This week’s highlights include preparations for Dojo 1.4.2 RC, Dojo-inspired CommonJS Utils, and many improvements.
Dojo 1.4.2 RC
A release candidate for Dojo 1.4.2 is being prepared. This release will
address this list of issues.
Please give it a try and help us find any potential regressions before it is release. If you find issues, please create an account if you don’t already have one, and login to
CommonJS Utilities
Kris Zyp has announced CommonJS Utils, a collection of tools for making it easier to work with CommonJS-compliant toolkits. Some of these tools are inspired by work in Dojo, including an observe pattern implementation similar to dojo.connect, or assistance for JSON schema which already has great support in Dojo and Persevere.
Documentation Improvements
We continue to make refinements and fixes to the incredible new collection of Dojo documentation. Thanks so much for your tremendous feedback. Just let us know here, on the mailing list, or in a bug ticket. Be sure to let us know the page where you see the documentation issue so we can fix it quickly.
New Community Tutorials and Demos
Charles Spraggs has a nice tutorial on creating fancy drop down menus, while David Walsh, known for his involvement with MooTools, has a couple of quick demos on link nudging and removing images which show how easy it is to do things with Dojo when you’re familiar with MooTools or jQuery.
Thanks for taking the time to write these up!
Improvements to Dojo in trunk
Development efforts from February 21st to March 2nd were focused primarily on stabilizations and improvements to Dijit by Bill Keese (IBM) including further refinements for new themes including refinements
to the AccordionContainer and TabContainer. James Burke (Mozilla Messaging) and Bill Keese improved our build process for not adding certain test files to production environments. Korean translation fixes
were contributed by Youngho Cho (Nannet) and by Adam Peller and others at IBM. Adam also added a fix for Norwegian translations. Eugene Lazutkin made minor fixes to DnD. Jared Jurkiewicz (IBM) continued his
frantic pace of perfecting the Editor widget and its plug-ins. Finally, Peter Higgins (Joost) added support for a new hover state on the close icon of the Dialog widget.
Upcoming Events
QCon London is next week (March 10-12). On the evening of March 11th
there will be a Dojo Beer event with Nikolai Onken, Tobias von Klipstein, Torrey Rice,
Sam Foster, and I. On March 12th, Nikolai, Torrey, and I will be speaking on the Browser
as a Platform track along with Joe Walker (Mozilla) and Simon Oxley (Aware Monitoring).
SWDC 2010 is coming up in June and is hosted by Dojo contributor Peter Svensson. It features a great line-up of speakers including a number of Dojo committers or contributors (Nikolai Onken, Wolfram Kriesing, Mark Wubben, and I). And Stockholm in early June is amazing.