Authors: | Akira Sudoh, Ed Chatelain |
Developers: | Akira Sudoh, Ed Chatelain |
since: | V1.8 |
A widget that creates child widgets repeatedly based on the children
attribute (the repeated data) and childType
attributes (determines how to create each child widget).
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
children |
StatefulArray | The array of data model that is used to render child nodes. | |
childClz |
Function |
The class of the child widget. Takes precedence over childType /childMixins . |
childType |
String |
The module ID of child widget. childClz takes precedence over this/childMixins .
Can be specified via data-mvc-child-type attribute of widget declaration. |
childMixins |
String |
The list of module IDs, separated by comma, of the classes that will be mixed into child widget.
childClz takes precedence over childType /this. Can be specified via data-mvc-child-mixins attribute of
widget declaration. |
childParams |
Object |
The mixin properties for child widget. Can be specified via
childBindings |
Object |
Data bindings for child widget. | |
templateString |
String |
The template string for each child items. templateString in child widgets take precedence over this. |
partialRebuild |
Boolean |
false |
If true, only rebuild repeat items for changed elements. Otherwise, rebuild everything if there is a change in children. |
Declarative example 1:¶
Create multiple instances of dijit/form/TextBox based on the data in array, and
create multiple instances a label and a Textbox using dojox/mvc/InlineTemplate
], function(parser, ready, getStateful){
// Initial data
var data = {
"identifier": "Serial",
"items": [
"Serial" : "A111",
"First" : "Anne",
"Last" : "Ackerman",
"Email" : "[email protected]"
"Serial" : "B111",
"First" : "Ben",
"Last" : "Beckham",
"Email" : "[email protected]"
"Serial" : "I111",
"First" : "Irene",
"Last" : "Ira",
"Email" : "[email protected]"
"Serial" : "J111",
"First" : "John",
"Last" : "Jacklin",
"Email" : "[email protected]"
// The getStateful call will take json data and create make it Stateful
searchRecords = getStateful(data);
.row { width: 500px; display: inline-block; margin: 5px; }
.cell { width: 20%; display:inline-block; }
<script type="dojo/require">at: "dojox/mvc/at"</script>
<div id="main">
<div data-dojo-type="dojox/mvc/Group"
data-dojo-props="target: searchRecords">
The WidgetList container denotes a templated UI that operates over
a collection of data records.
<h4>Declarative WidgetList using data-mvc-child-type to create TextBox with data bound to the First name from the items: </h4>
<div data-dojo-type="dojox/mvc/WidgetList"
data-dojo-props="children: at('rel:', 'items')"
data-mvc-child-props="value: at(, 'First'),
class: 'row'">
<h4>Declarative WidgetList using a dojox/mvc/InlineTemplate to create label with the Serial and a TextBox with data bound to the First name from the items: </h4>
<div data-dojo-type="dojox/mvc/WidgetList"
data-dojo-props="children: at(searchRecords, 'items')">
<script type="dojox/mvc/InlineTemplate">
<span data-dojo-type="dijit/_WidgetBase"
data-dojo-props="value: at('rel:', 'Serial'),
_setValueAttr: {node: 'domNode', type: 'innerText'}"></span>:
<span data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox"
data-dojo-props="value: at('rel:', 'First')"></span>
<p>Updates to either set of TextBoxes will be reflected in the other set when tabbing out of the field, since they are bound to the same model properties.</p>
Programmatic example 1:¶
Create multiple instances a label and a Textbox with the First and Last name using two types of programmatic creation of a dojox/mvc/WidgetList
var templateString2 = '<div class="row">'
+ '<script type="dojo/require">at: "dojox/mvc/at"<\/script>'
+ '<label class="cell">Name:</label>'
+ '<input id="${}_textbox${indexAtStartup}" class="cell" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" data-dojo-attach-point="firstNode"></input>'
+ '<input class="cell" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/TextBox" data-dojo-attach-point="lastNode"></input>'
+ '</div>';
], function(declare, when, ddom, parser, all, Memory, registry, _WidgetBase, at, EditStoreRefListController, WidgetList){
// Initial data
var data = {
"identifier": "Serial",
"items": [
"Serial" : "A111",
"First" : "Anne",
"Last" : "Ackerman",
"Email" : "[email protected]"
"Serial" : "B111",
"First" : "Ben",
"Last" : "Beckham",
"Email" : "[email protected]"
"Serial" : "I111",
"First" : "Irene",
"Last" : "Ira",
"Email" : "[email protected]"
"Serial" : "J111",
"First" : "John",
"Last" : "Jacklin",
"Email" : "[email protected]"
ctrl = new EditStoreRefListController({store: new Memory({data: data})});
// Programatic WidgetList using childBindings and a templateString using attach-points
(new WidgetList({templateString: templateString2,
children: at(ctrl, "model"),
childBindings: {
firstNode: {value: at("rel:", "First")},
lastNode: {value: at("rel:", "Last")}
// Programatic WidgetList using childParams and startup function to setup bindings with templateString using attach-points
(new WidgetList({templateString: templateString2,
children: at(ctrl, "model"),
childParams: {
startup: function(){
this.firstNode.set("value", at("rel:", "First"));
this.lastNode.set("value", at("rel:", "Last"));
this.inherited("startup", arguments);
when(all([parser.parse(), ctrl.queryStore()]), function(a){
console.log("parser.parse and queryStore are complete ctrl.model is set to from the query", a[1]);
.row { width: 500px; display: inline-block; margin: 5px; }
.cell { width: 20%; display:inline-block; }
<div id="main">
<h4>Programatic WidgetList using childBindings to setup the bindings with a templateString using attach-points: </h4>
<div id="programmaticRepeat1"></div>
<h4>Programatic WidgetList using childParams and startup function to setup bindings with templateString using attach-points: </h4>
<div id="programmaticRepeat2"></div>
<p>In the above example, the TextBoxes inside the WidgetList are bound to the same model, so updates in one list will be reflected in the other.