Dojo Documentation

Tutorial Archive

These tutorials are for Dojo 1.9 and may be out of date.

Up to date tutorials for the latest version of Dojo are available.

Dojo 1.9 Tutorials

dojo/request is a new API (introduced in Dojo 1.8) for making requests to a server from the client. This tutorial introduces the dojo/request API: you'll learn how to request a text file from the server, handle errors if they occur, post information to the server, take advantage of the notify API, and use the registry to use the same code to request data from different locations.
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Dojo to create and combine effects for customized animation of elements on the page.
In this tutorial, you'll learn about Dojo's cross-platform solution for easily working with arrays in JavaScript: dojo/_base/array.
When you’re working with JavaScript, you’re working with objects. The dojo/_base/lang resource makes it easy to augment objects and prototypes using lang.mixin, lang.extend, and declare.safeMixin when using dojo/_base/declare.
One of the things that differentiates Dojo from many other JavaScript libraries is its scope. While you can simply use the functionality of Dojo base, DOM, Ajax, effects and other common functionality, the toolkit provides much, much more. In this tutorial, we'll go on a quick tour of the Dojo Toolkit, to introduce some of the other components that are shipped with each release.
Dojo's build system provides a way to "build" Dojo and your other JavaScript resources and CSS files, so they can be more efficiently used in a production environment by your applications.
From time to time, it can be useful to load Dojo modules from a CDN. Doing so and using local modules at the same time can seem impossible, however. This tutorial demonstrates how it can be done.
Presenting statistical data in a readable, eye-catching manner is important, but it can also be difficult. The dojox/charting system was created to alleviate those pains by allowing developers to create dynamic, unique, and functional charts from varying sets of data. In addition, dojox/charting provides numerous themes and chart types to allow developers to display their data any way they'd like. This tutorial will show you how to create basic charts with varying data, plots, axes, and themes.
While most developers only need basic charts, dojox/charting is capable of highly advanced charts: charts with animations, charts that respond to changes in data, and charts that respond to events. In this tutorial, you will learn about using some these advanced capabilities within dojox/charting.
Dijit's collection of form widgets provides a convenient and flexible range of options for creating rich forms. In this tutorial we will look at the options available for checkbox-style interaction.
In this tutorial, you'll learn the basic APIs all dojo/stores follow and how to create your own store—including how to handle query results.
The Model-Viewer-Controller (MVC) is a dominant paradigm for application development. Here we will look at the foundation Dojo provides for MVC-advised applications. We will learn how we can leverage Dojo object stores and Stateful objects for the foundational model, and how we can build modular viewer and controller code on top of the model.
The DataGrid is the central component of many applications due to its effective and usable presentation of tabular data. In this tutorial we will look at how to define a grid's layout and discuss the scrolling mechanism the DataGrid uses.
In this tutorial, you'll learn about the special dijit/Declaration module, which was designed to allow you to quickly prototype custom widgets—all using declarative syntax.
One of the quickest ways to start using Dojo, especially with widgets like Dijit, is to leverage the dojo/parser and declarative syntax. This tutorial will help you get the most out of this style of programming.

The dojo/_base/declare module is the foundation of class creation within the Dojo Toolkit. declare allows for multiple inheritance to allow developers to create flexible code and avoid writing the same code routines. Dojo, Dijit, and Dojox modules all use declare; in this tutorial, you'll learn why you should too.

In this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of using Dojo's Deferred implementation, which are a way to easily work with asynchronous actions, such as Ajax calls.
Dojo now uses the popular has() pattern for feature detection in combination with a has()-aware build system. While it is easy enough to write feature detection tests with ad-hoc JavaScript expressions, the has() pattern defines a specific syntax such that the build system can detect these feature-based branches, and one can create application builds that are highly optimized for specific devices, with known feature shims factored out.
User interaction is extremely important in building responsive, interactive web applications. Web browsers provide basic methods for user interaction in the form of alerts and dialogs, but this functionality is neither elegant nor flexible. With dijit/Tooltip, dijit/Dialog, and dijit/TooltipDialog, Dijit, the Dojo Toolkit's UI framework, provides cross-browser, extendable, and themeable answers to what the browser's basic functionality lacks. In this tutorial, you'll learn about each of these widgets, sample usages of each, and the ins and outs of creating them.
Creating dynamic and interactive layouts is a challenge common to any graphical user interface. We have a lot of ability to create layout with HTML and CSS. Where CSS leaves off, Dojo picks up with a set of extensible widgets as a part of Dijit - Dojo's UI framework. In this tutorial, we'll explain how Dijit addresses common layout needs and see how easy it can be to create even complex layouts with just a few flexible widgets.
The dojoConfig object (formerly djConfig) allows you to set options and default behavior for various aspects of the toolkit. In this tutorial we'll explore what's possible and how you can put dojoConfig to use in your code.
Dojo Data is the legacy data interface used to abstract data consumers (like widgets) from the concerns of data providers. While the new object store interface has superseded the dojo/data interface, there are a number of existing data stores that implement this API and is used by quite a few existing widgets. Here we will look at the dojo/data interface, see how data providers and widgets connect together, and learn how it can be adapted to the new interface.
Dates can be awkward to work with in JavaScript. This tutorial walks through the use of dojo/date—Dojo's answer to the need for a standard library for date math, comparisons, parsing and formatting.
In the previous tutorial, Updating the Contacts App for a Tablet, we updated the Contacts Application to use a tablet form factor in addition to the phone form factor. In this tutorial we will see how to update the Contacts Application to use Cordova/PhoneGap based access the native contacts on a mobile device, and how to use the dojox/app "Build" support.
In this tutorial, we will cover how to use dojox/app and dojox/mobile to create a simple one page Contacts List Application.
In the previous tutorial, Updating the Contacts App for a Phone, we created a Contacts Application with two views, a "list" view and a "details" view. This tutorial will add support for a tablet form factor in addition to the phone form factor. On a tablet the Contacts Application will use a 2 column layout with the "list" view on the left and the "details" view in the center.
In the previous tutorial, Getting Started with dojox/app, we created a simple Contacts List Application using the dojox/app library. This tutorial will use a phone form factor and two views, the "list" view from the previous tutorial and a new "details" view.
In this tutorial, you'll learn about how to use Dojo to manipulate the DOM in a simple, cross-browser way. Using basic DOM knowledge and only a few Dojo functions, you will be able to efficiently create, read, update and delete elements in the page on the fly.
Dijit's Editor widget is everything a developer looks for in a WYSIWYG editor: flexible, themeable, and above all, functional. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to easily implement dijit/Editor (programmatically and declaratively), customize its toolbars, and include Editor plugins from DojoX.
In this tutorial, we will explore the effects that Dojo provides, which allow us to jazz up your page or application!
In this tutorial, we will be exploring dojo/on and how Dojo makes it easy to connect to DOM events. We will also explore Dojo's publish/subscribe framework: dojo/topic.
While there are elements within Dojo to allow for simple form validation, occasionally you may want a more powerful solution. The Dojo Toolkit offers a fantastic solution for detailed form management: dojox/form/Manager.
Vector graphics can have many advantages, including flawless scaling with maximum portability. The problem with vector graphic creation is that it can be difficult—but not so with Dojo's GFX library. GFX provides a simple and flexible API (along with other utilities) for creating, animating, and managing amazing vector graphics.
In JavaScript applications, modifying the URL hash is a great way to provide bookmarkable, history-enabled page states. With dojo/hash, adding this functionality is easy. Coupled with dojo/router, dojo/hash can be a powerful tool for creating robust and interactive applications.
Welcome to Dojo! In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to load Dojo and begin exploring some of its core functionality. You’ll also learn about Dojo’s AMD-based module architecture, discover how to load additional modules to add extra functionality to your Web site or application, and find out how to get help when things go wrong.
The dojo/_base/lang resource contains helpful methods for working with functions in JavaScript. In this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of the Function object—and how to bind contexts to functions using lang.hitch. From there, you'll learn how to bind specific arguments to a function using lang.partial, and how lang.hitch can combine the two operations.
In this tutorial, you'll learn how the Dojo Toolkit supports internationalization (i18n), including the use of dictionaries for string substitution, and how basic locale formatting for things such as Date objects, numbers and currencies are supported.
Separation of concerns is a fundamental aspect of good programming. Keeping presentation distinct from the data model is a key separation to employ. The Dojo object store architecture establishes a consistent interface for data interaction inspired by the HTML5 object store API.
JSON with Padding (JSONP) has become a common technique for accessing cross-domain resources from the browser. In this tutorial you learn what JSONP is and how you can use it to retrieve data from cross-domain sources.
In this tutorial, we will be exploring Dojo's event normalization and dojo/keys and how Dojo makes it easy to handle keyboard events.
In this tutorial, we'll create an overlay that puts us in control of the user experience while the loading of dependencies and rendering of the UI takes place in the background.
Dijit is a powerful framework for allowing us to create very clean, professional-looking interfaces. Sometimes, that means that we need a desktop-like experience with a menu of options. With dijit/Menu, we have a very powerful yet easy-to-use tool to create these interfaces.
Content on the web is evolving at a rapid pace, and the path is quickly moving towards mobile devices. As with many other problems on the web, the Dojo Toolkit has the solution: dojox/mobile. dojox/mobile is a framework of controllers, CSS3-based themes, and device-like widgets that will allow you to effortlessly create intelligent, flexible, and cross-device-compatible mobile web applications. This is the introductory post in a series of posts exploring dojox/mobile. Throughout the series, we will create a powerful Twitter-based web application called TweetView. Before we can get to that, we'll need to learn about why and how to use dojox/mobile.
The first article in our series, Getting Started with dojox/mobile, detailed the fundamental concepts and usage of the Dojo Toolkit's dojox/mobile library. In the remaining posts in this series, we'll embark on creating our own fully functional dojox/mobile web application called TweetView. This post will focus on familiarizing you with what TweetView is, what we want it to do, and we'll get started on building the mobile application's HTML and CSS layout.
In the previous two posts, Getting Started with TweetView: Tweets and Mentions and TweetView: Creating the Settings View, we created the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code required to power the TweetView mobile application. This tutorial will focus on implementing an Android theme, leveraging the Dojo build system to keep the application compact for production, and a basic review of the entire dojox/mobile-powered application.
In the previous post, Getting Started with TweetView: Tweets and Mentions, we solidified our mobile application's file structure, reviewed TweetView's goals, and created the Tweets and Mentions views by coding tweetview/_ViewMixin and tweetview/TweetView. This tutorial will focus specifically on the "Settings" view of our application: dependencies for the class, how the Settings view ties into the Tweet and Mention views, and coding the Settings view itself.
In the previous post, Introduction to TweetView, we introduced the mobile application we will be building with dojox/mobile: TweetView. We built the general layout template for our application and now it's time to make TweetView work. This tutorial will focus specifically on the "Tweets" and "Mentions" views of our application. Before we begin coding our application, let's set up our application file structure and review a few mobile app development concepts.
Content on the web is evolving at a rapid pace, and the path is quickly moving towards mobile devices. As with many other problems on the web, the Dojo Toolkit has the solution: Dojo Mobile. Dojo Mobile is a framework that allow you to effortlessly create cross-device-compatible mobile web applications. This is the introductory post in a series of posts exploring Dojo Mobile. Throughout the series, we will create a Dojo Mobile application called FlickrView. Before we can get to that, we'll need to learn about why and how to use Dojo Mobile.
The first article in our series, Getting Started with Dojo Mobile, detailed the fundamental concepts and usage of the Dojo Toolkit's dojox/mobile library. In the remaining posts in this series, we'll embark on creating our own fully functional Dojo Mobile web application called FlickrView. This post will focus on familiarizing you with what FlickrView is, what we want it to do, and we'll get started on building the mobile application's HTML and CSS layout.
In the previous part, Developing a Dojo Mobile Application, we built the general layout template and came up with a mockup of the application. This part will focus on updating the mockup to dynamically get data and display feeds from Flickr. You will learn how to initiate, get response and handle error from a JSON request, use a progress indicator while waiting for the server to respond, dynamically populate a list with ListItems, use a basic HTML template to create ListItems and format a date according to a specific locale. Are you ready? Let's go!
In the previous part, FlickerView: Implementing FeedView, we implemented the feed view and we are now able to use data from a JSON request to update our ScrollableView with templated ListItems. This part will focus on the Settings view to get and set values from various input widgets (TextBox, Switch, RadioButton) and use Transition Events.
In the previous parts, Developing a Dojo Mobile Application, Implementing FeedView and Implementing Settings View, we created the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code required to power the FlickrView mobile application. This tutorial will focus on updating the code for deployment, leveraging the Dojo build system to keep the application compact for production, and a basic review of the entire Dojo Mobile-powered application.
You may have been away from Dojo for a while, or you have been struggling to keep your older Dojo 1.6 applications working under 1.9 and you find yourself not sure of what is going on. You keep hearing talk of "AMD" and "baseless", but you aren't sure what to do or where to start. This tutorial will help you with that.
Dojo supports modules written in the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) format, which makes code easier to author and debug. In this tutorial, we explain the basics of understanding and using AMD.
Dojo now supports modules written in the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) format, which makes code easier to author and debug. In this tutorial, we learn all about this new module format, and explore how to write an application using it.
JavaScript is not just for the client side. With the rise of technologies like Node.js, server side JavaScript is a very viable option. Not only is JavaScript ready for the server side, AMD and the Dojo Toolkit also work well and this tutorial will explain how you can use Dojo with Node.js.
Dojo includes a range of extensions to the NodeList collection that is used by dojo/query. In this tutorial, we’ll look at what extended functionality is available and how to put it to good use.
The DataGrid is the central component of many applications due to its effective and usable presentation of tabular data. In this tutorial we will look at how to populate a grid and manipulate data in a grid.
Deferreds are a wonderful and powerful thing, but they're really an implementation of something greater - a promise. In this tutorial, we'll cover what that means, as well as some additional pieces of Dojo's API to work with both promises and regular values in a uniform way.
Web applications based on real-time stores give users a level of immediacy not possible with traditional web applications, allowing them to see data as it changes. The Dojo object store interface, which is the data model foundation of Dojo applications, was designed to support real-time data updates. In this tutorial we will see how to leverage the notification system to interact with real-time widgets.
A page-level controller is the glue that ties together modular functionality to make a living, breathing application. We'll implement configuration and an explicit lifecycle over a loosely coupled architecture to assemble a single-page-application of many moving parts.
In this recipe, we'll be covering how to leverage pieces of Dojo and the Dijit framework to create your own custom widgets, specifically covering use of dijit/_WidgetBase and dijit/_TemplatedMixin to quickly and easily set up your widget.
Learn how to set up a suite of unit tests with the DOH test harness, and run them.
In this tutorial, we will explore widgets in the dijit/form namespace which enhance the user experience of HTML select elements: Select, FilteringSelect, and ComboBox.
In this tutorial, we will further explore Dijit's select widgets—particularly how to create instances programmatically, populating their drop-down lists from dojo/data stores.
The HTML5 specification provides many new features, such as the <input type="range"> element which allows users to choose from a range of values. Unfortunately, this new input type is not supported in all browsers, and looks different in each browser that does support it. That's where Dijit's HorizontalSlider and VerticalSlider widgets come in: flexible, themeable, and functional.
How do I start learning Dojo? Where are the docs? How do I get support and training? Which Dojo version should I use? Why do I need to use a web server? How can I avoid common mistakes? How do I report issues? How do I contribute and get involved? These questions and more are answered with this introductory start tutorial.
The DataGrid is the central component of many applications due to its effective and usable presentation of tabular data. In this tutorial we will look at how to connect the grid to a store for quick and efficient data retrieval and updating.
The Dojo Tree component is a powerful tool for visual presentation of hierarchical data. In this tutorial we will look at how to connect the tree to a store for quick and efficient data drill-down into nested data.
In this tutorial, you'll learn about the importance of Dijit's _TemplatedMixin mixin, and how to use templates to quickly create your own custom widgets.
In this tutorial, we will show you the basics of creating and using simple form elements using Dijit—including how to set up a Dijit theme for your web application.
In this tutorial, you'll learn what Dijit's _WidgetBase module is, and how it serves as the foundation for all widgets in the Dojo Toolkit.
The HTML5 multi-file uploader is a widget that creates a stylable file-input button, with optional mult-file selection, using only HTML elements. Non-HTML5 browsers have fallback options of Flash or an iframe.
In this tutorial, we will learn about DOM querying and how the dojo/query module allows you to easily select nodes and work with them.
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to make use of the validation helpers in dojox/validate with your Dijit-based form widgets to create customizable, validating forms—all on the client side.
In this tutorial, you'll learn about the Grid's event system, how to select rows, and how to set up your grid for editing.