Author: | Kris Zyp |
Project owner: | Kris Zyp |
Available: | since V1.2 |
dojox.json.ref implements JSON Referencing to provide serialization, deserialization, and indexing of complex object graphs with circular, multiple, cross-message, cross-store, and cross-site referencing.
JSON Referencing provides for id-based, path-based, and combined referencing. With id-based referencing, JSON objects self-identify themselves with an identity property (“id” by default). Objects can then be referred to by id. A JSON references is a JSON object with a property $ref with a value indicating the target. This is an example of id-based JSON referencing:
"name":"Kris Zyp",
"children":[{"id":"jennikazyp","name":"Jennika Zyp"}],
"name":"Nicole Zyp",
Path-based referencing works by specifying a JSON value by it's location within the object structure. With path-based referencing the # symbol should be used to denote the root of the current object structure and to separate. A path reference consists of dot delimited property names or array index numbers. dojox.json.ref also supports $ and this to reference the root. With path-based referencing, any JSON value may be referenced, not just objects. For example:
"name":"Kris Zyp",
"children":[{"name":"Jennika Zyp"},{"name":"Korban Zyp"}],
"name":"Nicole Zyp",
Id and path-based referencing can also be combined; a path can be postpended to an id reference. The # separates the id from the path portion and the path operates on the object referred by the id. For example:
"name":"Kris Zyp",
"children":[{"name":"Jennika Zyp"}],
This tutorial provides more in-depth overview of dojox.json.ref. dojox.json.ref is used by the JsonRestStore for reference resolution and indexing.