

Have you ever wanted to control arguments being passed into a function? For example, have you ever had the need to set the first parameter of a function to a defined value and allow the others to still vary? Well, dojo provides a way to do that! Partial is a cousin to ‘hitch’ in that it’s a function that returns a function. What it does is allow you to fix the first N parameters of a function call to some specific value. This can be very powerful, especially when you want to pass in object references or the like into notification functions of DataStores.

Lets take a quick look at a pseudo-code example of using partial:

var dataLoaded = function(someFirstParam, data, ioargs) {};

var args = {
  url: "foo",
  load: dataLoaded

Okay, so that will invoke the dataLoaded function when the xhrGet function returns ... but load of xhrGet expects param structure of: load(data, ioargs). So how the heck do we make sure that xhrGet's expectations are honored even with that new first param called 'someFirstParam'? Enter dojo.partial! Here's how you would do it:

var dataLoaded = function(someFirstParam, data, ioargs) {};

var args = {
  url: "foo",
  load: dojo.partial(dataLoaded, "firstValue");

What that does is create a new function that wraps dataLoaded and affixes the first parameter with the value "firstValue". Note that dojo.partial allows you to do N parameters, so you can keep defining as many values as you want for fixed-value parameters of a function.

Basic Example

Let's look at a quick runnong example:

<script type="text/javascript">

  dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
    var myClick = function(presetValue, event) {
       var node = dojo.byId("appendLocation");
    dojo.connect(dijit.byId("myButton"), "onClick", dojo.partial(myClick , "This is preset text!"));
<button dojoType="dijit.form.Button" id="myButton">Click me to append in a preset value!</button>
<div id="appendLocation"></div>

See Also:

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