
Project owner:Eugene Lazutkin


This class is the widget implementing the form manager. It includes all available mixins and “inverts” its template so developers can use template-specific directives inline.

This is a high-level widget placed directly in /dojox/form/ directory. Other form manager’s components (mixins) are located in /dojox/form/manager/ directory.

Methods and properties

This widget has no public methods nor properties. Only standard lifecycle methods are defined.


Lifecycle methods are part of every widget. They are used to initialize and destroy a widget. If you mix dojox.form.manager._Mixin in your own widget, make sure that these methods are not overwritten. If you overwrite them, make sure to call this.inherited(arguments) at the appropriate place, so they can initialize/destroy the widget properly.


This is the standard method of any widget. It is responsible for setting up DOM nodes during the initialization cycle. For more details, see dijit._Widget.


This is the standard method of any widget. It is responsible for starting up the widget after it was created and the DOM was parsed. For more details, see dijit._Widget.


See dojox.form.manager for the usage scenarios.

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