
Authors:Eugene Lazukin, Jared Jurkiewicz
Available:since V1.0

The dojox.gfx.utils.toJson is a helper function designed to serialize a dojox.gfx.Surface object into a JSON representation for a variety of scenarios, such as sending it across the wire to save, using it to copy a surface, and so on. The function itself is simple to use.


If you wish to use this function, then your code must do a dojo.require(“dojox.gfx.utils”); to load it.

The function signature is:
dojox.gfx.utils.toJson(/*dojox.gfx.Surface/ surface);

So basic usage is:

var json = dojox.gfx.utils.toJson(mySurface);


Programmatic example


  function init(){

     //Create our surface.
     var node = dojo.byId("gfxObject");
     var drawing = dojox.gfx.createSurface(node, 200, 200);
       width:  100,
       height: 100,
       x: 50,
       y: 50

     dojo.connect(dijit.byId("button"), "onClick", function() {
        var json = dojox.gfx.utils.toJson(drawing);
        //Try to make it pretty-print
        dojo.byId("json").innerHTML = dojo.toJson(dojo.fromJson(json), true);
  //Set the init function to run when dojo loading and page parsing has completed.
<div id="gfxObject"></div>
<div dojoType="dijit.form.Button" id="button">Click me to serialize the GFX object to JSON!</div>
<b>JSON Serialization</b>
<pre id="json">

See also

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