Dojo 1.3 Release Notes

These are the release notes for the Dojo Toolkit 1.3 release.

Enhanced Cross Browser support

IE 8 support

Dojo has been upgraded to work with IE8

Chrome support

Chrome is supported, and also any other browsers based on the webkit renderer.

What browsers are supported by this release?

  • Internet Explorer 6.0 through 8.0
  • Firefox 1.5, 2.0, and 3.0, Firefox 3.5 (1.3.2 only) (Dijit supports only FireFox 2+)
  • Safari 3.2, Safari 4.0 (1.3.2 only)
  • Chrome 1.0, Chrome 2.0 (1.3.2 only)
  • Opera 9.6 (Dojo Core only)
  • Konqueror 3.5+ (Dojo Core only)

Dijit Enhancements


  • Rearchitected to be implemented using <textarea> node, thus eliminating issues w/pasting rich text and other quirks of previous implementation (#2178, #4988, #7383, #8063, #8211, #8222, #8274, #8276, #7740)
  • Added maxlength parameter to limit number of characters allowed to be typed


  • New feature (betweenThreshold) to drop an item between two other tree nodes, rather than into a tree node. Allows user to control position element appears in a child list.

  • Can now hover/click over entire tree row, even to the left of the expando (plus/minus sign). The highlighting affect also spans the whole width of the row. Note that it’s using transparent png images for the row highlighting hover effect, so that hovering over a tree row doesn’t block out the grid lines behind it. Developers have the choice of overriding this styling by:

    • not using grid lines at all
    • not using a full-width background hover effect

    In either of the above cases, users can use a plain background-color CSS rule w/out interfering w/the grid lines.

ContentPane/hidden initialization

  • Fixed initialization of layout widgets in hidden panes (ex: unselected tabs, dialogs, closed accordion panes, etc.) Originally had planned to do this by using visibility:hidden instead of display:none but IE had unresolvable issues, so instead implemented by making ContentPane act like a layout widget, i.e., by calling resize() on each of it’s children when the ContentPane is made visible.
  • Loading a layout widget from an href works better (ex: initially unselected tab is a ContentPane that loads an href that contains a BorderContainer)


  • nested=true parameter to make second level of tabs visually distinct from first level
  • Initialization of layout widgets in hidden tabs fixed (see above). Fixed for StackContainer too.


  • Can now support layout widgets (like BorderContainer) as AccordionContainer panes
  • AccordionPane was deprecated, use ContentPane or a layout widget instead.
  • AccordionContainer was refactored so that the title bars and the content panes are DOM siblings. Change should be transparent.
  • Initialization of layout widgets in hidden panes fixed (see ContentPane section above).


  • Dialog was refactored so all dialogs share a single DialogUnderlay, stored in dijit._underlay rather than this._underlay. The change should be transparent unless you happen to be subclassing from dijit.Dialog.

DojoX Enhancements

  • dojox.image.LightboxNano - a lightweight, unobtrusive Lightbox-like widget
  • dojox.form.Manager - prototype (experimental) dynamic form management API
  • - Now provides a default implementation. Will work with dijit.Tree and dijit.form.FilteringSelect directly.
  • - A store implementing an Atom store with complete ATOM Publishing Protocol support. Allows reading and writing of ATOM formatted feeds.
  • dojox.widget.AnalogGauge - A radial style gauge for displaying numeric data. Implemented via dojox.gfx.
  • dojox.widget.BarGauge - A linear bar style gauge for displaying numeric data. Implemented via dojox.gfx.
  • dojox.atom - An implementation of an IO layer for working with ATOM feeds.
  • dojox.widget.FisheyeLite - Improved configurability via direct object setting for end: values
  • dojox.timing.doLater - Checks if your function is ready, and if not, it will “do it later”.
  • dojox.charting.DataChart - Connects a Data Store to DojoX Charts


ShrinkSafe packaging change

  • The code for ShrinkSafe used to be applied to the Rhino JavaScript engine as a patch to the Rhino code, and Dojo used to ship with a copy of this patched file at util/shrinksafe/custom_rhino.jar. Now, the ShrinkSafe changes are in a separate JAR file, util/shrinksafe/shrinksafe.jar, which should be used in conjunction with an unmodified js.jar (Rhino). Along with the upgrade to a newer version of Rhino, several bugs with variable references through closures have been fixed. Also, there is a new option ööescape-unicode to use JavaScript \unnnn escapes in the code rather than injecting encoded Unicode (non-ASCII) characters. This can help avoid encoding issues. Also, null characters are always escaped using JavaScript to avoid a bug in Internet Explorer which would prematurely end the buffer (#5027)
  • Some command line options have changed. See the migration issues migration for details.

DOH enhancements

  • DOH progress bars no longer go beyond 100%, and clicking on a test header or error range will bring you to the relevant test or log info.

Migration issues

This sections details changes you might need to make if upgrading your app from Dojo Toolkit V1.2 to Dojo Toolkit V1.3

dojo.addOnUnload vs. dojo.connect(dojo, “unloaded”, ...); Behavioral Change

  • Prior to Dojo 1.3 an “unload” hander was always added to documents whenever dojo.js was included. This behavior caused “fast-back” caches on some browsers to throw out many pages from the back-button cache without cause, even if no application-level handlers were registered.
  • To correct this behavior, dojo.js no longer adds a page handler for unload events by default. Instead, the first time that ``dojo.addOnUload`` or ``addOnWindwowUnload`` are called, the document handlers are registered. This means that scripts which attach to unload handlers by calling dojo.connect(dojo, "unloaded", ...); will NOT have their handler called if no call to dojo.addOnUnload is made in the script.
  • As a result of this change, you are strongly encouraged to ensure that unload handler logic in your applications is set up via dojo.addOnUnload or dojo.addOnWindowUnload instead of via listeners to dojo.unloaded or dojo.windowunloaded.

Shrinksafe command line change

  • shrinksafe.jar should be used in conjunction with an unmodified js.jar (Rhino) in place of custom_rhino.jar. Version 1.7R1 of Rhino is delivered at util/shrinksafe/js.jar. shrinksafe.jar has a runtime dependency on the Rhino version, so it must be used with this same version of js.jar or it can be rebuilt and used with a different API-compatible version of Rhino. So, if you referenced custom_rhino.jar for doing build commands, you should now reference shrinksafe.jar from the command line, e.g. java -jar shrinksafe.jar If calling ShrinkSafe from JavaScript running inside Rhino, a combination of shrinksafe.jar and js.jar should be listed on the classpath öö see or build.bat for examples.
  • Some command line options have changed. See util/shrinksafe/README for details or try java -jar shrinksafe.jar -? for usage.
  • If you use the or build.bat files in the util/buildscripts directory, you do not have to make any changes.

dojo.require() for dijit widgets

  • Previously multiple dijit widgets were included in the same file/module, so for example you would do dojo.require(“dijit.form.Button”) to use dijit.form.ComboButton. That’s still supported for backwards-compatibility reasons, it will be removed in 2.0, and starting now you should have a separate dojo.require() call for each widget you are using.
  • dojo.fx.Toggler was moved out of dojo/fx.js into it’s own module for 1:1 mapping of require() to provide(), with a require() in fx.js for backwards compatibility

widget lifecycle change

  • The buildRendering() method is no longer required to replace the srcNodeRef (if specified) with this.domNode. Rather, the replacement happens after buildRendering() and applyAttributes() have returned. The default buildRendering() method has been modified to not do the replacement.
  • Thus custom buildRendering() methods which call this.inherited() to execute dijit’s buildRendering(), or _setFooAttr() methods, should not assume that this.domNode is attached to the document. Thus they shouldn’t call dojo.query() etc. This was also true for 1.2, since srcNodeRef is an optional parameter to the widget constructor... but now even if srcNodeRef is specified, this.domNode won’t be inserted into the document until after buildRendering() and custom setters have executed.

dojox.presentation removed

  • The failing/experimental dojox.presentation project has been removed without deprecation. It was demoted in its current [broken] form to dojoc.sandbox.presentation, where it will likely receive a rewrite.

dojox.regexp missing

  • the dojox.regexp functions and regexp’s provided by dojox/validate/regexp.js are no longer cross-polluting namespaces. dojox/validate/regexp.js defined dojox.validate.regexp. dojox.regexp = dojox.validate.regexp is a quick shim to make any code using dojox.regexp functions use the new namespace.

Change Log/List of fixed bugs

  • The full change log is available on
  • Here is the list of bugs fixed in 1.3.
  • Note that many of those bug reports aren’t bugs in 1.2, but rather just refactoring work, enhancements, or bugs that appeared after the 1.2 release.
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