
Authors:Sam Foster, Nikolai Onken, Marcus Reimann
Developers:Sam Foster, Alex Russell, Dylan Schiemann

dojo/html provides useful utilities for managing HTML.


dojo/html is a module that provides a single public function set(). It is used to safely and conveniently replace an element’s content, while providing some hooks and options for how the replacement should be handled. This is generally only applicable to “complex” replacement, (e.g. where the options parameters are needed, or you are inserting a NodeList). If you are just placing strings of HTML in a DOM node, it is preferable to use dojo/dom-construct::place().

Also, while designed as a private class, the _ContentSetter() object is used in the toolkit for complex setting operations as well. In the early days of Dojo, the ContentPane contained all this functionality directly, but it was moved as a separate module to make it easier to use by the rest of the toolkit.


You can think of set() like the dijit/layout/ContentPane, but standalone.

require(["dojo/html"], function(html){
  html.set(node, cont, params);

set() takes up to three arguments:

Argument Type Description
node DomNode The node where the content should be set
cont String|DomNode|NodeList The content that should be set, which can be a string a DOM node, a NodeList or any other enumerable list of nodes.
params Object? Optional a hash of options/flags that affect the behavior of the .set()

The options that can be set in params are:

Option Type Description
cleanContent Boolean Should the content be treated be stripped of <!DOCTYPE> and other content that might be an issue. Defaults to false.
extractContent Boolean Should the content be treated as a full HTML document and the real content be stripped out of the <html> and <body> tags before injection. Defaults to false.
parseContent Boolean Should the content be passed to the dojo/parser before being set in order to instantiate any marked up Objects. Defaults to false.
parserScope String Passed to the parser to identify the “scope” of which to identify the marked up content. Only useful when parseContent is true. Defaults to dojo/_base/kernel::_scopeName.
startup Boolean Start the child widgets after parsing content. Only effective when parseContent is true. Defaults to true.
onBegin Function Called right before the content is replaced. Note there is a default implementation of onBegin and you should call this.inherited(arguments) in your custom function to ensure the default behaviors occur.
onEnd Function Called right after the content is replaced. Note there is a default implementation of onBegin and you should this.inherited(arguments) in your custom function to ensure the default behaviors occur. If you need access to the parsed results of the content, they are available in this.parseResults.
onContentError Function Called whenever there is an error replacing the content.


This example does nothing more than what you could accomplish with dojo/dom-construct::place() or setting the innerHTML of the node directly.

require(["dojo/html", "dojo/dom", "dojo/on", "dojo/domReady!"],
function(html, dom, on){
  on(dom.byId("setContent"), "click", function(){
    html.set(dom.byId("content"), "I was set!");
<button type="button" id="setContent">Set Content</button>
<div id="content">I haven't been replaced.</div>

This example does something slightly more complex, in that it uses the dojo/parser to parse the content.

require(["dojo/html", "dojo/dom", "dojo/on", "dijit/form/NumberTextBox", "dojo/domReady!"],
function(html, dom, on){
  on(dom.byId("setContent"), "click", function(){
    html.set(dom.byId("content"), '<tbody>'
      + '<tr>'
        + '<td><label for="amt">How Much?</label></td>'
        + '<td><input type="text" id="amt" name="amt" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/NumberTextBox" value="0"'
          + ' data-dojo-props="constraints: { min: 0, max: 20, places: 0 },'
          + ' promptMessage: \'Enter a value between 0 and +20\','
          + ' required: true,'
          + ' invalidMessage: \'Wrong!\'" />'
        + '</td>'
      + '</tr></tbody>',
        parseContent: true
<button type="button" id="setContent">Set Content</button>
<table id="content">
      <td>Not Set Yet</td>

In the above example we are accomplishing a few things. First some browsers object to setting the innerHTML on tables, dojo/html accommodates for that. We are also parsing the marked-up content with the dojo/parser by setting parseContent to true.

See also

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