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Ajax with Dojo
Ajax has become a fundamental technique for creating dynamic, usable web applications. In this tutorial, you'll learn about the Dojo Toolkit's Ajax communication methods, including basic XHR concepts, how to customize your Ajax calls, handling multiple types of data, and strategies for cross-domain JSON gathering (JSONP).
Getting Started
Since Ajax is used throughout the numerous classes and widgets found in
Dojo, Dijit, and DojoX, the Dojo Toolkit's Ajax methods are baked right into Dojo base.
However, when operating in baseless mode (by specifying async: true
), all dependencies must be requested
explicitly. The AJAX helpers are located in the dojo/_base/xhr
Here's an example demonstrating baseless usage of the xhr
// Require the xhr module require(["dojo/_base/xhr"], function(xhr) { // Execute a HTTP GET request xhr.get({ // The URL to request url: "get-message.php", // The method that handles the request's successful result // Handle the response any way you'd like! load: function(result) { alert("The message is: " + result); } }); });
The code above executes an Ajax request to get-message.php, which returns a plain text message and alerts it to the user via the load
function we specified. What if there's an error though? Or the response is XML or JSON? What if there's form data we want to send to the server? No problem — xhr
allows for complete request customization and management.
Customizing an Ajax Request
Web developers need flexibility in Ajax requests to accomplish different tasks. Reasons for using Ajax calls include, but are not limited to:
- Loading static data from the server
- Accessing XML or JSON data from a web service
- Sending form data to the server
- Refreshing content on a page
Obviously, one type of request cannot accommodate all Ajax goals. Through customization of the request, xhr
can handle each of the situations presented above. Customization of the request takes place in xhr.get
's and
's primary argument: an object containing request properties and desired values. Let's review the most-used request options available:
- url - The URL to make the request to.
- handleAs - A string representing the form of data we expect returned. Possible formats include: "text" (the default), "json", "javascript" (fragments to load and execute), and "xml".
- timeout - Time in milliseconds before considering the request a failure. The error handler is triggered.
- content - A key-value object containing data to provide to the server. Depending on use of
, this data will either be translated to the query string or set as the post body. - form - A utility option which populates the content option from keys and values in a form. If you don't specify a URL, and are using this option, it will try to use the URL as specified in the form's "action" property. Also, if you specify any content, it will override anything in the form, so typically you'll use either content or form, but not both.
The options above manage how the request is sent, but what about the response? The answer to that lies in three handler functions, often referred to as callback functions or just callbacks, which are also provided to the request object:
- load(response, ioArgs) - The callback that fires when the request successfully completes. The first argument of load is the result of the request in the format designated by the handleAs option.
- error(errorMessage) - The callback that fires when the request fails. The first argument is the error message, if available.
- handle(response, ioArgs) - The callback that fires regardless of request success or failure.
Callbacks are important in handling data returned from requests and knowing their success or failure. The load or error method is called first, depending on the result, and the handle callback fires next.
Examples: xhr.get and
The following are some very common uses of xhr.get
Refresh a Node's Content
require(["dojo/_base/xhr", "dojo/dom", "dojo/domReady!"], function(xhr, dom) { // Using xhr.get, as very little information is being sent xhr.get({ // The URL of the request url: "get-content.php", // The success callback with result from server load: function(newContent) { dom.byId("contentNode").innerHTML = newContent; }, // The error handler error: function() { // Do nothing -- keep old content there } }); });View Demo
Check Username Availability
// Local var representing the node to be updated var availabilityNode = dom.byId("availabilityNode"); // Using xhr, as very little information is being sent xhr.get({ // The URL of the request url: "check-username.php", // Allow only 2 seconds for username check timeout: 2000, // Send the username to check base on an INPUT node's value content: { username: dom.byId("usernameInput").value.toLowerCase() }, // The success callback with result from server load: function(result) { if(result == "available") { availabilityNode.innerHTML = "Username available!"; } else { availabilityNode.innerHTML = "Username taken! Please try another."; } } });View Demo
Send a Contact Form Submission
// Local var representing if the form has been sent at all var hasBeenSent = false; // Local var representing node to be updated var messageNode = dom.byId("messageNode"); // Using, as the amount of data sent could be large{ // The URL of the request url: "submission.php", // No content property -- just send the entire form form: dom.byId("contactForm"), // The success handler load: function(response) { messageNode.innerHTML = "Thank you for contacting us!"; }, // The error handler error: function() { messageNode.innerHTML = "Your message could not be sent, please try again." }, // The complete handler handle: function() { hasBeenSent = true; } });View Demo
What is JSON?
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is an outstanding data format to use with Ajax requests, because it allows for complex data structures to be passed from server to client. This includes basic strings, numbers, and booleans, as well as arrays and objects. Better yet, Dojo's xhr
methods parse the JSON-formatted response from the server and provide you with a JavaScript object, allowing you to access the object's properties directly with no effort. Here's a sample xhr.get
call to retrieve and use JSON from the server:
require(["dojo/_base/xhr", "dojo/dom", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/domReady!"], function(xhr, dom, arrayUtil) { // Keep hold of the container node var containerNode = dom.byId("newsContainerNode"); // Using xhr.get, as we simply want to retrieve information xhr.get({ // The URL of the request url: "get-news.php", // Handle the result as JSON data handleAs: "json", // The success handler load: function(jsonData) { // Create a local var to append content to var content = ""; // For every news item we received... arrayUtil.forEach(jsonData.newsItems, function(newsItem) { // Build data from the JSON content += "<h2>" + newsItem.title + "</h2>"; content += "<p>" + newsItem.summary + "</p>"; }); // Set the content of the news node containerNode.innerHTML = content; }, // The error handler error: function() { containerNode.innerHTML = "News is not available at this time." } }); });View Demo
The JSON standard has been in use for several years and is used by many API creators. Most server-side languages provide methods for JSON encoding and decoding so that server-side objects can be easily converted to objects usable by JavaScript within your page. For example, PHP uses functions called json_encode
and json_decode
to handle JSON data.
JSONP and dojo/io/script
One fundamental limitation of Ajax technology is that requests are restricted to the current domain. You cannot, for example, request content from from your own website using xhr.get
. There is a reliable method of retrieving JSON from another domain called JSONP. JSONP's workflow is as follows:
- A
node is created. - The
node's "src" attribute value is set to a URL we provide, with the content/parameters that we establish in our call, including the name of a callback function to execute upon return. - The
node is appended into the DOM, causing the browser to make a request for the URL built up in the prior step. - The server outputs JSON based on our request, wrapped with the callback function we specified.
- The browser then executes the code sent back, handing over the server's response to our callback function.
Dojo's approach to making a JSONP request lives within the dojo/io/script
module. The get
method of dojo/io/script
accepts the same options as xhr.get
, along with an additional callbackParamName
option, which represents the callback function to be fired when the server sends back the JSON data. The callbackParamName
is not something that you make up, but that the service offering you JSON provides to you, so check with the documentation of the service you're accessing to get this value.
The following snippet uses dojo/io/script
to retrieve JSON directly from GitHub:
// Require the xhr module require(["dojo/io/script", "dojo/on", "dojo/dom", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/domReady!"], function(script, on, dom, arrayUtil) { // Connect the button on(dom.byId("getJson"), "click", function() { // Output message to DOM var pullsHolder = dom.byId("pullsHolder"); // Use the get method script.get({ // The URL to get JSON from GitHub url: "", // The callback paramater callbackParamName: "callback", // GitHub requires "callback" // The success callback load: function(pullsJson) { // GitHub sent us information! // Log the result to console for inspection"GitHub returned: ",pullsJson); // Output the pulls to a DOM element // Or output a "no pulls" message var message = ""; // If there were pulls returned... if( && { // Start the list message += "
- ";
// For every pull returned
arrayUtil.forEach(,function(pull) {
message += "
- " + pull.title + " "; }); //End the list message += "
Notice that we don't have to manually build up any URLs or set up this callback function or anything. The dojo/io/script
module makes it easy for us to use the approaches we already know for Ajax, while working in a cross-domain fashion!
Keep in mind, the provider we're working with must provide a JSONP API — we can't use dojo/io/script
to just pull arbitrary information from any server we want.
Best Practices for Ajax and xhr
Like any type of technology, it's important to keep best practices in mind when creating your Ajax requests:
- GET requests should be used for simply retrieving data from the server. POST requests are optimal when sending form data, or large sets of data, to the server.
- It's advised to always provide an error callback function. Don't assume that your request will be successful.
- Use console statements during debugging to ensure the options you're sending are correct, and that the response you receive in your callback is the correct format.
- From a user experience perspective, it's helpful to provide some type of indicator during Ajax requests so that the user knows something is happening.
The Dojo Toolkit alleviates the cross-browser complexity of Ajax and delivers an
easy to use API with dojo/_base/xhr
. Dojo also provides
to allow cross-domain JSONP calls.
return a Deferred
(as defined by the dojo/_base/Deferred
which makes handling Ajax requests even more powerful! This new concept about Ajax request handling can be found here.
dojo/_base/xhr Resources
Looking for more detail about Dojo's Ajax methods? Check out these great resources:
- xhr.get and API Documentation
- dojo/io/script API Documentation
- xhr.get and Reference Guides