Build Transform writeOptimized

Author:Rawld Gill


Submits transformed resource text to either Shrinksafe or the Google Closure Compiler.


If the profile property layerOptimize is a valid optimizer (see below), then, for every layer module, this transform writes the current value of the transformed text to the destination location with the filetype ”.uncompressed.js” and then causes the named optimizer to process the resource and write the result to the destination location.

If the profile property optimize is a valid optimizer (see below), then, for non-layer module, this transform writes the current value of the transformed text to the destination location with the filetype ”.uncompressed.js” and then causes the named optimizer to process the resource and write the result to the destination location.

The profile property stripConsole may also be set as described below to strip all console output.

When the build application is executed in the node.js environment, multiple child processes are started so that several resources may be optimized concurrently, thereby decreasing build times. This feature is not available in the Rhino environment.

Profile Knobs

layerOptimize (default = “shrinksafe”)
  • [falsy] Layer modules are not optimized; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • [“comments.keeplines”] All comments are removed fromm all layer modules; new-lines are preserved; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • [“comments”] All comments are removed form all layer modules; new-lines are not preserved; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • [“shrinksafe.keeplines”] All layer modules are processed by shrinksafe; new-lines are preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • [“shrinksafe”] All layer modules are processed by shrinksafe; new-lines are not preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • [“closure.keeplines”] All layer modules are processed by the Google Closure compiler, simple-mode; new-lines are preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • [“closure”] All layer modules are processed by the Google Closure compiler, simple-mode; new-lines are not preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • [“uglify.keeplines”] All layer modules are processed by the UglifyJS compiler (version 1 only), simple-mode; new-lines are preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • [“uglify”] All layer modules are processed by the UglifyJS compiler (version 1 only), simple-mode; new-lines are not preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
optimize (default = “undefined”)
  • [falsy] Non-layer modules are not optimized; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • [“comment.keeplines”] All comments are removed fromm all non-layer modules; new-lines are preserved; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • [“comment”] All comments are removed form all non-layer modules; new-lines are not preserved; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • [“shrinksafe.keeplines”] All non-layer modules are processed by shrinksafe; new-lines are preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • [“shrinksafe”] All non-layer modules are processed by shrinksafe; new-lines are not preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • [“closure.keepLines”] All non-layer modules are processed by the Google Closure compiler, simple-mode; new-lines are preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • [“closure”] All non-layer modules are processed by the Google Closure compiler, simple-mode; new-lines are not preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • [“uglify.keeplines”] All layer modules are processed by the UglifyJS compiler (version 1 only), simple-mode; new-lines are preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • [“uglify”] All layer modules are processed by the UglifyJS compiler (version 1 only), simple-mode; new-lines are not preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
Important: Dead code removal consequent to static has.js feature values and the hasFixup transform requires a Google
Closure or UglifyJS compiler optimization switch setting. To use UglifyJS, you will need to npm install uglify-js@1, in a directory parallel to util
stripConsole (default = “normal”)
  • [“none”] No console applications are stripped.
  • [“normal”] All console applications are stripped except console.error and console.warn.
  • [“warn”] All console applications are stripped except console.error.
  • [“all”] All console applications are stripped.

Source Location


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