ to import this module:

require(["dojo/NodeList-data"], function(nodeListData){
  // your codes here

Using data()

The API to data is very simple. Each node has some arbitrary object hash of data items. Set a data item by key by passing a string key name, and some data to set at that position.

// [ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]
dojo.query("#mynode").data("datakey", "This is the data I'm setting");

// [ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(query, nodeListData){
    query("#mynode").data("datakey", "This is the data I'm setting");

Now, the node with id=”mynode” has a string data item under the key datakey. We can later get this data by calling data with only the key name:

// [ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]
var mydata = dojo.query("#mynode").data("datakey");

// [ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(query, nodeListData){
    var mydata = query("#mynode").data("datakey");
    if(mydata[0] == "This is the data I'm setting"){ alert("see?"); }

Notice we need to access the return of dojo.query as if it were an array, despite there only being one node in the list. data always returns an Array when acting as a getter. If the list has more than one item, the return array will have that many items as well.

We can set any type of data at some key name, be it a String, Array, Object, and even functions.

// [ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]
dojo.query("#someNode").data("myarray", [1,2]);
dojo.query("#diffNode").data("handlerFunction", function(){ ... });

// [ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(query, nodeListData){
    query("#someNode").data("myarray", [1,2]);
    query("#diffNode").data("handlerFunction", function(){ ... });

Or an example of using an object has as the actual data:

[ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]

dojo.query("#navNode").data("special-information", {
     huh: "the Data at `special-information` is this complex object",
     anumber: 42,
     thelist: [1,2,3]

// get it back:
var data = dojo.query("#navNode").data("special-information")[0];

[ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]

require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(query, nodeListData){
   query("#navNode").data("special-information", {
     huh: "the Data at `special-information` is this complex object",
     anumber: 42,
     thelist: [1,2,3]

   // get it back:
   var data = query("#navNode").data("special-information")[0];

Like other Dojo APIs, data accepts an object argument, which would be mixed into the node’s data set. For example:

[ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]

// like calling .data("a", 'b").data("c", "d").data("e", [1,2,3]
   a:"b", c:"d", e:[1,2,3]

dojo.query("#foo").data("a")[0]; // "b"
dojo.query("#foo").data("e")[0]; // [1,2,3]

[ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]

require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(query, nodeListData){
    // like calling .data("a", 'b").data("c", "d").data("e", [1,2,3]
       a:"b", c:"d", e:[1,2,3]

    query("#foo").data("a")[0]; // "b"
    query("#foo").data("e")[0]; // [1,2,3]

This is useful when needing to set multiple independent data keys. Note how this differs from calling:

// [ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]
dojo.query("#foo").data("stuff", {
    a:"b", c:"d", e:[1,2,3]

// [ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(query, nodeListData){
    query("#foo").data("stuff", {
        a:"b", c:"d", e:[1,2,3]

Here were stashing this object at the key stuff, as compared to the previous example where each of the object keys we used as data keys.

Various Return Types

There are several different types of returns that can come from First, when acting as a setter, data returns the NodeList, so you can continue chaining.

// [ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]
dojo.query("#bar").data("foo", 10).onclick(function(){ alert(dojo.query(this).data("foo")[0] == 10) });

// [ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(query, nodeListData){
      query("#bar").data("foo", 10).onclick(function(){ alert(query(this).data("foo")[0] == 10) });

When acting as a getter, always returns an Array. The array is populated with either the data at the requested key, or the entire data set if called with no arguments.

[ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]

dojo.query("#bar").data("a", "b").data("c", "d").data({ e:[1,2,3] };
// calling with no arguments return _entire_ data set bound to node.
var data = dojo.query("#bar").data()[0];
console.log(data.a, data.c, data.e); // logs "b" "d" [1,2,3]

[ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]

require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(query, nodeListData){
    query("#bar").data("a", "b").data("c", "d").data({ e:[1,2,3] };
    // calling with no arguments return _entire_ data set bound to node.
    var data = query("#bar").data()[0];
    console.log(data.a, data.c, data.e); // logs "b" "d" [1,2,3]

Private APIs

Though nonstandard, NodeList-data provides several “private” APIs. These functions are used with the NodeList “adapters”, and mixed in from the single-node variant. If you are more comfortable with using direct node access, feel free to use these APIs. There name may change, but their function signature cannot, as the power the public data and removeData exported to NodeList

dojo._nodeData(node, key, value):
 Can be called by passing a String or DomNode reference in the first position. All other arguments are shifted over.
dojo._removeNodeData(node, key):
 Can be called by passing a String or DomNode reference in the first position.

Here is a comparison:

[ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]

// setters:
dojo.query("#bar").data("baz", 10);
dojo._nodeData("bar", "baz", 10);

// getter, _nodeData does _not_ return an Array:
var data = dojo.query("#bar").data("baz")[0];
var dat2 = dojo._nodeData("bar", "baz");

if(data == dat2){ alert("see?") }

[ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]

require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(query, nodeListData){
     // setters:
     query("#bar").data("baz", 10);
     dojo._nodeData("bar", "baz", 10);

     // getter, _nodeData does _not_ return an Array:
     var data = query("#bar").data("baz")[0];
     var dat2 = dojo._nodeData("bar", "baz");

     if(data == dat2){ alert("see?") }

Data Removal

The removeData API works nearly the same as data. Calling removeData with no arguments will erase all data bound to the node, and passing a string key name will erase the data under the key of the same name in the cache.

// [ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]
dojo.query("#bar").removeData(); // erases all information
dojo.query("#baz").removeData("e"); // removed [1,2,3] for instance

// [ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]
require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(query, nodeListData){
    query("#bar").removeData(); // erases all information
    query("#baz").removeData("e"); // removed [1,2,3] for instance

There is, however, no way to remove a list of keys. An example of how to do so would look like:

[ Dojo 1.6 and earlier ]

var remover = dojo.partial(dojo._removeNodeData, "nodeId");
dojo.forEach(["key", "otherkey", "somekey"], remover);

[ Dojo 1.7 AMD ]

require(["dojo/_base/lang","dojo/_base/array", "dojo/NodeList-data"], function(lang, array, nodeListData){
    var remover = lang.partial(nodeListData._removeNodeData, "nodeId");
    array.forEach(["key", "otherkey", "somekey"], remover);

Memory Considerations

There is no automatic node-deletion tracking going on. If you bind data to a node, and destroy that node directly or indirectly, the data will persist in the cache. In small pages, the memory consumption of this data cache is probably not worth considering. In large pages, or single-page-ajax apps that seldom or never refresh, the memory could increase indefinitely, leading to what could be perceived as a leak. It is highly recommended you manually clear out data on nodes you no longer need. If this is not a possibility due to engineering, or loose coupling, a single garbage collection API is provided: dojo._gcNodeData()

You can call :ref:gcNodeData at any time. It will remove items from the cache for nodes that no longer exist in the DOM. This function could be wildly expensive, especially on pages with a large DOM. Again, though this API is provided, it is highly recommended you manually manage your Data items if in a scenario leading to these potential “leaks”.

See Also

  • - is an opaque Data API, unrelated to direct node references. More powerful and abstract than this node-data module.
  • dijit._Widget - If you have complex data and relationships between components and nodes, perhaps you are thinking about it wrong. dijit._Widget provides another take on data-node binding by providing an API to Objects exclusively, each bound to at the least a top-level DomNode. This base class powers the entire Dijit UI library, and is very small.
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