In preparation for the release of Dojo 1.8, trunk is now in feature freeze, which means this code is considered feature complete for Dojo 1.8. This is the last step before a beta release. The release schedule is currently as follows:
Now: feature freeze
June 22: beta 1
July 13: release candidate 1 (note: if additional beta releases are necessary, each release will push this out by 1 week)
July 20: Final release (note: if additional rc releases are necessary, each release will push this out by 1 week)
Thank you to everyone that has helped make this release a success!
1) Can I use any dojo, dijit or dojox API in my mobile web application ?
2) The tutorials page lists a number of fantastic techniques :-
Can I use any of these in my Dojo Mobile application ?
My questions originate from the fact that Dojo does not have a clearly separated API for mobile applications like SenchaTouch does (SenchaTouch API are clearly separate from EXTJS API).