Authors: | Yoshiroh Kamiyama |
Developers: | Yoshiroh Kamiyama |
since: | V1.8 |
CarouselItem represents an item of dojox/mobile/Carousel. In typical use cases, users do not use this widget alone. Instead, it is used in conjunction with the Carousel widget.

Constructor Parameters¶
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
alt | String | “” | An alt text for the carousel item image. |
src | String | “” | A path for an image to be displayed as a carousel item. |
headerText | String | “” | A text that is displayed above the carousel item image. |
footerText | String | “” | A text that is displayed below the carousel item image. |
Declarative example¶
.mblCarouselItem {
height: 120px;
margin: 0 10px;
float: left;
<!-- Display an image with both header and footer -->
<div data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/CarouselItem"
data-dojo-props='src:"images/glass1.jpg", headerText:"My Header", footerText:"My Footer"'></div>
<!-- Display an image with header -->
<div data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/CarouselItem"
data-dojo-props='src:"images/glass1.jpg", headerText:"My Header"'></div>
<!-- Display an image footer -->
<div data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/CarouselItem"
data-dojo-props='src:"images/glass1.jpg", footerText:"My Footer"'></div>
<!-- Display only an image -->
<div data-dojo-type="dojox/mobile/CarouselItem"

Programmatic example¶
.mblCarouselItem {
height: 120px;
margin: 0 10px;
float: left;
], function(ready, CarouselItem){
// Display an image with both header and footer
var item1 = new CarouselItem({
src: "images/glass1.jpg", headerText:"My Header", footerText:"My Footer"
}, "item1");
// Display an image with header
var item2 = new CarouselItem({
src: "images/glass1.jpg", headerText:"My Header"
}, "item2");
// Display an image with footer
var item3 = new CarouselItem({
src: "images/glass1.jpg", footerText:"My Footer"
}, "item3");
// Display only an image
var item4 = new CarouselItem({
src: "images/glass1.jpg"
}, "item4");
<div id="item1"></div>
<div id="item2"></div>
<div id="item3"></div>
<div id="item4"></div>

Using CarouselItem together with Carousel widget¶
See dojox/mobile/Carousel widget for various examples.