
Authors:Akira Sudoh, Ed Chatelain
Developers:Akira Sudoh, Ed Chatelain

dojox/mvc/equals API

The module’s value is a equals function that can be directly called to compare two dojo/Stateful objects. The equals function is in below form:

equals(dst, src, options);

The following parameters should be provided to the equals function:

  • dst - The value to compare with the second argument (src).
  • src - The value to compare with the first argument (dst).
  • options - Optional object to specify comparison options. (See Comparison options section for details)

Comparison options

By default, equals function does the following:

By providing the optional second argument to equals function, above behavior can be changed. The optional second argument should be an object, having the following functions as properties:

  • getType - Returns what category of type the given value has.
  • equalsXXX - Returns the comparison result for the given two values. XXX here is what getType function returns, with the first character capitalized.

Below is an example of the optional second argument:

    getType: function(/*Anything*/ v){
        // summary:
        //        Returns the type of the given value.
        // v: Anything
        //        The value.

        return lang.isArray(v) ? "array" : lang.isFunction((v || {}).getTime) ? "date" : v != null && ({} == "[object Object]" || lang.isFunction((v || {}).set) && lang.isFunction((v || {}).watch)) ? "object" : "value";

    equalsArray: function(/*Anything[]*/ dst, /*Anything[]*/ src){
        // summary:
        //        Returns if the given two stateful arrays are equal.
        // dst: Anything[]
        //        The array to compare with.
        // src: Anything[]
        //        The array to compare with.

        for(var i = 0, l = Math.max(dst.length, src.length); i < l; i++){
            if(!equals(dst[i], src[i])){ return false; }
        return true;

    equalsDate: function(/*Date*/ dst, /*Date*/ src){
        return dst.getTime() == src.getTime();

    equalsObject: function(/*Object*/ dst, /*Object*/ src){
        // summary:
        //        Returns if the given two stateful objects are equal.
        // dst: Object
        //        The object to compare with.
        // src: Object
        //        The object to compare with.

        var list = lang.mixin({}, dst, src);
        for(var s in list){
            if(!(s in Stateful.prototype) && s != "_watchCallbacks" && !equals(dst[s], src[s])){ return false; }
        return true;

    equalsValue: function(/*Anything*/ dst, /*Anything*/ src){
        // summary:
        //        Returns if the given two values are equal.

        return dst === src; // Boolean
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