
Version:1.3 (trunk)
Project owner:Eugene Lazutkin
Available:since 1.3


This class is the component of the form manager. It should be used together with _Mixin.

The mixin provides commonly used methods to add/remove a CSS class, or detect its presence. It operates only on form nodes and attached nodes (see controlled elements for more classification details).

Methods and properties

This section describes all public methods and properties of the dojox.form.manager._ClassMixin class.


This method collects the presence of the specified CSS class in a dictionary object as Boolean values (true means the CSS class is present). It is loosely modeled after _EnableMixin’s gatherFromValues().

There are three ways to use this method:

  1. Call it with the CSS class name and the array of names (represented by strings):
var names = ["firstName", "lastName"], cssClass = "marker"
var state = fm.gatherClassState(cssClass, names);

Only supplied names will be inspected for the presence of cssClass.

  1. Call it with the CSS class name and a dictionary (an object). Only keys will be used, values will be ignored:
var names = {firstName: 1, lastName: 1}, cssClass = "marker";
var state = fm.gatherClassState(cssClass, names);

Only supplied names will be inspected for the presence of cssClass.

This form is especially useful when we already collected values, and want to check them for a presence of a certain CSS class:

var names = ["firstName", "lastName"], cssClass = "marker";
var values = fm.gatherFormValues(names);
// later in the code
var state  = fm.gatherClassState(cssClass, values);
  1. The second parameter is null, or undefined, or missing. In this case all known form elements will be inspected:
var cssClass = "marker";
var state = fm.gatherClassState(cssClass);


This method works exactly like gatherClassState but instead of collecting the presence information it assigns a CSS class to listed elements. It always returns the form manager widget for easy chaining.


// highlight firstName, use red background for lastName,
// place black border around all elements:
fm.addClass("hilite", ["firstName"]).
   addClass("redBg",  {lastName: 1}).


This method works exactly like addClass but instead of adding a class it removes the specified class from listed elements.


// undo the previous example:
fm.removeClass("hilite", ["firstName"]).
   removeClass("redBg",  {lastName: 1}).


Note that the dictionary form of addClass and removeClass methods always ignores values. While there is a way to collect the presence of a class, there is no direct way to reflect it back. If you want to do that you can use inspect() method of _Mixin:

// make the inspector function
var reflectClass = function(cssClass){
  // we use this approach for a closure to hide our CSS class
  return dojox.form.manager.actionAdapter(function(name, node, value){
      dojo.addClass(node, cssClass);
      dojo.removeClass(node, cssClass);

// collect the presence of the "marker" class
var state = fm.gatherClassState("marker");

// reflect it back
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