

dojo/domReady! is an AMD loaded plugin that will wait until the DOM has finished loading before returning.


Sooner or later, every JavaScript programmer tries something like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    if(dayOfWeek == "Sunday"){
      document.musicPrefs.other.value = "Afrobeat";
<form name="musicPrefs">
    <input type="text" name="other">

It doesn’t work because the “other” control is not defined yet. You can move the code to the bottom of the page, but that removes the linear nature of HTML. If you’re reading the code, you want to zero in on a control, and see the code that influences it close by.

dojo/domReady! solves this problem:

require(["dojo/domReady!"], function(){
  // will not run until DOM is finished loading
  if(dayOfWeek == "Sunday"){
    document.musicPrefs.other.value = "Afrobeat";

dojo/domReady! is similar to old usage prior to 1.7 of dojo.ready() or dojo.addOnLoad(), but more specific, because dojo/domReady! merely waits for the DOM to finish loading, without waiting for other require() or dojo.require() calls to complete.


require(["dojo/domReady!"], function(){
  // will not be called until DOM is ready

Common convention is to not to assign it a return variable to the callback function, since its return is meaningless. Also, it is common convention put it at the end of any array of requirements:

require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/query", "dojo/on", "dojo/domReady!"], function(dom, query, on){
  // ...



Note that waiting for dojo/domReady! to fire is often not sufficient when working with widgets. Many widgets shouldn’t be initialized or accessed until the following modules load and execute:

Thus when working with widgets you should generally put your code inside of a dojo/ready() callback:

require(["dijit/form/Button", "dojo/ready"], function(Button, ready){
    // deal with widgets here

Sync Loader

You should not use dojo/domReady! with modules that may be loaded with the legacy synchronous loader.

In other words, if your application does not specify async: true in the Dojo configuration, or if it loads modules via dojo.require() instead of the AMD require() API, then using dojo/domReady! may cause dojo.ready() to call its callback before all the modules have loaded.

For reference, the cause of this intermittent failure is that when you write:

define(["m1", "m2", ..., "mn"], function(m1, m2, ..., mn){//...

and run in sync mode, the loader ensures the evaluation of in order. It does than by just traversing each dependency tree as it comes to it. And it expects each dependency tree to be fully “traversable” and the module completely resolved at the end of the traversal.

Now comes along dojo/domReady!. The loader loads all the dependencies for dojo/domReady! and then demands the plugin resource be resolved. But dojo/domReady! may not be able to resolve the demanded plugin resource (an empty module ID which is intended to signal the DOM is ready) because the DOM may not be ready. The loader notices this an sees that the module was not capable of being loaded synchronously, gives up and continues.

This is an intentional limitation in the loader, since handling it would have required more complicated code. It will cease to be an issue for Dojo 2.0, when the synchronous loader is desupported.

See Also

  • dojo/ready - The module for more complex callback management.
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