Quick Reference of all Profile Properties for Optimization Build Program

Author:Rawld Gill

Command Line Switch Reference

--profile profile-name
 Read and process the profile given by profile-name. If profile-name does not include a file type, then the file type ”.profile.js” is assumed. If profile-name does not include a file type and the profile-name does not contain any path segments and the implied filename is not found in the current working directory, then the program attempts to read the profile from the /utils/buildscripts/profiles directory.
-p profile-name
 Equivalent to –profile
--dojoConfig filename
 Read and process a loader configuration object given by the variable dojoConfig that must exist in the resource given by filename.
--require filename
 Read and process a loader configuration application that must exist in the resource given by filename.
--package path Read and process a package.json resource that must exist in the directory given by path.
--release Process all profiles resources, discover and transform all resources.
--check Process all command line switches and dump the computed profile to the console.
--help Print the help message
--version Print the version number of the build program
--check-args Process all command line switches and dump the raw profile resources to the console (the profile resources are not aggregated).

Any scalar profile property can be specified on the command line. For example, basePath could be specified as follows:

~/dev/dtk/util/buildscripts> ./build.sh --profile myApp --basePath /www/deploy/myApp --release

note: although the "action=switch" defined by the v1.6- system may be used, that syntax is deprecated and you should just specify the switch.

note: the clean action has been removed. Since the system is now extremely flexible is describing where output is written, a mistake in a profile could result in cleaning your hard drive. We'll let you do that yourself with the rm/rmdir commands. (We also note that deleting file trees is not the typical function of a compiler program).

Discovery Profile Properties

Analogous to baseUrl when resolving package locations with the dojo loader. Defaults to "." for profile and package.json files; no default otherwise.
Analogous to baseUrl when resolving package locations with the dojo loader. Defaults to "./release" for v1.7+ profiles; defaults to /util/buildscripts/../../release for 1.6- profiles.
Identical to the trees property available in a package configuration object, except package independent. Relative source and/or destination names are relative tod basePath and releaseDir respectively.
Identical to the dirs property available in a package configuration object, except package independent. Relative source and/or destination names are relative tod basePath and releaseDir respectively.
Identical to the files property available in a package configuration object, except package independent. Relative source and/or destination names are relative tod basePath and releaseDir respectively.
An array of package configurations objects. Packages are mixed on a per-package level. Package configuration objects may contain the properties name, location, main, and packageMap as described in xxx. The destination location for a package is given by the analogous properties destName, destLocation, destMain, and destPackageMap. Typically, the destination properties are derived from the source properties with destName===name, destLocation===destBasePath/destName, destMain===main, and destPackageMap===packageMap. Packages may also contain the properties trees, dirs, and files as described in xxx.
If truthy but not "build", then copy all resources tagged as a tests to the release destination. If "build", then apply all appropriate transforms to any resource tagged as a test as if it were not tagged as a test. If falsy, ignore the all resources tagged as tests.
If truthy ignore all resources tagged as miniExclude; if copyTests is falsy or missing, also ignore all resources tagged as tests.

Transform: copy

copy transform reference...


Transform: depsDump

depsDump transform reference...

depsDumpFilename (default = undefined)

  • [string] filename to output dependency graph
  • [falsy] dependency graph is not output

depsDumpDotFilename (default = undefined)

  • [string] filename to output dot program
  • [falsy] dot program is not output

dotModules (default = undefined)

  • [comma-separated string of module identifiers] set of identifiers to include in graph (these modules and their dependency trees will be included in the output)
  • [falsy] all modules are included

Transform: depsScan

depsScan transform reference...

platform (default = undefined)

  • [string] The target platform when processing legacy dojo.platformRequire applications
  • [falsy] dojo.platformRequire ignores any platform-dependent dependencies

internStrings (default = undefined)

  • [truthy] Strings are interned for legacy modules.
  • [falsy] Strings are not interned for legacy modules.

internStringsSkipList (default = undefined)

  • [array of module identifiers (strings)] List of string resources to ignore during string interning.
  • [falsy] All string resources discovered during the string interning process are interned.

internSkipList (default = undefined)

  • This is a backcompat synonym for internStringsSkipList

scopeNames (default = ["dojo", "dijit", "dojox"])

  • [array of top-level module identifiers (strings)] The top-level modules names to bring into scope when executing a legacy module converted to AMD. See xxx. The vector is guaranteed to contain "dojo", "dijit", and "dojox". Additional names may be added if required; however, it is highly advised that users of this feature convert their modules to proper AMD modules which eliminates the need for this feature.

scopeMap (default = undefined)

  • [map from top-level module identifier to relocated top-level module identifier (string)] The property names of scopeMap are used to populate scopeNames; the property values of scopeMap are not meaningful to the build system.

Warning: All knobs mentioned above support legacy features which are deprecated. It is strongly encouraged to convert legacy modules to properly-expressed AMD modules.

Transform: dojoPragmas

dojoPragmas transform reference...

The entire profile object is placed in the lexical variable kwargs when thea condition associated with the pragmas includeStart and excludeEnd is evaluated. Any property in the profile may be used to affect these conditions.

Transform: dojoReport

dojoReport transform reference...

This section not complete; please consult source at util/build/transforms/dojoReport.js

Transform: hasFindAll

hadFindAll transform reference...

hasReport (default = undefined)
  • [truthy] A report of all has tests and their locations is written in the build report.
  • [falsy] No has location report is written.

Transform: hasFixup

hasFixup transform reference...

staticHasFeatures (default = xxx)

  • [map from feature name to booleanish or -1] If -1, then the has feature is removed from the staticHasFeatures; otherwise, if truthy, then the feature is assumed to be always true in the built code and conversely. Multiple staticHasFeatures maps may be provided from multiple profile resources. If more than one staticHasFeatures property value is provided, then they are mixed on a per-has-feature basis in the order they appear on the command line.

Transform: insertSymbols

insertSymbols transform reference...

This section not complete; please consult source at util/build/transforms/insertSymbols.js

Transform: optimizeCss

optimizeCss transform reference...

This section not complete; please consult source at util/build/transforms/optimizeCss.js

Transform: read

read transform reference...

This section not complete; please consult source at util/build/transforms/read.js

Transform: write

write transform reference...


Transform: writeAmd

writeAmd transform reference...

layers (default = undefined)
  • [map from module identifier to layer item] Indicates the given module should be written as a layer.

If multiple layer objects are given by multiple profile resources, they are mixed on a per-layer basis, as profile items are processed left to right on the command line. For example, if two profile resources define the "x/y/z" layer, the layer item that exists in the last profile processed will overwrite the first layer item completely.

insertAbsMids (default = undefined)
  • [truthy] Causes the transform to ensure that every AMD define application includes a module identifier argument.
  • [falsy] The transform does nothing to the module identifier argument in define applications. In particular, a falsy value does not cause the transform to remove a module identifier argument that exists in the source code.

Layer items are JavaScript objects with the following properties

include (default = [])
The set of module identifiers that, together with their dependency graphs, should be included in the layer, exclusive of the exclude module graph (see next).
exclude (default = [])
The set of module identifiers that, together with their dependency graphs, should be excluded from the layer after all include dependencies are computed.
discard (default = undefined)
If truthy, then the layer is computed and memorized but not written. This feature is used to construct a layer that is used in the include or exclude arrays of other layers.
boot (default = undefined)
If truthy, then the layer is computed and memorized but not written. The computed layer is used by the writeDojo transform to write the layer along with the dojo loader to form a boot layer.
copyright (default = "")
If a string that gives an existing filename, the contents of the named file is used as copyright text for the module. Relative filenames are computed with respect to the path that holds the profile resource that contains the layer item. If a string that does not give an existing filename, the string it interpreted as an explicit copyright message. If no string value is given, then no copyright text is output.

Transform: writeDojo

writeDojo transform reference...

defaultConfig (default = see below)
  • [object that gives the default loader configuration] Used to build up the default loader configuration. Typically
    not provided.
userConfig (default = "this.dojoConfig || this.djConfig || this.require || {}")
  • [string] The explit text to write for the user configuration applied to the loader factory.
  • [object] The object to user for the user configuration applied to the loader factory. The object need not be a strict JSON object.

Warning: When a user configuration is given by providing a value of for the profile property userConfig, the resulting loader will not automatically consume a global dojoConfig, djConfig, or require loader configuration object.

version (default = the version given by the dojo package)
  • [string] A string with the format major . minor* . patch . flag, where major, minor, and patch must all be positive integers and flag can be anything. Any less significant subset may be omitted; omitted minor and patch segments default to "0"; an omitted flag segment defaults to an empty string.
dojo/dojo layer configuration
The dojo/dojo layer configuration gives the contents of the dojo layer, usually written to dojo/dojo.js. The default value of the dojo/dojo layer is given as follows:

Transform: writeOptimized

writeOptimized transform reference...

layerOptimize (default = "shrinksafe")
  • [falsy] Layer modules are not optimized; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • ["comments.keeplines"] All comments are removed fromm all layer modules; new-lines are preserved; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • ["comments"] All comments are removed form all layer modules; new-lines are not preserved; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • ["shrinksafe.keeplines"] All layer modules are processed by shrinksafe; new-lines are preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • ["shrinksafe"] All layer modules are processed by shrinksafe; new-lines are not preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • ["closure.keepLines"] All layer modules are processed by the Google Closure compiler, simple-mode; new-lines are preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • ["closure"] All layer modules are processed by the Google Closure compiler, simple-mode; new-lines are not preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
optimize (default = "undefined")
  • [falsy] Non-layer modules are not optimized; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • ["comments.keeplines"] All comments are removed fromm all non-layer modules; new-lines are preserved; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • ["comments"] All comments are removed form all non-layer modules; new-lines are not preserved; the stripConsole profile property, if any, is ignored.
  • ["shrinksafe.keeplines"] All non-layer modules are processed by shrinksafe; new-lines are preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • ["shrinksafe"] All non-layer modules are processed by shrinksafe; new-lines are not preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • ["closure.keepLines"] All non-layer modules are processed by the Google Closure compiler, simple-mode; new-lines are preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
  • ["closure"] All non-layer modules are processed by the Google Closure compiler, simple-mode; new-lines are not preserved; the semantics of the stripConsole property are executed.
Important: Dead code removal consequent to static has.js feature values and the hasFixup transform requires a Google
Closure compiler optimization switch setting
stripConsole (default = "normal")
  • ["none"] No console applications are stripped.
  • ["normal"] All console applications are stripped except console.error and console.warn.
  • ["warn"] All console applications are stripped except console.error.
  • ["all"] All console applications are stripped.

Deprecated Profile Properties

The action clean is no longer supported. Use rm on Unix/Linux/OS X or rmdir on Windows.

Removed Profile Properties

The following profile properties are not necessary with the introduction of the new loader, query machinery, build system, and AMD module format in 1.7: localeList, loader, log, xdDojoPath, scopeDjConfig, xdScopeArgs, xdDojoScopeName, expandProvide, buildLayers, query, removeDefaultNameSpace, addGuards.

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