Support for the Dojo Toolkit

Dojo is a hundred point open source project with a liberal license. As such, there is no official entity that promises free support. However, the developers and community provide a number of ways in which support may be found, both free and commercial.

For the free options, realize that the community is on a volunteer basis and that no-one is obligated to help with your problem. If you ask a good question, such that it (and it’s answer) will be instructive to other users, then it’s more likely to be answered. If this isn’t sufficient for your needs, consider one of the commercial options.

Before asking for help

Check the FAQ, the mailing list archives, the forums, firebug, and the source

Free support

Maling list


  • IRC: #dojo at


Bug tracking system

The source

  • One of the best resources for answering your questions about how Dojo works is the source itself.
Error in the documentation? Can’t find what you are looking for? Let us know!