
Project owner:Doug Hays


dijit/typematic is used for two purposes:

  • normalize the speed which browsers implement key-repeat (when the user holds down a key on the keyboard, such as the arrow keys)
  • implement a repeating action when the user holds down a mouse button (typically pressing an arrow icon)


Here’s an example of implementing a repeating action when the user presses the arrow key while focused in a textbox, or clicks the plus icon next to the textbox

require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/keys", "dijit/typematic"], function(dom, keys, typematic){
    var textbox = dom.byId("textbox"), icon = dom.byId("icon");
    typematic.addKeyListener(textbox, {charOrCode: keys.DOWN_ARROW}, null, function(){
         textbox.value = textbox.value - -1;    // + 1 causes string concat
    }, 500, 100, 10);
    typematic.addMouseListener(icon, null, function(){
         textbox.value = textbox.value - -1;    // + 1 causes string concat
    }, 500, 100, 10);
<input id="textbox" value="1"><span id="icon">+</span>
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