
Project owner:Shane O’Sullivan
Available:since V1.2


The dojox.widget.Calendar widget extends the base ‘’dijit._Calendar’’ mixin to provide multiple views on the date object. At time of writing (circa 1.3), there are four views available:
  • dojox.widget._CalendarDay - The primary view, showing all of the days in a single month.
  • dojox.widget._CalendarMonthYear - displays both the months and the years.
  • dojox.widget._CalendarMonth - displays just the months to choose. Available from dojox/widget/CalendarViews.js
  • dojox.widget._CalendarYear - displays just the years to choose. Available from dojox/widget/CalendarViews.js
The various views can be combined in any combination to create a complete widget. However, the provided widgets are:
  • dojox.widget.Calendar - the default calendar contains the daily view combined with the Month/Year single view.
  • dojox.widget.DailyCalendar - just the daily view.
  • dojox.widget.MonthAndYearlyCalendar - just the Month/Year view.
  • dojox.widget.Calendar3Pane - the daily, monthly and yearly views. Available from dojox/widget/CalendarViews.js.
  • dojox.widget.MonthlyCalendar - just the months. Available from dojox/widget/CalendarViews.js.
  • dojox.widget.YearlyCalendar - just the years. Available from dojox/widget/CalendarViews.js.


<style type="text/css">
  @import "dojox/widget/Calendar/Calendar.css";
<script type="text/javascript">
<div dojoType="dojox.widget.Calendar"></div>

As shown in the example above, the ''dojox/widget/Calendar/Calendar.css'' CSS file must be included on the page, the JavaScript can be loaded using ''dojo.require("dojox.widget.Calendar")'', and a calendar can be placed on the page using the ''dojoType'' attribute.


Programmatic examples

This example shows the standard calendar being created from code. Include the Calendar.css file, define a HTML node where the calendar is to be placed, load the dojox/widget/Calendar.js file using ''dojo.require'', then instantiate the widget.

A programmatically created Calendar. First lets write up some simple HTML code because you need to define the place where your Calendar should be created.

<style type="text/css">
  @import "{{baseUrl}}dojox/widget/Calendar/Calendar.css";
<div id="cal_1"></div>
<div id="cal_1_report"></div>

This example shows just the daily calendar being instantiated, with no month or year options.

<style type="text/css">
  @import "dojox/widget/Calendar/Calendar.css";
<div id="cal_2"></div>
<div id="cal_2_report"></div>

Declarative example

This example shows how to construct a standard Calendar declaratively. Note the ''<script type="dojo/connect" '' used to listen for events. This can be used instead of calls to ''dojo.connect'' for listening to function calls and events on widgets.

<style type="text/css">
  @import "{{baseUrl}}dojox/widget/Calendar/Calendar.css";
<div id="cal_3" dojoType="dojox.widget.Calendar">
  <script type="dojo/connect" event="onValueSelected" args="date">
    dojo.byId("cal_3_report").innerHTML = date;
<div id="cal_3_report"></div>

This example shows how to construct a Calendar declaratively, which only shows the Daily view. Note the ''<script type="dojo/connect" '' used to listen for events. This can be used instead of calls to ''dojo.connect'' for listening to function calls and events on widgets.

<style type="text/css">
  @import "{{baseUrl}}dojox/widget/Calendar/Calendar.css";
<div id="cal_4" dojoType="dojox.widget.DailyCalendar">
  <script type="dojo/connect" event="onValueSelected" args="date">
    dojo.byId("cal_4_report").innerHTML = date;
<div id="cal_4_report"></div>

Creating A Custom Calendar By Mixing Views

As the calendar consists of a combination of views, it is possible to mix these any way you like. The example below shows how to create a calendar that contains a Daily and Yearly view. You must always include ''dojox.widget._CalendarBase'' and one other view, otherwise you can include whatever views you like.

<style type="text/css">
  @import "{{baseUrl}}dojox/widget/Calendar/Calendar.css";
<div id="cal_5" dojoType="dojox.widget.CustomDayAndYearCalendar">
  <script type="dojo/connect" event="onValueSelected" args="date">
    dojo.byId("cal_5_report").innerHTML = date;
<div id="cal_5_report"></div>
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