since: | V1.2 |
The Wikipedia store is a datastore that extends Its purpose is to expose the Wikipedia search service SMD in a datastore format. This store is fairly simplistic in what it allows searching on, such as full title, or searching title and body text for certain keywords. It doesn’t provide facilities for doing wildcard searching, unfortunately, which does not make it terribly useful for widgets such as dijit.form.ComboBox.
Item Attributes¶
All items returned from a Wikipedia search provide the following attributes you can access for additional details about the located articles.
title | The title of the article identified that matched the search criteria |
Query Syntax¶
The query syntax for this store is extremely basic. It takes a query object that allows you to search for text in the title or in the body of articles. An example query is shown below:
Search article text¶
query: {
action: "query",
text: "Dojo Toolkit"
Load article by title¶
query: {
title: "Dojo Toolkit"
Search article text (paged)¶
query: {
action: "query",
text: "Dojo Toolkit"
start: 10,
count: 50
Simple Demo usage of WikipediaStore¶
var store = new;
function doSearch(){
var outNode = dojo.byId("output");
outNode.innerHTML = "Searching...";
function loadArticle(e, article){
var request = {
query: {
title: article
onItem: function(item, req){
// We're loading all the content into an iFrame. This is for two reasons:
// One is security. No rogue script in the content will affect anything outside of the iframe
// Second is that it keeps example CSS from altering the default view of the data.
var title = store.getValue(item, "title");
var text = store.getValue(item, "text")["*"];
var wikiOut = dojo.byId("wikipediaContent");
wikiOut.contentDocument.body.innerHTML = "<h1>" + title + "</h1>" + text;
var request = {
query: {
action: "query",
text: dijit.byId("searchText").getValue()
count: dijit.byId("count").getValue(),
onBegin: function(count){
outNode.innerHTML += " found " + count + " results.<br>Click one to load the article.";
onItem: function(item, req){
var node = document.createElement("a");
node.href = "#";
node.onclick = function(e){
loadArticle(e, this.innerHTML);
}; = "6px"; = "block";
node.innerHTML = store.getValue(item, "title");
<form action="#">
Text: <input id="searchText" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.TextBox" type="text" value="dojo toolkit">
Count: <input id="count" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.TextBox" type="text" value="8" size="3">
<button id="searchButton" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button" value="store.fetch()" onclick="doSearch()">Search!</button>
<div id="output" style="padding:0 20px;"></div>
<b>IFRAME for sandboxing of results</b>
<iframe id="wikipediaContent" src="" style="width: 100%; height: 500px;"><iframe>