Project owner:Benjamin Schell

The AtomItem class is generally not used independently. It is AtomItem class is the base class for Atom feed and entry objects, because they share some common components (title, subtitle, icon, arrays of authors, contributors, and links).

Public properties (and their types)

Type Property Description
String ATOM_URI The URI of the Atom namespace
Array links Houses multiple objects of the links associated with this Atom item
Array authors Houses the objects of the authors
Array categories Houses the objects associated with this Atom item
Array contributors Houses the objects of the contributors
String icon The URL to the icon for this item.
String id The ID of this item
String logo The URL to the logo for this item
String rights The associated rights for this Atom item title The title of this item subtitle The subtitle of this item
Date updated The date that this item was updated content The content of this item
Array entries Array of objects for this item

Public functions (and their return types)

Below are all the functions implemented by this model class.

Return Type Function Description
Boolean accept(String) Returns whether this item accepts the given tag name. Overridden by child classes
undefined buildFromDom(DOMNode) Builds this AtomItem from a given DOMNode.
undefined addAuthor(String name, String email, String uri) Adds an author to this item with the given information
undefined addContributor(String name, String email, String uri) Adds a contributor to this item with the given information
undefined addCategory(String name, String term, String label) Adds a category to this item with the given information
undefined addLink(String href, String rel, String hrefLang, String title, String type) Adds a link with the given attributes to this item
Number removeLink(String href, String rel) Removes the given link from this item, returning the number of links removed
Number removeBasicLinks() Removes all basic links (links with no rel attribute) from this item, returning the number of links removed
Array getCategories(String scheme) Gets all categories matching the given scheme for this item and returns them in an array
Number removeCategories(String scheme, String term) Removes all categories matching the given scheme, returning the number of categories removed.
undefined setTitle(String str, String type) Sets the title of this item to the given str with the given type, such as text, html, xml, etc.
undefined addExtension(String name_space, String name, Array attributes, String content, String shortNS) Adds in an extension namespace into the item.
Array getExtensions(String name_space, String name) Gets all extensions matching the given name_space and name and returns those extension in an array. name_space can be the full namespace (like ‘‘) or the given short name (like ‘atom’)
undefined removeExtensions(String name_space, String name) Removes all extensions matching the given name_space and name
undefined destroy() Deletes all variables associated with this item
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