Owner:Nathan Toone

The package provides a function for parsing dates relative to a second date, and only displaying the most significant portion. This is very helpful in a situation where space is at a premium, and there are a wide range of dates that could be displayed. By default all dates are relative to the current time - but this can be changed via an option.

Dates are formatted according to the following logic:
  • If the day portion of the date falls within the day portion of the relativeDate, then the time will be all that is displayed (i.e. “9:32 AM”)
  • If the day portion of the date falls within the week preceeding the relativeDate, then the display will show day of week and time (i.e. “Mon 9:32 AM”)
  • If the year portion of the date falls within the year portion of the relativeDate, then the display will show month and day (i.e. “Nov 1”)
  • Otherwise, this function is equivalent to calling with formatLength of “medium”

Options takes a javascript Date object, and an optional kwArgs parameter.

Possible values for the kwArgs are:
  • ‘’‘locale’‘’: Set if you want to specify a locale. Defaults to current locale.
  • ‘’‘relativeDate’‘’: Set if you want to calculate relative to a different date. Defaults to the current date and time.
  • ‘’‘weekCheck’‘’: Set to false if you do not want to do the week-based check (the second condition above)

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