since:V1.7 provides a function to query dojox.mvc widgets, get and set binding data for each widgets with “ref” or data-dojo-props=”ref: xxx” tag. data-dojo-type, data-dojo-type, ref and data-dojo-props are compatible in a view.

Binding API

Method signature of the bind function provides.

function(/*Array of widgets*/ widgets, /*Object*/ models)

Parameters Detail

Parameter Description
widgets An array of dojo widgets where bind function will search for bindable dojox.mvc widgets
models An object which contains pairs of model name and its associated dojo.Stateful model object


Sample raw data for data binding

modelApp.names = [{
          "Serial" : "360324",
          "First"  : "John",
          "Last"   : "Doe",
          "Email"  : "[email protected]",
          "ShipTo" : {
              "Street" : "123 Valley Rd",
              "City"   : "Katonah",
              "State"  : "NY",
              "Zip"    : "10536"
          "BillTo" : {
              "Street" : "17 Skyline Dr",
              "City"   : "Hawthorne",
              "State"  : "NY",
              "Zip"    : "10532"

Sample application configuration for data to be bound

// Define data store for
"stores": {
    "type": "",
    "params": {
      "data": "modelApp.names"
// Define data models for
"models": {
  "names": {
      "store": {"$ref":"#stores.namesStore"}

Sample view template for data binding - simple.html

<div id="infoGroup" class="fieldset" data-dojo-type="dojox.mvc.Group" ref="'names.0'">
  <div class="field-row">
    <span>Order #</span>
    <input type=text id="lastnameInput" data-dojo-type=""
           placeholder="Order #" ref="'rel:Serial'"></input>
  <div class="field-row">
    <input type=text id="serialInput" data-dojo-type=""
           placeholder="Last" ref="'rel:Last'"></input>
  <div class="field-row">
    <input type=text id="emailInput1" data-dojo-type=""
           placeholder="Last" ref="'rel:Email'"></input>

Sample UI rendering result with data bound


Sample Summary

In this sample, “stores” use “modelApp.names” data to create a store named “namesStore”. While “models” use “namesStore” to create a dojox.mvc.StatefulModel model. Then simple.html template bind the model to infoGroup with ref=“‘names.0’”, and each widget bind a data with “ref” property.

After the application startup, you can see the data was bound to the view (in the red rectangle) and there’s no data operation in user’s code to complete this function.

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