Dijit is Dojo’s UI Library, and lives as a separate namespace dijit
. Dijit requires Dojo Core. Each of the widgets and functionality provided by Dijit is describe in the following sections, though the aforementioned quickstart guides cover some basics.
Form handling¶
text boxes
A specialized input widget for monetary values, much like the currency type in spreadsheet programs
An easy-to-use date entry control which allows either typing or choosing a date from any calendar widget
A input widget which restricts input to numeric input and offers down and up arrow buttons to “spin” the number up and down
A input widget which restricts input to numeric input
A simple wrapper of <textarea>; equivalent functionality
An auto expanding/contracting <textarea>
A basic <input type=”text”>-style form control
A time input control which allows either typing or choosing a time from any time-picker widget
select type widgets
A “auto complete”, which allows the user to type any value and just gives suggested completions
The MultiSelect widget allows the selection of multiple items
Similar to a <select> but with type-ahead filtering of the drop down list
A representation of a normal <button> or <input type=”submit/reset/button” />
A button with an arrow to show a drop down (often a menu)
A button which displays a menu or some other popup when you press it
A cross between a Button and a Checkbox widget
other controls
Nearly the same as an HTML checkbox, but with fancy styling
Corresponds to a <form> itself; wraps other widgets
To select one choice from a list
A scale with a handle you can drag up/down or left/right to select a value