A Brief History of Dojo¶
In early 2004 Alex Russell (original creator of netWindows) began looking to hire a collaborator on DHTML projects at Informatica. In the process many members of the DHTML community were contacted, culminating in the April 25, 2004 email titled “Selling the future of DHTML”. David Schontzler (Stilleye) spent a summer working at Informatica, and Dylan Schiemann also joined Informatica at that time. The first lines of code contributed to Dojo were done by Alex and Dylan with the support of Informatica. There were many other community members that were active participants in shaping the direction of Dojo, including Joyce Park, Tom Trenka, Mark Anderson, Leonard Lin (who suggested the name Dojo), Aaron Boodman, Simon Willison, Cal Henderson, and Dan Pupius.
After several months of discussions on the ng-dhtml (now dojo-developer) mailing list about licensing, choosing a name, coding conventions, build tools, server configuration, and requirements, work began and the Dojo Foundation was formed. The foundation is a 501(c)6 entity designed to house the code and IP rights and today hosts several other projects as well. By March 2005 contributions from the community began to outweigh those of the core development team and today 8 major releases have been made with over 1 million downloads of Dojo to date. Contributions and code have come from more than 60 developers and companies and major users such as IBM, AOL, Sun, SitePen, Bloglines, Google, Nexaweb and others continue to keep Dojo’s quality high and the community vibrant.