work in progress Current stable release notes are: Dojo 1.6

Dojo 1.7 Release Notes

Browser support

The following browsers are supported. If a browser is not supported, it still may work, but no effort is taken to test unsupported browsers and any specific fix for an unsupported browser is likely not to be done:

  • Firefox 3.6/4.0
  • Safari 5 and Chrome 9
  • IE6, IE7, IE8, IE9
  • Opera 10.50 and later (Dojo core only)

Dojo Base


Completion of AMD conversion (Rawld etc. please fill this in)


_TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin

A new mixin called _TemplatedMixin has been added. It’s lighter weight than _Templated and supports templated widgets which don’t have widgets in templates. New widgets should be built using _TemplatedMixin. Additionally, widgets that need the widgetsInTemplate functionality should also mixin _WidgetsInTemplateMixin.

_Templated’s functionality and API haven’t changed.


Previously _setXXXAttr was a function to set a widget attribute. It can still be a function, but now it can also be an object like one of the values from attributeMap.

For example, this will copy the widget’s tabIndex attribute to this.focusNode.tabIndex

_setTabIndexAttr: "focusNode"

And with the code below, myWidget.set("title", "hello world") will set this.titleNode.innerHTML to "hello world":

__setTitleAttr: { node: "titleNode", type: "innerHTML" }

This replaces attributeMap, which is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.


TODO: Bill



  • Many widgets which used to include the parser no longer do. If your page isn't parsing, check that you remembered the dojo.require("dojo.parser") call
  • Many widgets which used to extend _Templated now extend _TemplatedMixin. If you have custom widgets that extend standard widgets, and use widgetsInTemplate: true, you may need to also mixin dijit._WidgetsInTemplate
  • The dijit.Calendar template has been modified to have ${!dayCellsHtml} and ${!dateRowsHtml} variables for the M-F (days of week) row, and the 1-31 days-of-the-month cells. Custom calendar templates should be updated to contain these variables rather than markup for those sections. If custom versions of Calendar need to modify the structure of days-of-week or days-of-month cells, they can override the new Calendar attributes: dowTemplateString, dateTemplateString, and weekTemplateString.
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