
Authors:Chris Mitchell, Pete Higgins
Project owner:Kris Zyp

dojo/has provides standardized feature detection with an extensible API. It is based on the conventions in the has.js project.


Browser sniffing and feature inference are flawed techniques for detecting browser support in client side JavaScript. The dojo/has API is useful for adding new feature tests the result of which can be used later when features need to be detected. The goal of the dojo/has API is to provide a standard feature testing and feature detection module for use in Dojo modules. Although the signature of the dojo/has API conforms to the has.js implementation and feature names, Dojo modules implement their own version of dojo/has tests, as some shortcuts and inferences are already available in the Toolkit.

dojo/has feature detection is lazy instantiated, meaning that the code that determines if the feature is detected will not be executed until the feature is actually requested and the return value is then cached for future calls for the same feature.

Dojo Core and Dijit modules make use of dojo/has feature detection. There are still a number of DojoX projects that continue to use dojo.isXXX user agent sniffing. This conversion is an ongoing process.

dojo/has can be used a loader plugin with a ternary conditional expression so that modules can be loaded conditionally.

The basic tests defined within the dojo/has module can be enhanced with other modules registering additional features and tests. One frequently used module that extends dojo/has with additional tests and features is dojo/sniff.

Using staticHasFeatures in a build configuration, along with the closure JavaScript compiler can produce a build where dead code paths are removed. See the builder documentation for more information.


In order to use this module, it must be added to your module’s dependency list, for example:

define(["dojo/has"], function(has){
    // Do something based on feature

The feature detection convention is to return a “truthy” value, meaning that if the feature is available, a value that would evaluate as true is returned. If the feature is not present, dojo/has should return a false.

The modules can be used as a loader plugin. To do so, the plugin argument is a ternary logic expression where the first argument is the feature, the second is the module to load if it is true and the optional third is module to load if the feature is false:

require(["dojo/has!feature?package/module:package/other"], function(featureModule){
  // If feature is true, package/module loaded
  // If feature is false, package/other loaded

Features can be registered by providing a feature name and a test function:

has.add("some-test-name", function(global, document, anElement){
  // Feature dection code, returning a truthy value if true
  return true;

The test function should take up to three arguments:

Argument Description
global Reference to the global scope
document Reference to the document object
anElement A generic element to be used if required

Note any test function should clean up after itself. Ensure there are no leaks!

You can register and run a test immediately by passing a truthy value after the test function:

has.add("some-other-test", function(){
  return false; // Boolean
}, true);

While it may seem logical to pass a non-wrapped function like the following, it is not advised:

// this is not wrapped in a function, and should be:
has.add("some-other-test", ("foo" in bar)); // or whatever

Without it being wrapped as a function, the execution takes place immediately instead of being lazy executed when the feature is actually required in a code path.

Feature Names

The following feature tests are available in Dojo. This table shows the module in which the feature test is added, and the name of the feature test.

Module Feature Description
dojo/_base/browser config-selectorEngine Pre-configured selector engine to use in dojo/query, defaults to dojo/selector/acme.
dojo/_base/connect events-keypress-typed Keypresses should only occur a printable character is hit
dojo/_base/kernel extend-dojo Defined Dojo modules should push their definitions into the dojo object. In 2.0, it will likely be unusual to augment another object as a result of defining a module. This has feature gives a way to force 2.0 behavior as the code is migrated.
dojo/_base/kernel dojo-guarantee-console Ensure that console.log, console.warn, etc. methods are defined
dojo/_base/kernel dojo-debug-messages Log internal debug messages generated by Dojo, these include deprecated/experimental warnings along with parser auto-required module names.
dojo/_base/kernel dojo-modulePaths Consume module paths defined in config.modulePaths.
dojo/_base/kernel dojo-moduleUrl Expose dojo.moduleUrl method, returns a URL relative to a module. Deprecated in 2.0, should use require.toUrl()
dojo/_base/lang bug-for-in-skips-shadowed Test for bug where the for-in iterator skips object properties that exist in Object’s prototype (IE6 - ?).
dojo/_base/loader dojo-fast-sync-require All dojoRequireCallbacks can be released when all non-dojo/require!, dojo/loadInit! modules are either executed, not requested, or arrived. Potential weakness of this algorithm is that dojo/require will not execute callbacks until all dependency trees are ready.
dojo/_base/loader config-publishRequireResult Publish resolved module values, resulting from a require call, as JavaScript objects referenced by module identifiers in the global namespace.
dojo/_base/window quirks Browser is running in Quirks-Mode
dojo/dojo host-node Environment is running on the the NodeJS platform
dojo/dojo host-rhino Environment is running on the Rhino platform
dojo/dojo dojo-xhr-factory  
dojo/dojo dojo-force-activex-xhr Force XHR provider to use ActiveX API (MSXMLHTTP).
dojo/dojo native-xhr Browser has native XHR API, XMLHttpRequest.
dojo/dojo dojo-gettext-api Dojo provides API for retrieving text resource contents from a URL.
dojo/dojo dojo-loader-eval-hint-url Module location should be used as source hint during eval rather than module identifier.
dojo/dojo ie-event-behavior Browser supports legacy IE event behaviour API (attachEvent versus attachEventListener).
dojo/has host-browser Environment is running on the browser platform
dojo/has dom Document Object Module API supported on the current platform
dojo/has dojo-dom-ready-api DOMReady API supported on the current platform, allowing listeners to be notified when the DOM has loaded
dojo/has dojo-sniff User-agent sniffing support on the current platform
dojo/has dom-addeventlistener Standard DOM event API (addEventListener) supported on the current platform.
dojo/has touch Touch events are supported on the current platform
dojo/has device-width Amount of horizontal space in pixels available on the window
dojo/has dom-attributes-explicit DOM node attributes array only lists explicitly user specified attributes, (W3C standard)
dojo/has dom-attributes-specified-flag DOM node attribute values provide specified flag to skip attributes user didn’t specify, (IE8)
dojo/hccss highcontrast Browser is in ‘high-contrast’ mode
dojo/i18n dojo-preload-i18n-Api Define the preload localizations machinery, allow loading of special rollup modules which contain one or more flattened, localized bundles.
dojo/i18n dojo-v1x-i18n-Api Define legacy (v1.x) i18n functions
dojo/json json-parse Platform supports parsing JSON text to JavaScript objects through native API
dojo/json json-stringify Platform supports ‘stringify’ method on native JSON API, allowing serialisation of JavaScript objects to JSON text.
dojo/mouse dom-quirks Browser is running in Quirks-Mode
dojo/mouse events-mouseenter Browser supports the onmouseenter DOM event
dojo/mouse events-mousewheel Browser supports the onmousewheel DOM event
dojo/on jscript JavaScript environment provided by the JScript platform, dialect of ECMAScript standard that is used in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer.
dojo/on event-orientationchange Browser supports the orientationchange DOM event, used to detect orientation changes in the target device.
dojo/on event-stopimmediatepropagation Browser supports the stopImmediatePropagation method on DOM events, used to prevent other event listeners being called.
dojo/query array-extensible Native array implementation supports manual extension (not supported in older versions of IE).
dojo/ready dojo-config-addOnLoad Consume addOnLoad configuration property.
dojo/request/handlers activex Browser platform has ActiveX API methods, provided by Internet Explorer
dojo/request/script script-readystatechange DOM supports onreadystatechange event, fired when document.readyState changes
dojo/request/xhr native-xhr Browser has native XHR API, XMLHttpRequest
dojo/request/xhr dojo-force-activex-xhr Force XHR provider to use ActiveX API (MSXMLHTTP).
dojo/request/xhr native-xhr2 Browser’s native XHR implementation supports XHR Level 2 API
dojo/request/xhr native-formdata Browser has a native FormData implementation, letting user compile set of key/value pairs to send using XMLHttpRequest
dojo/selector/_loader dom-qsa2.1 Browser supports the DOM QuerySelectorAll method available, with Level 2.1 CSS selectors
dojo/selector/_loader dom-qsa3 Browser supports DOM QuerySelectorAll method, with Level 3 CSS selectors
dojo/selector/lite dom-matches-selector Browser supports the matchesSelector method for testing selector queries directly against DOM nodes.
dojo/selector/lite dom-qsa Browsers supports the DOM QuerySelectorAll method.
dojo/sniff air Environment is running on the Adobe Air platform
dojo/sniff khtml Environment is running on the Konqueror-based platform
dojo/sniff webkit Environment is running on the WebKit rendering engine platform
dojo/sniff chrome Environment is running on the Chrome browser platform
dojo/sniff safari Environment is running on the Safari browser platform
dojo/sniff mac Environment is running on the Mac OS X platform
dojo/sniff quirks Browser is running in Quirks-Mode
dojo/sniff ios Environment is running on the iOS mobile operating system
dojo/sniff android Environment is running on the Android mobile operating system
dojo/sniff opera Environment is running on the Opera browser platform
dojo/sniff mozilla Environment is running on the Mozilla browser platform
dojo/sniff ff Environment is running on the Firefox browser platform
dojo/sniff ie Environment is running on the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser platform
dojo/sniff wii Environment is running on the Nintendo Wii browser platform
dijt/BackgroundIframe config-bgIframe Flag to create background iframe behind popups like Menus and Dialog. A background iframe prevents problems with popups appearing behind applets/pdf viewers, and also prevents the bleed through select problem on IE6 and IE7.
dijit/_WidgetBase dijit-legacy-requires Make dijit load modules the application didn’t explicitly require, e.g. dijit/_base/manager, backwards compatibility in non-async mode.
dijit/form/_ExpandingTextAreaMixin textarea-needs-help-shrinking Browser platform’s <textarea> element needs manual help to shrink as content changes.
dojox/form/uploader/Base FormData Browser has a native FormData implementation, letting user compile set of key/value pairs to send using XMLHttpRequest
dojox/form/uploader/Base xhr-sendAsBinary Browser’s native XHR implementation supports the sendAsBinary method, for sending binary data over XHR.
dojox/form/uploader/Base file-multiple Browser supports file input DOM element with multiple file selection attribute, allowing user to select more than one file.
dojox/mobile/Audio mobile-embed-audio-video-support Platform supports creating embed tags with audio and video elements.
dojox/mobile/common mblAndroidWorkaround Test for Android 2.X transition animation flicker issue
dojox/mobile/common mblAndroid3Workaround Test for Android 3.X transition animation flicker issue
dojox/mobile/scrollable translate3d Browser supports the WebKit-specific CSS transform property, translate3d.
dojox/mobile/sniff bb Environment is running on the RIM Blackberry mobile browser platform
dojox/mobile/sniff android Environment is running on the Android mobile browser platform
dojox/mobile/sniff iphone Environment is running on the iPhone mobile browser platform
dojox/mobile/sniff touch Touch events are supported on the current platform
dojox/mvc/_InlineTemplateMixin dom-qsa Browser supports the DOM QuerySelectorAll method
dojox/mvc/parserExtension dom-qsa Browser supports the DOM QuerySelectorAll method
dojox/mvc/parserExtension dojo-parser Browser has loaded the dojo/parser module
dojox/mvc/parserExtension dojo-mobile-parser Browser has loaded the dojox/mobile/parser module
dojox/mvc/sync mvc-bindings-log-api Enable debugging messages for MVC module.


This example uses the dojo/has module as both a normal module and as a plugin. It detects if you have a touch capable device or not.

require(["dojo/has", "dojo/has!touch?dojo/touch:dojo/mouse", "dojo/dom", "dojo/domReady!"],
function(has, hid, dom){
    dom.byId("output").innerHTML = "You have a touch capable device and so I loaded <code>dojo/touch</code>.";
    dom.byId("output").innerHTML = "You do not have a touch capable device and so I loaded <code>dojo/mouse</code>.";
<div id="output"></div>

See Also

  • has.js Project - You can find standard tests and feature names.
  • dojo/sniff <dojo/sniff> - The modules that provides browser detection by building on top of dojo/has.

Some portions of this document were copied with permission from has.js Project. Thanks to the has.js team for this work!

Error in the documentation? Can’t find what you are looking for? Let us know!