
Authors:Becky Gibson, Doug Hays, Bill Keese, Craig Riecke
Developers:Doug Hays, Bill Keese

CurrencyTextBox widgets inherit all the attributes and behaviors of the NumberTextBox widget, but are specialized for input monetary values, much like the currency type in spreadsheet programs.


  • The value attribute is a native JavaScript floating point number.

    This means that you can easily build CurrencyTextBox widgets for a wide range of currencies without having to set a different value for each currency format.

  • The optional boolean fractional property of the constraints object attribute can be set to require/refuse fractional input.


Declarative example

In this example using USD, both dollars and cents are required.

require(["dijit/form/CurrencyTextBox", "dojo/parser", "dojo/domReady!"]);
<label for="income1">U.S. Dollars</label>
<input type="text" name="income1" id="income1" value="54775.53" required="true"
    invalidMessage:'Invalid amount. Cents are required.'" />

Programmatic example

In this example using euros with German formatting, the invalid message contains a custom formatted example value.

require(["dijit/form/CurrencyTextBox", "dojo/currency", "dojo/i18n!dojo/cldr/nls/de/currency", "dojo/i18n!dojo/cldr/nls/de/number", "dojo/domReady!"
], function(CurrencyTextBox, currency){
    var example = currency.format(54775.53, {locale: 'de-de', currency: "EUR"});
    var props = {
        value: 54775.53,
        lang: 'de-de',
        currency: "EUR",
        invalidMessage: "Invalid amount.  Example: " + example
    new CurrencyTextBox(props, "eurde").startup();
<label for="eurde">euros (lang: de-de):</label>
<input id="eurde" />EUR


See the Accessibility Section in dijit/form/ValidationTextBox

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